Speech On Election | Election Speech for Students and Children in English

Speech On Election: Election is a procedure by which people put forward their political opinion and select the worthy political leader by public voting. Elections are a tool for selecting representatives of the modern democracies. The leader that has been chosen will have control over people and will take the responsibility of the state and country as well.

People can express their resentments through an election. An election is an arrangement made by the Constitution where the votes cast by the citizens are converted into a political decision.

Long And Short Speeches On Election for Kids And Students in English

We are providing a long Speech On Election of 500 words and a short Speech on election of 150 words along with ten lines on the same topic for the readers.

A Long Speech On Election is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Election is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

These given speeches will be useful for the students who might be selected to deliver a speech on the election.

Students can also find more English Speech Writing about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long Speech On Election 500 Words In English

Good morning to our honourable Principal, my teachers and my friends.

I am (your name), and I have been selected to deliver a speech on the election.

Elections act as a fundamental contribution to democratic governance. Elections are a procedure that enables the citizens to cast their votes and select leaders and hold them accountable for their performance in the office.

Elections preach people with politics and ensure that the responsiveness of the democratic government is in favour of the citizens. Election forms a strong pillar of the democracy of a country.

Elections fill in offices in the legislature, executives, judiciary and also for the regional and the local governments. Suffrage forms an integral characteristic of elections. It includes the right to vote in elections. Who gets a chance to vote emerges as a vital question because the electorate does not permit the entire population to cast their votes.

Suffrage is only limited to the citizens of the country, followed by certain strict rules. In the European Union, one can vote in Municipal Elections if the person lives in the municipality and is an EU citizen. Here the nationality of the country of the residence is not taken into account.

Some countries prevent their citizens from voting until they reach a certain age. All jurisdictions follow a certain age limit for voting. For example, in India, a citizen of the country can only vote when he or she is eighteen years.

The second characteristic of an election is its electorate. The number or size of citizens of a country who are eligible to vote forms the electorate. Then comes the nomination of a candidate where a person worthy enough to become a leader is selected for an election in the public office.

Detailed constitutional arrangements and efficient voting systems together put forward the electoral systems. This system converts the votes cast by the citizens into a public decision. The first step includes the tally of votes using ballots and various vote-counting systems. The result is then declared based on the counting of the tally.

The electoral system can be categorized into two, which are Proportional and Majoritarian. The former includes Party-list Proportional Representation and the additional member system. In contrast, the latter holds the First Past the Post Electoral System, which is also known as the Relative Majority and the Absolute Majority.

The next step includes scheduling. This process carries out the arranging and controlling of the elections. Since the elected candidates are accountable to the citizens who voted for them, they are obliged to return to the voters at given intervals to seek their mandate to continue in the office. The Constituency grants the selected candidates the authority to act as its representatives.

The last step to carry out a well-arranged election is organizing election campaigns. It is an effort made to influence the decisions of a particular group positively. The politicians compete against one another and try to gain the attention of more citizens.

Thank You.

Short Speech On Election 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Election 150 Words In English

Good morning to our honourable Principal, my respected teachers and my friends.

I am (your name), and I have been selected to deliver a speech on elections.

An election provides the citizens of a country with a handsome opportunity to participate in politics and put forward their political opinion. Elections offer a helping hand to keep in check with the political power of the political leaders. Elections also tend to reinforce the stability and legitimacy of the political community.

Elections help to facilitate social and political integration. An election tends to reinforce a voter’s self-esteem and self-respect. An election is carried out by different processes, starting from suffrages, to the nomination of candidates, arrangements of electoral systems, scheduling and carrying out election campaigns, an effort made to receive a positive response from the citizens in favour of the selected candidates.

Election symbolizes political freedom and gives the right to every common man to practice their power to vote.

Thank you.

10 Lines On Election Speech In English

  1. Elections form an integral part of a democratic country where a citizen gets the opportunity to put forward their political opinion in the form of votes.
  2. Every election holds certain eligibility criteria for its citizens.
  3. Every democratic country follows the slogan- of the people, by the people and for the people.
  4. Most democratic countries carry out new elections for their national legislatures once in every few years.
  5. Elections select Members of Parliament or MPs of the local areas in the British parliamentary systems.
  6. Elections are organized in different ways in different countries.
  7. Some voters vote for an individual or they vote for a political party because different countries follow different ways of electing candidates.
  8. A person age 18 years or above has the right to cast their votes freely.
  9. Election brings about a sense of equality among a country’s citizens.
  10. Elections keep a country running on the path of democracy and not on the path of anarchy.

10 Lines On Election Speech In English

FAQ’s On Speech On Election

Question 1.
What are direct and indirect elections?

The direct election system is a system in which the voters directly cast ballots for the selected candidates. In the indirect election, the voters elect a body which in turn elects the officeholders.

Question 2.
Name the types of elections in India.

There are four types of elections that take place in India. The types of elections are Lok Sabha, State Assembly Elections, Rajya Sabha and Local Body Elections.

Question 3.
What are the electoral systems?

Electoral systems are the arrangements made by the Constitution and voting systems that enable the votes of the citizens to get converted into a political decision. It includes a set of rules that determine the way in which the elections will be conducted, and the results will be determined. The governments organize political electoral systems. The laws govern all the elements of voting like, when will the elections take place, who are eligible to vote, who can be selected as a candidate, etc.

Question 4.
Which Articles in the Constitution of India gives provisions for the electoral system?

Articles 324 to 329 provides provisions for the electoral systems in India.

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