Speech On Girl Education | Girl Education Speech for Students and Children in English

Speech On Girl Education: Girl children are always looked down upon by the orthodox males and in some cases some orthodox hard headed women also look down upon the girl children. The girls in the earlier times were restricted from almost everything, including studies.

Even now in this era, in rural areas, the girls are restricted from studying. The girls should be given equal opportunities to study with the boys. The girls are also human beings and they also have the potential to study.

The girls should be given chance to become independent like the boys and let them complete their education before getting them married.

Students can also find more English Speech Writing about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Speeches On Girl Education for Kids And Students in English

A long speech on girl education of 500 words is provided and a short speech on girl education of 150 words is provided to the students so that the students can prepare a speech on this topic. Ten lines on this topic are also provided to the students so that they realize the importance of this topic in the society.

A Long Speech On Girl Education is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Girl Education is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Girl Education 500 Words In English

Good morning and welcome to our respected chief guest and our loving teachers,

Let me present a speech on the topic of girl education.

Education for the girls is very important as they are also the part of our society. They are also the future of our country. Children are born from the women; for this reason, children are first encountered by their mother who is a woman.

In most cases, the women do not work after marriage. They look after the household work and look after the children. A child’s upbringing is dependent on the mother. For this reason, a woman or a girl should be educated from childhood, both academically and morally.

In the earlier times, the girls were considered as a burden because they would have to be married off so that the girl’s father could be released from the burden of taking care of their daughter.

The girls did not have any identity of their own. They were always recognized as someone’s daughter, someone’s sister before marriage and as someone’s wife and someone’s mother after marriage.

As the girls were considered as a burden, the family members did not consider it to be necessary to educate the girls of the family. For this reason, the girls used to remain illiterate and depend on the man of the house for the financial works and for the decisions taken inside the house.

They were not considered to be important to acknowledge their existence. There were many girls who aspired to study, but their aspirations were smashed by her family members. Those who still wished to study and used to study secretly, they used to question people if they were saying something wrong in front of women, considering them to be illiterate.

In some villages, the girls who knew how to study and when they questioned about the wrongdoings of the people, those girls were killed considering them to be a witch. Girls and education were considered to be two opposite terms.

But nowadays the scenario is different. The girls are now being educated. Though there are situations where the girls are being married immediately after they complete their school education, they are being educated and their education is being considered to be important.

As they are being allowed to study, the girls are now aspiring to do something more. Some girls wish to have a definite vocation in life, some want to do their desired jobs so that they earn their desired salary and they get their deserved identity.

There are cases where a girl is forced to leave their jobs after their marriage so that she could look after the children. Though the society is becoming open minded, the girls’ aspirations are being crushed in front of the boys’ just because there are some people who cannot break the barriers of giving both of them their deserving chance.

There are places where jobs are offered on the basis of gender but not skills. A girl should be given the right to be educated so that she gets her own identity.

Short Speech On Girl Education 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Girl Education 150 Words In English

Good morning to everyone present,

Today I want to give a short speech on girl education.

Education is very important. Each and every people have the right to be educated irrespective of the gender, religion, caste, class, etc. Girls are given the least priority always. They were not given a chance to study before, now when they are being given a chance to study, they are given this chance so that she is married off to a good place.

There are very few families who allow their girls to study so that she has her own identity. Most families think that it would be very expensive to spend on their girl’s education. As people have only one goal, to get the girl married.

Most of the girls’ families spend money on the girls’ marriage more than her education. The girls should be encouraged to study more as it is equally important for the girls to have their own identities like the boys.

10 Lines On Girl Education Speech In English

  1. The girls also have the right to education similar to the boys. They should not be deprived of education.
  2. The girls are the future of the country. They are the ones who have to teach the children with correct values.
  3. The girls are not educated in the rural areas even now as they are considered to be burdens. If they don’t want their girls to become burdens then they should encourage their daughters to study so that they have their own identity.
  4. To increase a nation’s literacy rate, the girls should be educated.
  5. There are many jobs which are based on skills, if the girls also get a chance to study then they would also get to learn about those skills and there will be a variety of skilled labour.
  6. Girl education will reduce the mal practices on the girls which are overthrown into them.
  7. Girls would become more careful about their hygiene if they are well educated.
  8. Gender equality gets importance if the girls are educated along with the boys.
  9. By educating the girls, the family will create a very good and useful human resource for the country.
  10. Educated girls generate more educated members of the family.

10 Lines On Girl Education Speech In English

FAQs On Speech On Girl Education

Question 1.
Why should a girl be educated?

A girl should be educated so that they have their own identity.

Question 2.
What is the importance of a girl’s education?

A girl’s education increases the country’s literacy rate.

Question 3.
Why should a girl complete her education before getting married?

A girl should complete her education before getting married so that she does not become a burden on her husband and her in-laws after marriage.

Question 4.
Why is it important for a mother to be educated?

It is important for a mother to be educated so that her children learns the correct values.

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