Speech On Rainwater Harvesting | Rainwater Harvesting Speech for Students and Children in English

Speech On Rainwater Harvesting: Rainwater harvesting is the process of collecting the rainwater and then that water is stored in a reservoir and which is used later for household work.

This technique is a way to store water for household purposes that leads to saving fresh water. At this time when global warming and water scarcity is becoming a huge problem, the process of rain water harvesting could lead to one of the small steps of saving water.

The harvested rainwater is used mainly in works like watering the plants, washing utensils and those who have farming as their profession, the use it for irrigation purposes.

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Long And Short Speeches On Rainwater Harvesting for Kids And Students in English

A long speech on rainwater harvesting of 500 words and a short speech on rainwater harvesting of 150 words are being provided to the students so that they can prepare for a speech on rainwater harvesting and ten lines on this topic are also being provided so that they can develop an idea on the process of rainwater harvesting.

A Long Speech on Rainwater Harvesting is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech on Rainwater Harvesting is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Rainwater Harvesting 500 Words In English

Good morning to my respected teachers and my fellow friends,

Today I want to present a speech on water harvesting.

The process of collecting rain water and storing it in any reservoir or tank is known as rainwater harvesting. This process is applied for the intention to save water.

This is an active process which is taking place in our country with an initiative to save water. This process can prevent the usage of fresh water in household works other than drinking. Rain water is considered to be the cleanest form of water after it pours for more than five minutes.

As the rain pours, it dissolves the harmful gases from the environment as water acts as a solvent to the gases. After the gas is dissolved, the atmosphere of the place where it is raining becomes the purest. During that time if the rain water is collected, it is considered to be one of the purest forms of water.

That water is then used to water plants mainly. Rainwater contains nitrogen in it, which is good for the plants. The plants grow better in rain water.

Rain water harvesting is also important for storing ground water. As ground water does not evaporate, it is better to store ground water then storing water in some other place where it is exposed.

In places where there is scarcity of water, or there is less amount of rainfall received, the rain water harvesting procedure should be introduced there. Whenever there is rainfall, the people can harvest the rainwater and store it in somewhere there is a system of underground reservoir or any other covered place.

Rain water can be used as drinking water also. The rain water which is stored can be purified in a water purifier or simply boiled and then it becomes fit for drinking.

There are three processes of rain water harvesting. The first process is known as surface runoff harvesting, the second process is known as rooftop harvesting and in the third process; the rainwater can be stored in large hollow spaces which can be covered.

In surface runoff harvesting, the rain water falls and flows through any surface and that water is collected and stored. In rooftop harvesting, the rainwater flows from the roof and pours down to any bucket or other storage for water, or pipes are attached with the roof, which carries the water down to any underground reservoir or other storage place.

In the third process, the rainwater is collected in an open pit like place. It is then covered or directly used up for its work.

The process of harvesting rainwater was invented to reduce wastage of water. Due to global warming, and pollutions, mainly water pollution, there is a shortage of water crises arising. This small step can help in leading to a stage of water conservation.

If we start noticing these little details and take these small initiations then we all can make the earth a better living place.

10 Lines On Rainwater Harvesting Speech In English

Short Speech On Rainwater Harvesting 150 Words In English

Good morning to my teachers, seniors and friends,

I will be presenting a speech on rain water harvesting.

In this situation where we are facing problems due to shortage of water, it is our duty to save water by taking small steps and observing everything in detail. Scarcity of water is becoming a huge problem nowadays.

There are places where people face huge scarcity of water and there are places where there is very less rainfall received, both the problems can be solved with rain water harvesting. The water which is harvested is used on different domestic works.

Mainly the harvested rainwater is used for irrigation purpose by the farmers. The farmers require more water for growing the crops and in some places; it is used to feed the cattle.

As the crops and plants grow well on rain water, it is necessary to store rain water for plants and it is also important for saving water.

10 Lines On Rainwater Harvesting Speech In English

  1. The process of collecting and storing rainwater for useful purposes is known as rainwater harvesting.
  2. It is the most practical solution to all the problems related to water scarcity.
  3. This is one of the cheapest forms of conserving water.
  4. The harvested rainwater that is stored can be used if there is a crisis. That stored water can be used for drinking also if it is boiled to purify it.
  5. The harvested rainwater is used for irrigation purposes mainly. There are many crops that grow well in rainwater; during the dry seasons that stored rainwater can be used.
  6. The rural areas face many problems due to water scarcity; those problems can be solved easily if they use the process of rainwater harvesting.
  7. Mainly there are two procedures of rainwater harvesting. One is surface runoff harvesting and the other is rooftop harvesting.
  8. Rainwater harvesting will reduce the overuse of water and wastage of water.
  9. Rainwater harvesting can help in maintaining the underground water level.
  10. Rainwater is the purest form of water.The plants grow well in this water.

Short Speech On Rainwater Harvesting 150 Words In English

FAQ’s On Rainwater Harvesting Speech

Question 1.
Is the rainwater which is collected considered to be fresh?

The harvested rainwater collected if it stored in a clean storage then it can be considered to be pure. If it is used for drinking purpose, then it should be purified or boiled.

Question 2.
What should be the size of the storage or the container to store rain water?

The containers’ or the storage place’s retaining capacity depends on the climate of the place to determine the quantity of the rainfall.

Question 3.
Is it possible to wash clothes with rain water?

The rainwater is soft water. Soft waters do not require much soap; in this way, the soap is also not wasted.

Question 4.
If the tank for conserving fills up what should be done?

In case the tank for conserved rain water fills up, there should be a seepage procedure inbuilt within the tank which seeps out the excess water in fields for the plants.

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