Speech On Disaster Management | Disaster Management Speech for Students and Children in English
Speech On Disaster Management: Disaster management is the process of normalizing the situation of a place before the disaster (like storms) struck that place and taking proper precautions before the disaster strikes.
There are people, who work on disaster management by helping the injured people reach the hospital for proper treatment, clearing the fallen trees and wires on the road that are blocking the way, after the disaster stroke and taking people who do not have proper homes to a safe place so that they can survive during the disaster.
There should be announcements made to make people aware of the disaster and asking them to stay safe.
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Long And Short Speeches On Disaster Management for Kids And Students in English
A long speech on disaster management of 500 words and a short speech on disaster management of 150 words are provided to the students so that they can prepare a speech on disaster management. Ten lines on this topic are also provided on this topic so that the students can develop an idea on this topic.
A Long Speech On Disaster Management is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Disaster Management is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Long Speech On Disaster Management 500 Words In English
Good morning to my respected teachers and my friends, I am going to present a speech on disaster management. I hope you all like it.
We cannot control natural disasters but we can survive it. We can also try to stop the disaster from leaving a devastating impact. These natural disasters destroy many lives and properties.
But as human beings, we have to find ways to get the proper precautions before the disasters and the cure of the aftereffect of the disasters. The types of natural disasters are earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and severe thunderstorms like cyclones, floods and tsunamis.
Mostly disasters occur naturally, but there are disasters that are manmade, fire breakouts, explosions due to nuclear reactions, accidents, and many more.
The people among whom the disasters struck, should act responsibly so that the management is carried out properly. The disaster management does not take place overnight and turn everything the way it was before.
It takes time to settle everything. The first thing which comes under disaster management is taking care of human lives. The people who were injured in the disaster are sent for their treatments.
As most disasters are sudden, there is no way the people could take precautionary measures. During disasters, the people should try to be safe as much as possible. If the disasters are like severe thundershowers, storms, floods, then the people can get announcements on news channels, radio or newspapers.
The disasters which happen due to weather conditions, proper precautionary measures could be taken unless the severity of the disaster is known. There are many storms which appear to be more destructive than it was announced.
In case of precautionary measures, during floods or storms, one should move to a stronger place if his home is not strong enough to provide him proper protection. This happens in rural areas. The people live in thatched houses which are not at all strong to provide the people protection.
While moving to a proper place for protection, he should take his important documents with him in case that person loses his house in that disaster. Those documents would help him in every way.
During earthquakes, the people should find shelter under tables or any covered places so that they do not suffer any head injury in case anything breaks on top of their heads. And during cyclones, people should try to take shelter under the ground. As the storm whirls over plain open spaces, the people who took shelter underground might not suffer any injury.
The government generally helps for proper disaster management but the people should also be aware of what is happening around him. He should also help the people if he is physically stable after the effect of the disaster.
Disasters are a time of crisis when people face huge suffering and during that time everyone should help each other to survive the disaster.
Short Speech On Disaster Management 150 Words In English
Good morning to our respected principal and teachers. Today I would like to present a speech on disaster management.
Disasters are sudden destructive occurrences that cause immense destruction to human lives and property. People find it difficult to cope with the effects after disasters but they learn to accept their situations and move on.
After the attack of natural disasters, nothing remains the same as before. Everything changes and people adapt with their new environment. If they cannot adapt, they try to adapt.
If the arrival of the natural disasters could be sensed, then the precautionary measures could be taken so that the disasters can cause the least damage, but as most disasters are unannounced, the after-effects are difficult to cope but the people eventually get used to this.
Depending on the severity of the disaster, the disaster management takes its time to cope. The people should be tolerant enough to cope with the disaster and its management.
10 Lines On Disaster Management Speech In English
- Natural disasters like, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions happen without any warning.
- If the disaster is caused due to weather conditions like storms and floods then the measures for precautions could be taken. If the disasters appear to be more severe than it was predicted, nothing could be done to avoid its effects.
- Natural disasters cannot be controlled. If the disasters are man-made then it could be ensured that it is not repeated.
- Disaster management is done on the basis of the severity of the natural disaster.
- Some disasters may appear to be more destructive than it is detected and some may appear miraculously less destructive than it was expected to be.
- Natural disasters can disrupt a person’s mental stability depending on its impact.
- There are many governmental organizations that handle disaster management quite tactfully.
- The people who get affected by disasters are first attended to ensure their safety.
- After every disaster, people should learn to cope with the after-effects of the disaster in a better way after learning from their previous experiences.
- India is a country that has faced many severe natural disasters; the geographical location of the country exposes it to more natural disasters.
FAQs On Disaster Management Speech
Question 1.
What should be carried while moving to another stronger place during disasters?
While moving to a new strong shelter to survive the disaster, one should carry important documents, some cash or credit cards, first-aid kits and some dry food.
Question 2.
What should be done for the precautionary measures before any disaster?
In case of taking precautions during disasters, one should see if he is moving to a stronger and safer place to survive the disaster and he should take his necessary belongings with him.
Question 3.
What should be done after the disaster stroke a place?
After the disaster gets over, that place should be cleared to check on the people who were stuck, the injured people should be immediately sent to the hospital.
Question 4.
Does the effect of natural disasters affect mental health?
After some severe effects of disasters, some people could not bear the shock of it and sometimes they suffer mentally.
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