Join Indian Navy 2020 | How To Join Indian Navy Through NDA, NA, NCC, CDSE, Direct Entry

How To Join Indian Navy 2020: Indian Navy hires the candidates based on the All India Merit. Working for the Indian Navy is an honour of pride, as you get a chance to serve your country. There are many ways by which you can Join Indian Navy. Candidates can get entries directly based on their educational qualifications or they have to undergo exams such as UPSC conducted all over India. Based on the marks scored in exams, they will be called for an SSB interview.

There are four ways to get entries through UPSC (Union Public Service Commission Board) Board such as Combined Defence Services Examination (CDSE), National Defence Academy (Navy), National Defence Academy (Naval Academy) and NCC. Each entry has its own eligibility criteria.

Get to Know more details about Indian Navy Recruitment from here.

There are some direct entries for undergraduate level and graduate level such as 10+2+BTech and for sports, music and law quota respectively. Also, the Indian Navy conducts its own entrance test for graduate-level entries, for permanent and short service commission.

In this article, we will get through the details of entry-level in the Indian Navy and what are the exams to be given along with eligibility criteria for each entry.

Indian Navy Joining Schemes

Let us give a brief of modes or schemes through which you can join the Indian Navy.

  1. Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Entries
    1. Combined Defence Services Examination (CDSE)
    2. National Defence Academy (Navy)
    3. National Defence Academy (Naval Academy)
    4. NCC
  2. Direct Entry: Permanent Commission for Undergraduate Level Entry
    1. 10+2 (B.Tech)
  3. Direct Entry: Permanent Commission for Graduate Level Entries
    1. Sports
    2. Musician
    3. Law
  4. Indian Navy Entrance Test (INET): Permanent Commission/ Short Service Commission for Graduate Level Entries
    1. Pilot (MR) – for men and women
    2. Pilot (NMR) – for men only
    3. Observer – for men and women
    4. Air Traffic Control (ATC) – for men and women
    5. General Service –  Executive (GS/X)/
    6. Hydro – for men only
    7. General Service (Technical – Electrical & Engineering)
    8. Naval Architect- for men and women
    9. Information Technology – for men only
    10. Logistics – for men and women
    11. Education – for men and women
    12. Naval Armament Inspectorate Cadre (NAIC) – for men and women

How to Join Indian Navy NDA and NA Entry

Here we will discuss how to get an entry into the Indian Navy through the National Defence Academy (NDA) and Naval Academy (NA). UPSC controls the entry for NDA and NA with nodal agency IHQ MoD (Army)/ADG (Recruiting).

UPSC conducts a written examination followed by an SSB interview. This exam is conducted by UPSC every year, twice. After clearing these two, candidates will be sent for a medical test by the Indian Navy. At last, UPSC prepares the merit list of selected candidates.

IHQ MoD (Army)/ADG (Recruiting) and IHQ MoD/DMPR issue the appointment letter for NDA and NA entry respectively. The officer’s training for the selected candidates starts in the month of Jan/Jul every year. In the month of June and December, the advertisement for this entry is published.

Examination Schedule for NDA and NA Entry

Below is the examination schedule for NDA and NA entry (tentative).

Name of Exam Notification by UPSC Written Test Conducted by UPSC SSB Conducted by Navy Joining at Academy
NDA &NA Exam(I) Dec/Jan Apr Aug-Sep January next year
NDA &NA Exam(II) Jun/Jul Oct/Nov Jan-Feb July next year

How to Join Indian Navy – CDSE Entry?

Just like NDA and NA, the exam for this entry is also conducted by UPSC. After qualifying the exams, candidates have to go through the SSB interview followed by a medical test in the Indian Navy (Naval Candidates only). UPSC releases the final merit list based on the performances of the candidates in the SSB interview.  IHQ MoD/DMPR issues the appointment letter to the candidates, after their selections.

The training of the officers will start in the month of Jan and July through CDSE entry. The advertisement for this entry is published in the month of November and July.

Exam Schedule for CDSE Entry

Below is the tentative date schedule for CDSE entry.

Name of Exam Notification by UPSC Written Test Conducted by UPSC SSB Conducted by Navy Joining at Academy
CDS Exam (I) Nov Feb/Mar Sep-Oct January next year
CDS Exam (II) July Oct/Nov Jan-Feb July next year

How to Join Indian Navy – NCC Entry

Along with CDSE advertisement, the job vacancies for Naval Wing Senior Div NCC ‘C’ certificate holders with a Bachelor’s degree in engineering are published. There is no written test conducted for this entry. Interested candidates have to check if they match the eligibility criteria and based on it they have to send the applications. The application should be written to directly to IHQ MoD (N)/ DMPR through DGNCC.

Shortlisted profiles will be called for the SSB interview. After they clear the SSB rounds, they will be sent for a medical test. After qualifying the medical test, the candidates are hired for the Indian Navy based on All Indian Merit. After the final selection, the candidates will be sent for officers training in the month of January or July every year.

How to Join Indian Navy – Direct Entry (Undergraduate Level)

Candidates who have passed Class 12th with 70% in PCM (Physics, Chemistry and Maths) and 50% in English in Class 10th or 12th are eligible to apply for Indian Navy Officers position.

Since January 2017, the JEE ranks have been made compulsory criteria to 10+2(B.Tech) entry. Every year, this entry is conducted twice, Spring Term & Autumn Term. The advertisement is prepared and released in Employment News/Important Newspapers by NHQ to invite applications from candidates who want to join Indian Navy. The advertisement is published 6 to 8 months before the commencement of the program.

After receiving the applications, candidates will be shortlisted and called for SSB interview. The shortlisting is done based on JEE (Main) – All India Rank (AIR) for BE/B Tech curriculum. The JEE rank, from the date of declaration, is valid for one year to apply for the scheme, by CBSE/NTA.

After the completion of SSB rounds, the merit list is prepared for qualifying candidates and based on merit they are appointed on a number of vacancies.

How to Join Indian Navy (Graduate Level Entries)

IHQ-MoD (Navy)/DMPR manages the direct level entry. They conduct for both Permanent Commission (PC) and Short Service Commission (SSC). This entry is applicable to unmarried candidates only.

The advertisement for this entry is published in current Newspapers and employment news on the basis of current openings. After the reception of applications from candidates, the shortlisting of the profiles is conducted at IHQ-MoD(Navy). The shortlisting of candidates is done based on Musician and Sports entries.

Shortlisted candidates will be called for SSB rounds at Bangalore/Bhopal/Coimbatore/ Vizag/Kolkata. After qualifying the SSB round they have to undergo a medical test and then they are selected based on All India Rank.

After the selection, the candidates will be sent for training. The training will start in the month of January and July.

How to Join Indian Navy – INET Entry

Indian Navy Entrance test is conducted by IHQ MoD (Navy)/ DMP for the recruitment of officers in entry-level. They cater to both Permanent Commission (PC) and Short Service Commission (SSC). This test is conducted twice every year.

INET Exam Pattern

  • INET is a computer-based written test
  • It has four sections in the question paper
  • Candidates has to pass in all the four selections
  • The passing mark for each section is 40%
  • The exam will be conducted for two hours only
  • It will have 100 Multiple choice questions on English, Reasoning & Numerical Ability, General Knowledge, General Science & Mathematical Aptitude
  • Each section will consist of 100 marks
  • Negative marking: One mark for each incorrect answer

INET Exam Center

  • The eligible candidates selected, will be called for the exam to one of the INET centers
  • Candidates will be called as per their choice of centers, subjected to availability of the slots.
  • Candidates have to download the admit card to get an entry into the exam center from the official website
  • The admit card will carry the details of date, time and place of the exam
  • The mode of communication will electronic-only at all the stages of selection
  • After choosing the center and final submission is done, candidates cannot change it in any condition.

INET Selection

  • The candidates, who have written the INET exam, will be selected based on the INET ranks cum preference & choice, by IHQ of MoD (N).
  • Candidates have to qualify in all the sections out of 100 marks to get selected for SSB rounds.
  • There will be no communication made on this account
  • For Pilot and Observer candidates, the SSB interview will be scheduled at Bangalore, tentatively.
  • For other branches, SSB will be scheduled at Bangalore/ Bhopal/ Visakhapatnam/ Kolkata
  • Candidates who have been shortlisted for SSB rounds will be informed through mail or SMS.
  • Candidates are suggested not to change their email id or phone number as per provided in the application form.
  • The merit list will be prepared based on the INET exam and SSB interview, both having 50% weightage.
  • After the SSB, candidates will undergo the medical test.
  • Once the candidates have cleared the medical test and declared as medically fit, they will be appointed for the training as per All India Merit, based on vacancies available.

INET Exam Fee

  • The fees will be as per the government norms.
  • Candidates have to pay the fees through the online mode only.
  • Only to the candidates who have submitted the fees successfully, will be provided with the admit card.

Indian Navy Entries Eligibility Criteria

Name of the position Age Limit Education Qualification
Executive (GS)/ Hydrography Cadre 19 ½ to 25 Years Minimum 60% marks in BE/B.Tech (Any discipline)
Information Technology 19 ½ to 25 Years BE/B.Tech (Computer Science/ Computer Engineering/IT) with a minimum of 60%

M.Tech (Computer Science) with a minimum of 60%

M.Sc (Computer) with a minimum of 60% (d) MCA with a minimum of 60%

Technical (General Service) Branch (‘E’ & ‘L’) 19 ½ to 25 Years Engineering Branch (E) – 60% marks in Marine/Mechanical/Aeronautical/Production/Metallurgy/Control/ Mechanical Engineering with Automation/ Any other allied discipline

Electrical Branch (L) – 60% marks in Electrical/Electronics/Telecommunication/ Electronics & Instrumentation Engg/Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg/Any other allied discipline

Submarine 19 ½ to 25 The candidates must possess at least 55% marks in BE/B Tech Degree from recognised university
Naval Architecture 19 ½ to 25 BE/B Tech with minimum 60% marks in Mechanical/ Mechanical Engineering with Automation/ Civil/Aeronautical/ Metallurgy/ Naval Architecture



35 years

Below 25 years

Educational Qualification – A Bachelor’s Degree from recognized university (relaxed to Higher Secondary for applicant having exceptional professional ability in music)

Professional Qualification – Ability to play competently at least one military band musical instrument, in addition to the Piano-Forte. Should possess one of the following Diplomas or equivalent:- LRAM/ARCM/ATCL

Preferable – Experience as a Conductor of an Orchestra/ Band or as a Teacher of Music

Pilot (MR) & Pilot(NMR)


CPL Holders

19-24 years

19-25 years

Educational Qualification: BE/B.Tech in any discipline from AICTE recognized institute/university with minimum 60% marks. The candidates must have 60% aggregate marks in class X & XII and a minimum of 60% marks in English in class X or XII.

Professional Qualification (not mandatory) – Holding valid and current CPL issued by DGCA (India).

Observer 19-24 years BE/B.Tech in any discipline from AICTE recognized institute/university with minimum 60% marks. The candidates must have 60% aggregate marks in class X & XII and a minimum of 60% marks in English in class X or XII.
Naval Armament Inspectorate Cadre 19 ½ to 25  years BE/B. Tech from AICTE recognized university/ institute with minimum 60% marks. Minimum 60% aggregate marks in class X & XII and minimum 60% marks in English in class X OR XII.
Education 21 to 25 years (for direct entry SSC)

21 to 24 years for a final year & pre-final year

21-27 yrs

Masters Degree with minimum 60% marks

BE/B.Tech with 60% marks

M.Tech from a recognized university/institute with minimum 60% marks

Candidates must have scored a minimum of 60% marks in class X and XII and minimum 60% marks in English in Class X or Class XII.

Logistics/ Works 19 ½ to 25 years For Logistics Cadre
  • BE/B Tech in any discipline with 1st class
  • MBA with 1st class
  • B Sc/B Com/BSc (IT) with 1st class and PG Diploma in Finance/ Logistics/ Supply Chain Mgt/ Material Mgt
  • MCA/M Sc (IT) with 1st class

For Works 

  • BE/B Tech(Civil)/B Architecture from an AICTE recognized University/Institute with First Class

For Catering

  •  M Sc(HM)/MBA(HM)/B Sc or BA with 1st class and PG Diploma in HM
10+2 (B.Tech) 17 to 19 ½  years
  • 12th Pass with 70% in PCM and 50% in English in 10th or 12thstandard.
  • Shortlisting of candidates for SSB will be based on JEE (Main) – All India Rank (AIR) for BE/B Tech curriculum.
  • The validity of the JEE (Main) rank for applying for the scheme will be one year from the date of declaration of the JEE (Main) ranking by CBSE/NTA.
Law 22 to 27 years Candidates should possess Degree in Law qualifying them for enrolment as advocates under the Advocates Act, 1961
  • Regular Post Graduate Degree OR BE/B Tech degree in any field.
  • Candidates with diploma in Sports Coaching from the National Institute of Sports and M.Sc in Sports (Coaching) will be given priority for shortlisting.
ATC 21-25 years
  • BE/B.Tech in any discipline from AICTE recognized institute/university with minimum 60% marks.
  • The candidates must have 60% aggregate marks in class X & XII and minimum 60% marks in English in class X or XII.
NDA 16/2 – 19 years 12th pass or Appearing with PCM
CDSE/NCC 19-24 Degree in Engg with minimum 60% marks from AICTE recognized university.

For NCC Entry – holding NCC Naval senior wing ‘C’ Certificate

FAQ’s on How To Join Indian Navy

Question 1.
What are the ways to join Indian Navy?

There are four ways to get entries through UPSC (Union Public Service Commission Board) Board such as Combined Defence Services Examination (CDSE), National Defence Academy (Navy), National Defence Academy (Naval Academy) and NCC. Each entry has its own eligibility criteria.

Question 2.
What are the job vacancies available under INET selection?


  1. Pilot (MR)  – for men and women
  2. Pilot (NMR) – for men only
  3. Observer – for men and women
  4. Air Traffic Control (ATC) – for men and women
  5. General Service –  Executive (GS/X)/
  6. Hydro – for men only
  7. General Service (Technical – Electrical & Engineering)
  8. Naval Architect – for men and women
  9. Information Technology – for men only
  10. Logistics – for men and women
  11. education – for men and women
  12. Naval Armament Inspectorate Cadre (NAIC) – for men and women

Question 3.
How to join under the direct entry-level?

Candidates who have passed Class 12th with 70% in PCM (Physics, Chemistry and Maths) and 50% in English in Class 10th or 12th are eligible to apply for Indian Navy Officers position.

Question 4.
How to join by giving the UPSC exam?

UPSC conducts a written examination followed by SSB interview. This exam is conducted by UPSC every year, twice. After clearing these two, candidates will be sent for a medical test by the Indian Navy. At last, UPSC prepares the merit list of selected candidates.

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