Speech On Road Rage | Road Rage Speech for Students and Children in English

Speech On Road Rage: Road rage is the combative or aggressive behaviour of drivers. Drivers exhibited immediate frustration by demonstrating rude and offensive behaviour, verbal insults, physically threatening or dangerous driving method targeting drivers and non-drivers such as cyclist or pedestrians. Prolonged horn honking, cursing, tailgating and attempting to fight are a few strategies of road raging.

Damage of property, collisions, assaults, severe injury and even death in a few cases are the results of road raging. Driver frustration and road rage can be an outcome of the increased traffic congestion.

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Long And Short Speeches On Road Rage for Kids And Students in English

We are providing a Long Speech on Road Rage of 500 words and a short speech on Road Rage of 150 words along with ten lines on the same topic to help readers.

These speeches will be helpful for students and ordinary people to understand the issue and for assignments. These speeches can also be used in creating awareness about the matter amongst people.

A Long Speech On Road Rage is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Road Rage is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Road Rage 500 Words In English

Greetings and Salutations!

Road rage is the immediate expression of anger and frustration by drivers which is caused due to driving or any other incidents. An analysis showed that 56% of fatal crashes over the past five years was due to road raging.

Road rage can be legally defined as encompassing of a group of behaviours which are expressed while driving or driving-related incidents. There are more than 1200 incidents of road rage per year in the United States; according to the national police records examined by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. These incidents have led to severe injuries and fatalities. Studies have shown that it is mainly the youngsters (33 years old on an average) and 96.6% males, who have road rage.

The coping ability is the factor on which the stressed behaviour of a driver depends on. A lot of stress is present on the driver sitting behind the wheel at any moment due to high speeds and other drivers making a different decision. With the increase in pressure, the likelihood of a person showing road rage increases.

Cutting in and out of traffic, lack of parking space, rude gestures, lane changes are the leading reported causes of road rage. Some reports have shown that death is the result of 6.8% of road rage cases.

Driving instructors and learning drivers are primary targets of road rage, as they tend to be following the rules and regulations very closely. As learners make more mistakes while learning for their driving license, they tend to offend more frustrated and arrogant drivers. Reports have shown that about 77% of driving instructors have face rude and outrageous behaviour from various people on the road and 8% of learning drivers have quit learning due to the road rage that they face.

Road rage is a rather brutal act. Public safety is endangered due to road raging. Heavy traffic delays, running late to a meeting or appointment making the drivers impatient, cutting people off, disregarding traffic rules are a few reasons that lead to road rage.

In India, the rate of road accidents is the highest in the world. Flawed driving patterns cause the most number of casualties, by the increasing numbers of youngsters starting to get behind the wheel. A few reasons which lead to accidents and situations that are unsafe and completely avoidable are driving anger, vengeance, boredom and other reasons.

Road rage has become a prevalent part of the streets of India as people feel that they need to vent out their frustration in an aggressive manner. Road rage is prone to be occurring in highly congested roads and during the peak hours.

In India, other main factors contributing to road rage are terrible weather condition, poor driving habits, mismanagement of traffic, bad road conditions, time constraints and increased noise level. Sometimes also the instructive commands of one driver to another lead to road rage. The angst and frustration caused due to these reasons get translated into road rage.

Thank you.

Short Speech On Road Rage 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Road Rage 150 Words In English

Good morning!

Road rage is the outburst of anger and violence between drivers, caused due to any difficulty in driving. A study has shown that more than half of the drivers have felt a surge of road rage, although not everyone has burst out in an outrageous manner. Aggressive driving causes thousands of accidents each year which sometimes even lead to death.

United States, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Japan, and others are namely a few countries out of the many that are taking measures to reduce accidents caused due to road rage. However, no standard steps are being followed by countries.

With India having one of the highest numbers of road rage cases, the license norms should be made stricter, and there should be better enforcement of driving matters. Drivers should be given more education about the rules and regulations. The country needs to layout more strict laws and litigations. Penalties need to be laid down on the violation of these laws.

Thank you.

10 Lines On Road Rage Speech In English

  1. A male under the age of 19 is the person who is most susceptible to road rage.
  2. Two hundred murders have been directly associated with road rage over a period study of 7 years.
  3. Distracted drivers or not paying attention has caused 49% of road rage incidents.
  4. Someone getting cut off triggers 44% of road rage.
  5. Road rage incidents have caused around 12,000 avoidable incidents.
  6. 44% of women have said to experience road rage.
  7. The percentage of male drivers to have experienced road rage from other drivers: 56%
  8. Around 100 people every day are injured, and 9 people are killed due to distracted driving.
  9. 6 times more accidents are caused due to texting while driving over alcoholic drivers.
  10. Women are four times less likely to drink and drive than men.

10 Lines On Road Rage Speech In English

FAQ’s On Road Rage Speech

Question 1.
How can road ragging be differentiated from aggressive driving?

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that aggressive driving is the vehicle being operated in such a way that it endangers people and property. The extreme of aggressive driving is road rage; as the behaviour turns violent and aggressive.

Question 2.
Can speeding be considered as road rage?

Aggressive driving, including speeding, is considered as a traffic contravention. At the same time, road rage is considered as a criminal offence.

Question 3.
How can an individual tame their road rage?

A few steps that one can follow to tame themselves from road rage are:

  • Leaving on time- rushing makes one feel anxious and increases the risk of road rage.
  • Staying calm- optimizing the seat, putting the seatbelt on, setting a perfect temperature, playing good music helps with keeping put.
  • One needs to keep a safe distance from the drivers and avoiding collision no matter how slow the nearby drivers are driving.

Question 4.
How to deal with aggressive drivers?

Aggressive drivers can be avoided by:

  • Avoiding eye contact.
  • Not fighting over any parking spots.
  • Reporting aggressive drivers.

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