Speech On Human Rights Day | Human Rights Day Speech for Students and Children in English

Speech On Human Rights Day: 10th of December is observed as Human Rights Day every year to commemorate the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948.

It marks a massive milestone in the advancement of humanitarianism. The UDHR proclaimed the rights which every human being is inherently entitled to. It is not dependent on race, colour, religion, language, or sex.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is the most translated document available in more than 500 languages.

Students can also find more English Speech Writing about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Speeches On Human Rights Day for Kids And Students in English

We are providing a long Speech on Human Rights Day of 500 words and a short speech on Human Rights Day of 150 words along with ten lines on the same topic to help every reader.

These speeches will be helpful for students and people in general to understand the importance and significance of the day.

A Long Speech On Human Rights Day is helpful to Students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Human Rights Day is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Human Rights Day 500 Words In English

Greetings and Salutation!

Every year, the Human Rights Day is celebrated on 10th December to acknowledge the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the United Nations Assembly on that day, in the year 1948. Formally Human Rights Day was established at the 317th Plenary Meeting held on the 4th December 1950. Member States and interested organizations were invited by the General Assembly, as they declared resolution 423(V), to celebrate the day as they saw fit.

On the adoption of the declaration by the General Assembly and 48 states that were in favour and eight abstentions, it was manifested as a “common standard achievement for all people and all nations.” Towards which societies and the individual should “strive by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance.”

Even though the declaration has a broad range of political, civil, social, economic, and cultural rights, it is not necessarily a hitching document. The declaration has influenced more than 60 international standard human rights.

Declaration has become even more well-built and emphasized today due to the general consent of all United Nations Member States on the basic Human Rights that have been laid down.

Human Rights are necessary to provide every human the basic dignity one needs to live. Human Rights give people the reassurance that it is their choice as what they want in life and how they want things to be.

10th December 2008 was celebrated as the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. A year-long campaign was the campaign was launched by the UN-Secretary general leading up to the anniversary. The year was used in focusing on helping people everywhere to learn about their rights by different organizations all over the globe in order.

21st March is celebrated as Human Rights day in South Africa in the reminiscence of the Sharpeville Massacre, which took place on 21st March 1960. The massacre took place due to the protests against the Apartheid regime in South Africa. With ANC being elected as the Government, as Nelson Mandela being the first democratically elected leader, South African Human Rights Day is declared a national holiday.

On 28th September 1993, Human Rights law came into existence in India. The Government of India constituted the national Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on 12th October 1993. Jurisdiction of the commission includes several rights, namely economic, social and cultural rights.

Commendations have been given to the Government of India by the NHRC to protect the rights of women, elderly human rights, children, and the people of the LGBTQ+ community of the country.10th of December 2016 a function was organized by NHRC to celebrate Human Rights in New Delhi.

‘Youth Standing Up for Human Rights’ as the theme for the year 2019, according to the United Nations official website. According to the UN, to achieve sustainable development for everyone, the active participation of the youth is very necessary.

Thank you.

Short Speech on Human Rights Day 150 Words In English

Short Speech on Human Rights Day 150 Words In English

Good Morning,

Human Rights can be defined as the right to liberty, equality, respect, and to live for any human being. Our Constitution not only guarantees this right but also takes action against individuals who break it. Human Rights is the right of every single individual.

Every year 10th December is celebrated as Human Rights Day across the globe to show honour to the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). UDHR has been drafted by representatives from all over the world with different cultural backgrounds. There is a preamble along with 30 articles discussing human rights.

Universal values for people all around the world have been discussed in detail in the document.

Human Rights is providing people with the most basic rights, including the freedom to speak, the right to live, and liberty, freedom from slavery. There is no discrimination among any individual in the entitlement of these rights.

Thank you.

10 Lines On Human Rights Day Speech In English

  1. Domestic violence is still not considered a crime in many countries, which leads to violence against children and women still being the most violated human right.
  2. One hundred fifty-two million children are working under labour according to the reports on the International Labor Organisation.
  3. According to a report from 2017, in 72 countries, it is still a crime to be in a gay relationship. In some places, people are killed.
  4. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in the year 1948.
  5. South Africa celebrates Human Rights Day on 21st March to remember the Sharpeville massacre.
  6. On this day United Nations awards the Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights and Nobel Peace Prize.
  7. Formally Human Rights Day is celebrated by the organization of meetings, political conferences, exhibits, etc.
  8. To leverage the awareness about Human Rights among people, this day is celebrated globally.
  9. International Humanist and Ethics Union (IHEU) sanctioned International Human Rights Day as an official day of human Rights celebration in 2004.
  10. United Nations made ‘Youth Standing up for Human Rights’ their theme for 2019 as they believed that the youth are the pillars of the future.

10 Lines On Human Rights Day Speech In English

FAQ’s On Human Rights Day Speech

Question 1.
What is the “Three Generations Theory of Human Rights”?

According to the “Three Generations Theory of Human Right,” the rights have been divided into three categories:

  • Civil and political rights
  • Economic social and cultural rights
  • Collective or solidity rights

Question 2.
Does Human Rights have any Hierarchy?

There is absolutely no hierarchy among human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights from 1948 has made it clear that all rights, i.e., political, economic, civil, cultural, and social rights, are all equally necessary and vital.

Question 3.
Does the difference in culture hamper Human Rights?

The International Human Rights are recognized throughout the globe with even with the cultural diversity, but the sensitivity of the culture is kept in mind during implementation.

Question 4.
Can Human Rights be recognized irrespective of the size of the Government?

Yes. The international human rights have been designed to be adopted by every single Government, irrespective of size.

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