Radioactive Pollution Speech | Speech on Radioactive Pollution for Students and Children in English

Radioactive Pollution Speech: Today we are at a place where even children know the meaning of the word “pollution”.

There are various types of pollution like water, air, soil, industrial, agricultural etc. however, apart from this biological pollution, there has now emerged a new type of pollution which is the radioactive pollution.

Radioactive wastes are generally the by-products of nuclear power generation and other applications of nuclear technology.

Radioactive contamination, also known as radiological contamination is the presence of radiological substances on solids, liquids or gases. This kind of pollution is dangerous as it is capable of having long term hazardous effects on humankind like that of leukaemia.

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Long And Short Speeches on Radioactive Pollution for Kids And Students in English

In this article, we provide a long speech for students and children on the topic of Radioactive Pollution with about 500 words and another short speech with 150 words approximately on the same topic.

These speeches can help anyone who is looking forward to presenting a speech on the topic as mentioned above, be it students, teachers, or other trainees.

Furthermore, we have also included ten Lines on the topic and some FAQs to make the content clearer to our readers.

A Long Speech on Radioactive Pollution is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short speech on Radioactive Pollution is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Radioactive Pollution 500 Words In English

A very good morning/ afternoon/ evening to everyone present with us here today, I promise that we will make this session very informative and you all will be able to take a lot of information back home.

I am (mention your name) and today I’ll be delivering a speech on the topic of radioactive pollution. Here I would ask the audience to make a show of hands if you have heard the term “radioactive pollution” before.

Radioactive pollution is just like physical pollution to all life-supporting system like air, water, land etc. it refers to the spontaneous disintegration of radioactive substances which ultimately results in the emission of radioactive rays. It continuously emits protons, electrons and gamma rays (short wave electromagnetic waves).

These emitted radiations prove too harmful and affect the biotic environment in numerous ways. Though human beings, along with the biotic community, has been exposed to many kinds of pollution over a long period, however, the dangers of radiation have increased in the recent past.

Sources of these radiations can be both natural and humanmade, comprising of cosmic rays that reach the earth’s surface from space. A few examples of radioactive particles include radium 224, potassium-40, carbon-14). In contrast, some of the manmade substances include refining and mining of plutonium, thorium, production of nuclear weapons, fuel preparation and nuclear power plants.

Now, I will go on to speak about how nuclear weapons manufacturing over the years has managed to inflict a more potent dose of radioactive pollution in our environment with each passing year. Atomic bombs amongst many other nuclear weapons were first used during World War II on the twin cities of Japan in 1945 (Hiroshima and Nagasaki).

Since then, there is a craze among the countries to possess their nuclear power weapons. However, very few know the disastrous effects it can pose if used carelessly. Nuclear explosions include uncontrolled chain reactions that are capable of making other substances radioactive in the vicinity.

Some of these materials include iodine-131, cesium-137 etc. these are transformed into gases which go high up in the air to form mushroom clouds.then from there it enters soil and air in the form of vapour.

It affects the biotic environment by increasing leukaemia, skin cancer and induces mutations. Higher levels can also cause instant death. The mutant genes are passed on generations, and the effects are visible.

There is no simple cure for radioactive pollution; people have to be careful and use it wisely.

Some of the following measures should be kept in mind:

  • Regular monitoring of radioactive sites should be ensured to analyse the quantity present to avoid cases like the Chernobyl disaster.
  • Use of nuclear weapons should be banned on an international level.
  • The disposal of radioactive wastes should be done carefully and with proper safety.
  • People should be made more aware of radioactive pollution.
  • Safety measures against accidents, in radioactive regions, should be strictly enforced to avoid leakage.

With this, I come to the end of my speech, and I hope the session has been fruitful to you. Lastly, I would like to bring an end to my speech by thanking each one of you for your kind attention.

Short Speech On Radioactive Pollution 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Radioactive Pollution 150 Words In English

Good morning and a very warm welcome to everyone present here today,

Without much ado, I will start directly with my topic of discussion today, which is, radioactive pollution. This term has become quite famous over the past years due to the great danger that it poses.

Each and every nation’s greed to become a superpower of the world has led us in this position today. We are gifted with this beautiful environment that we should protect and sustain for the generations to come, but we have successfully managed to curb its beauty by pollution. Be it soil, water, air etc. and now with radioactive materials, which indicate a more severe significant problem.

It is caused by harmful substances like gamma rays when they are exposed in the free environment. It can affect man-kind over a long period of time, and mutations can be transferred to generations.

Thus as responsible citizens, it is our duty to be more careful and aware of radioactive substances in order to ensure a better tomorrow.

Thank you.

10 Lines On Radioactive Pollution Speech In English

  1. Radioactive isotopes like C-14, P-32 are used in research work.
  2. Radioactive pollutants can also enter food chains inflicting danger.
  3. Radiations are used as a cure for cancer treatment.
  4. Radiations cause mutations among organisms.
  5. Gamma rays are the most dangerous type of emission.
  6. Radioactive materials are the most potent source of energy.
  7. The three types of radiation include alpha, beta and gamma rays.
  8. I-131 is used for thyroid cancer treatment.
  9. The most dangerous radionuclides are those emitted by nuclear reactors.
  10. Radioactive wastes comprise of a number of radioisotopes.

10 Lines On Radioactive Pollution Speech In English

FAQ’s On Radioactive Pollution Speech

Question 1.
How long do radioactive wastes last?

Radioactive isotopes generally decay and go on to become harmless materials, and it depends solely on the type of material how much it can last. Generally, it can last up to a few hours to some minutes.

Question 2.
How can we stop radioactive pollution?

Reducing the use of personal transport, avoid burning garbage, by eliminating fireplace usage is also helpful if we look into conserving energy, anywhere be it our houses, office or schools.

Question 3.
What materials can block radiation?

Mainly radiation shielding materials are manufactured from a lead (Pb). Lead shielding is often used in many diagnostic centres, radiation therapy sites to ensure safety.

The three main types of materials used are PVC, vinyl, rubber etc.

Question 4.
How can I reduce my phone radiation?

It can be done by avoiding body contact, using more texts than calls, shorter calls, using speakers etc. ensuring minimum contact with your cell phones when speaking over a call will minimise radiation in case of your phones.

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