Join Indian Navy | Benefits and Salary Pay, Officers and Sailors

Join Indian Navy: In Indian Armed Forces, Indian Navy plays one of the major roles to serve our nation. The naval officers and sailors, right from the establishment of Indian Navy, serve the country by protecting the country’s maritime borders. Candidates who have that enthusiasm and courage to serve and protect the nation, who are ready to fight for their country, can join Indian Navy. The details related to recruitment in Indian Navy are provided here.

Joining Indian Navy will not only show your courage and love for the country, but it will also give you lifelong job security and a safe future. Also, there are many benefits provided for the Indian Navy employees as per the Indian constitution rules. Here, we will give you the information on entry levels to join, who are eligible to join, salary for each post, etc.

Get to Know more details about Indian Navy Recruitment from here.

Indian Navy provides many opportunities to explore your life and potential in every sphere of life. Along with that, you will come across here many challenges that will polish your talent and skills. Also, in Indian Navy, you have ample security and comfort. You will face here many challenges that will help you to develop your professional skills.

Careers At Indian Navy

To promote the bilateral relationship between the nations, the Indian Navy holds the responsibility. There are many ways by which they conduct their duties such as goodwill visions, humanitarians missions and joint exercises. There are two positions in the Indian Navy for which a candidate can apply and join here. They are Officer and Sailor.

We will go through the details of each position and how to apply for them here. Also, we will discuss the entry-level examination required to join the Indian Army.

Download Indian Navy Admit Card from here.

Indian Navy Entrance Exam

To join Indian Army, candidates have to qualify any of the civil service examinations as per given below in the table. Based on the marks scored in these exams the candidates can apply for the Indian Navy.

Exams Duration
NDA (UPSC) November and April
Combined Defence Service Exam – CDSE (UPSC) August and February
10+2 (B.Tech) Cadet Entry February to April
Indian Navy Entrance Test (INET) February
Artificer Apprentice (AA) Entry April and October
SSR Entry April and October

Note: Due to Covid-19 pandemic situation, there could be alternation or delay in the examination dates. Please visit the official website of Indian navy ( to get the details.

Indian Navy Officer Entries

As an officer in Indian Navy, you have to serve our country with the best leadership and also obey your responsibilities. It’s a dream come true to join Indian navy. There are five ways by which you can apply for Indian Navy officer position. The usual age to join as an officer is 16.5 to 19 years. But there are other qualifications based vacancies available in the Indian Navy for officers such as graduation and postgraduation and individuals age 20 -24 can also join Indian navy.

The five entries to join Indian Navy are:

  1. NDA Entry
  2. Cadet Entry
  3. CDSE Entry
  4. UES Entry
  5. Graduate Direct Entry

Let us have a look at all the entries with the required eligibility and exams to be given to join Indian Army.

NDA Entry for Officer

National Defence Academy (NDA) is an institution where candidates who want to join Indian Armed Forces such as the Indian Army, Indian Airforce and Indian Navy, get trained. They have given joint training for all the three forces. Then they are sent to pre-commission training, where they can choose for armed forces as per their choice. Pre-commission training is given for 1 year.

Joining the National Defence Academy is a big opportunity for candidates who want to join Indian armed forces after passing their 12th examination. UPSC conducts the examination for NDA entry every year, twice. Below are the complete details are given related to NDA entry.

Exam Type NDA Entrance Exam
Selection Procedure SSB Written Test
Educational Qualification Passed 10+2 (Science and Maths)
Age Limit 16.5 to 19 years
Gender Male
Exam Pattern First Round:
  • Mathematics
  • General Awareness and English

Second Round:

  • Physical Fitness Test
Commission Type Permanent (Till retirement)
Official notification July and December (Tentative)
Conduct of Examination November and April (Tentative)
Results January and June

Cadet Entry for Officer

Class 12th students who want to join Indian Armed Forces and have passed the final exams in PCM (physics, chemistry and maths) subjects with 70% aggregate are eligible to apply. This is a technical entry to join Indian Navy. Based on the aggregates the candidates will be selected and they will be getting SSB interview calls.

Candidates who have cleared their interviews will be given four-year training and they will be getting a degree of engineering. Get the complete details to join Indian navy as a cadet here:

Exam Type 10+2 (B.Tech) Cadet Entry
Selection Procedure As per the aggregate percentage followed by SSB interview
Educational Qualification 10+2 (PCM) with 70% aggregate

**Final year students are not eligible

Age Limit 16.5 to 19 years
Gender Male
Exam Pattern Candidates are selected as per their 10+2 aggregate percentage. SSB interview is conducted in the next round.
Commission Type Permanent Job
Release of Notification November – December (Tentative)
Conduct of examination February – April (Tentative)
Results June (Tentative)

CDSE Entry for Indian Navy Officer Post

Combined Defence Service Examination (CDSE) examination is conducted by UPSC. This exam is conducted twice every year. Through CDSE, candidates can join any of the three armed forces.

Candidates who want to join Indian Navy have to go through the CDSE exam and then have to attend the SSB interview. Below are the details available related to the CDSE entry.

Exam Type CDSE Entry
Selection Procedure Written exam

SSB Interview

Educational Qualification Bachelor’s Degree either in Engineering (BE/BTech)

or BSc in Physics & Mathematics

Age Limit 19 to 22 years
Gender Male
Exam Pattern Written test:
  • Mathematics
  • General Awareness
  • English

SSB Interview

Physical Fitness Test

Commission Type Permanent Job
Release of Notification June and December (Tentative)
Conduct of Exam August and February (Tentative)
Result October and April (Tentative)

UES Entry for Indian Navy Officer

University Entry Scheme (UES) is a short service commission for the candidates who want to join indian armed forces. Pre-Final or Final year students of Engineering are eligible to join the Indian Navy through this entry. The branches available for candidates under this entry are General services, executives, etc. Men and women both are eligible for the Naval Architecture branch.

Below are the details given related to UES entry:

Exam Type UES Entry
Selection Procedure Preliminary Interview Round in college

SSB interview

Educational Qualification Final/pre-final year students of engineering courses with 60% aggregate in all semesters and passed 10+2 with PCM
Age Limit 21 to 24 years
Gender Male/Female
Exam Pattern Campus Recruitment Round

SSB Interview

Commission Type Permanent and Short Service Commission
Preliminary Round Date July (Tentative)
SSB Date August (Tentative)
Results September (Tentative)

Graduate Direct Entry for Indian Navy Officer

As per the aggregate in graduation, candidates who have applied to join Indian Navy are called for SSB interviews. It is applicable for both male and female candidates provided they should match age limit criteria. Naval Armament, Logistics, Pilot Observer, Education, Inspection Cadre, etc. are the positions a candidate can apply for, to join Indian Navy. Get the brief detail here.

Exam Type Graduate Direct Entry
Selection Procedure Cut-off based entry

SSB interview

Educational Qualification Final/pre-final year students of engineering courses with 60% aggregate in all semesters and passed 10+2 with PCM
Age Limit Will be declared in the notification
Gender Male/Female
Exam Pattern Candidates have to apply based on their aggregates.

Selected candidates will be called for SSB interview

Commission Type Permanent and Short Service Commission
Official Notification Check with the official website

INET Entry for Indian Navy Officer

Under IHQ MoD (Navy)/DPMR, the officer’s entry is based on Indian Navy Entrance test. Both for permanent and short service commission it is applicable. The exam for INET is conducted every year, twice. Below are the details related to it:

Exam Type INET Entry
Selection Procedure Computer-based written examination

SSB Interview

Educational Qualification BE/Btech with 60% aggregate in all semesters

Passed Class 12th with physics and mathematics

Age Limit 21 to 24 years
Gender Male
Exam Pattern Written Exam:
  • English
  • Reasoning & Numerical Ability
  • General Knowledge
  • General Science & Mathematical Aptitude

Candidates have to score 40% in every section.

Final round: SSB interview

Commission Type Permanent and Short Service Commission
Release of Notification December (Tentative)
Conduct of exam February (Tentative)
Results April (Tentative)

SSB Procedure for Indian Navy Officer

The service selection board goes through the candidate’s profile and selects them for various officer posts. The qualities they look for in a candidate’s profile is how they plan and organise, how effective they are social, how easily adapt to any situation or condition, their dynamic ability and more.

There are two stages to conduct SSB interview:

  1. Intelligence Test, Picture Perception and Discussion Round.
  2. Psychological Test, Group Test and Interview.

After clearing all these rounds the candidates will be sent for medical examination to check if they are fit or not. After they have been confirmed as physically fit, they can join Indian navy.

Indian Navy Sailor: Artificer Apprentice (AA)

Candidates who have passed Class 10+2, can join Indian Navy as an Artificer Apprentice (AA). Below are the required details:

Exam Type AA Entry
Selection Procedure Written test

SSB Interview

Educational Qualification 10+2 Level
Age Limit 17 to 20 years
Gender Male
Exam Pattern Written test:
  • English
  • Science
  • General KNowledge
  • Mathematics

SSB round

Release of notification December-January and June-July (Tentative)
Exam Date April and October (Tentative)
Result Date May and November (Tentative)

SSR Entry for Indian Navy Sailor

Candidates who have passed 10+2 can apply for the senior secondary exam. Age limit is 17-20 years. The SSR exam is conducted twice a year. After clearing this exam, candidates have to go through training for 1 year, to join indian navy.

Exam Type SSR Entry
Selection Procedure Written exam

SSB interview

Educational Qualification 10+2 Level
Age Limit 17 to 20 years
Gender Male
Exam Pattern Written test consist of:
  • English
  • Science
  • General KNowledge
  • Mathematics

Physical test

Medical test

One year of training

Notification Date December-January and June-July (Tentative)
SSR Exam Date April and October (Tentative)
SSR Result Date May and November (Tentative)

MR & NMR Entry for Indian Navy Sailor

Matric Recruit (MR) and Non-Matric Recruit (NMR) are conducted to join in Indian navy as Cooks & Stewards, Sanitary Hygienist, etc.

Exam Type MR & NMR Entry
Selection Procedure Written exam
SSB interview
Educational Qualification MR: Passed in Class 10th
NMR: Passed in Class 6th
Age Limit 17 to 20 years
Gender Male
Exam Pattern Candidates will go through PET:
  • 1.6 km run in 7 minutes
  • 20 squats
  • 10 push-ups
MR & NMR Notification Date Check official website of Indian Navy

Benefits of Joining Indian Navy

There are many benefits of joining the Indian navy apart from getting a well-reputed government job and serving the country. Even the family of the employees of the Indian navy can enjoy the benefits.

Insurance Benefit:

Indian Navy Officer is provided with Rs. 57 lakhs (for Pilot/Observer/Submariner) and Rs. 50 lakhs (for other officers) as insurance.

Medical Benefits:

  • Scholarships & welfare schemes
  • Accommodation
  • 60 days of Annual leaves and 20 days of Casual Leave
  • Leave travel concessions
  • Institute and Messes membership, etc.

Travel Opportunities

  • Opportunity to visit a number of foreign ports via ships and submarines


  • Special housing schemes across all the major cities.
  • Opportunity to acquire a modern, excellent apartment in planned surroundings as per choice of station for the post-retirement settlement.

Educational Opportunities:

  • Quality and free education in most prestigious institutes in India
  • Best training sessions as well

Post-retirement Benefits

  • Pension
  • Insurance
  • Medical

Indian Navy Salary Structure

Rank & Level Pay Scale (in Rs.)
Commander – 12A 121200 – 212400
Capitan – 13 130600 – 215900
Commodore  – 13A 139600 – 217600
Rear Admiral – 14 144200 – 218200
Vice Admiral – 15 182200 – 224100
Vice Admiral & Equivalent – 16 205400 – 224400
DGAFMS – 17 225000
VCNS / C-IN-C/ Equivalent – 17 225000
CNS / Equivalent – 18 250000
Sub Lieutenant – 10 56100 – 177500
Lieutenant – 10B 61300 – 193900
Lieutenant Commander – 11 69400 – 207200

**Recently joined officers in Indian Navy have pay scales of Rs. 56100 to 177500.

How to Join the Indian Navy?

After getting all the information related to indian navy, many candidates must be wishing to join and serve the nation. Here is the procedure on how the candidates can apply directly through indian navy website.

  • Visit the official website:
  • Enroll yourself by providing your email id, name, mobile number and other relevant details
  • Candidates will receive the login credentials in their mail id
  • Login using your credentials
  • Click on “Current Opportunities”.
  • Check with links for respective posts
  • Candidates have to fill the application form and upload the required documents
  • After completing the application form, submit it

How to Join the Indian Navy?

FAQ’s on Join Indian Navy

Question 1.
What are ways we can join Indian Navy?

The five entries to join Indian Navy are:

  • NDA Entry
  • Cadet Entry
  • CDSE Entry
  • UES Entry
  • Graduate Direct Entry

Question 2.
What are the two major ports in the Indian Navy?

The candidates who are interested in joining the Indian Navy can apply for two posts.

  • Officer Post
  • Sailor Post

Question 3.
How to join through NDA?

National Defence Academy (NDA) is an institution where candidates who want to join Indian Armed Forces such as the Indian Army, Indian Airforce and Indian Navy, get trained. They have given joint training for all the three forces. Then they are sent to pre-commission training, where they can choose for armed forces as per their choice. Pre-commission training is given for 1 year.

Question 4.
How to join Indian Navy after graduation?

As per the aggregate in graduation, candidates who have applied to join Indian Navy are called for SSB interview. It is applicable for both male and female candidates provided they should match age limit criteria. Naval Armament, Logistics, Pilot Observer, Education, Inspection Cadre, etc. are the positions a candidate can apply for, to join Indian Navy.

Question 5.
How to apply for a Sailor job in Indian Navy?

Candidates who have passed 10+2 can apply for the senior secondary exam to apply for a sailor job. The age limit is 17-20 years. The SSR exam is conducted twice a year. After clearing this exam, candidates have to go through training for 1 year, to join Indian navy.

Question 6.
What is Matric Recruit (MR) and Non-Matric Recruit (NMR) conducted for?

Matric Recruit (MR) and Non-Matric Recruit (NMR) are conducted to join in Indian navy as Cooks & Stewards, Sanitary Hygienist, etc

Question 7.
What is a Cadet entry in Indian navy?

Class 12th students who want to join Indian Armed Forces and have passed the final exams in PCM (physics, chemistry and maths) subjects with 70% aggregate are eligible to apply through cadet entry. This is a technical entry to join Indian Navy. Based on the aggregates the candidates will be selected and they will be getting SSB interview calls.

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