Teachers Day Essay | Essay on Teachers Day for Students and Children

Teachers Day Essay: Given below is a Long and Short Essay on Teachers Day for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The Teachers Day essay 100, 150, 200, 250 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations. 10 Lines on Teachers Day Essay is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3 and Kids.

Teachers Day Essay is an important topic for all students to understand because it celebrates the importance of Teachers. A teacher is a friend and a philosopher who guides us in understanding the world around us. From academic knowledge to moral knowledge, a teacher is a treasure trove. A teacher’s contribution to the world is priceless because of the fact that they educate the men and women of tomorrow.

Teachers are one of the most important pillars of society – these individuals spend their entire lives enabling students to learn and explore. Furthermore, teachers also increase literacy rates in a country, thereby enabling opportunities and jobs that will help students secure their lives. Almost every country in the world dedicates a day to celebrate and honour teachers. In India, teacher’s day is celebrated on 5th September, while the World Teacher’s Day is celebrated on 5th October. However, various countries have their own specific dates for honouring teachers. Read on to explore the reason why we celebrate Teachers Day around the world.

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Teachers Day Essay 500+ Words

Introduction on Teachers Day Essay

Teachers Day is celebrated to honour teachers and celebrate their contribution to a particular field or the community in general. The idea of celebrating the profession of a teacher is not new, it can be traced back to the 19th Century. During those times, a local teacher’s contribution is celebrated or a specific achievement in education. This is one reason why the world celebrates Teachers Day on different dates. For instance, India celebrates Teacher’s Day on September 5, commemorating the birth of the second President of India, Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Most other countries celebrate World Teacher’s Day on October 5th, as established by UNESCO.

How We Celebrate Teacher’s Day in India?

Guru Purnima is an Indian festival dedicated to honouring academic and spiritual teachers. It historically marks the birth of Ved Vyasa, the author of the Mahabharata, Vedas and the Puranas. The festival is traditionally celebrated by the Jains and Buddhists to honour teachers who enlighten others with no monetary expectation in return. It is traditionally celebrated during the full moon day of the Hindu calendar month of Ashada. This corresponds to June and July of the Gregorian calendar.

The birth of the Second President of India  Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, on September 5th,  is also celebrated as Teachers Day. When he became the President of India, some of his students and friends requested him to celebrate his birthday on 5th September. He had replied that he would be honoured if the contribution of all teachers would be observed on that particular day instead of celebrating his birthday. And ever since then, 5th September every year has been celebrated as Teacher’s day.

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World Teacher’s Day Essay/International Teachers Day

World Teachers Day, or International Teacher’s Day, is celebrated on October 5 every year. The date marks the commemoration when a special conference was held by UNESCO in Paris on 5th October 1966. The event set standards for the rights and responsibilities of teachers, their initial preparation, further education and learning conditions. World Teachers Day is generally observed by gifting the teachers a present and a thank-you card. Drawings, poems and quotes are also given as a sign of appreciation.

Teacher’s Day Celebrations

In India, teachers and students report to class as usual on Teacher’s Day. However, classes and lectures are replaced by celebrations and remembrances. Students and teachers also take part in many activities and mini-games. It is also common for students and their parents to present gifts to the teachers. Many students also organize plays and dance performances on this particular day.

Teacher’s Day Around the World

Some countries have set their own dates which are designated to celebrate Teacher’s Day. Following is a list of counties and the dates when they celebrate Teachers Day.

Dates of Teachers Day in Various Countries 
Country Dates Country Dates
Albania 7-Mar Peru 6-Jul
Algeria 28-Feb Poland 14-Oct
Argentina 11-Sep Portugal 5-Oct
Armenia 5-Oct Puerto Rico 20-May
Australia October usually the last Friday Qatar 5-Oct
Azerbaijan 5-Oct Russia 5-Oct
Bangladesh 5-Oct Saudi Arabia 5-Oct
Bhutan 2-May Serbia 5-Oct
Bolivia 6-Jun Singapore First Friday of September
Brazil 15-Oct Slovakia 28-Mar
Brunei 23-Sep Somalia 21-Nov
Bulgaria 5-Oct South Korea 15-May
Cameroon 5-Oct South Sudan 1-Dec
Canada 5-Oct Sri Lanka 5-Oct
Chile 16-Oct Taiwan 28-Sep
China 10-Sep Thailand 16-Jan
Colombia 15-May Tunisia 28-Feb
Costa Rica 22-Dec Turkey 24-Nov
Croatia 5-Oct Ukraine October usually the first Sunday
Cuba 22-Dec United Arab Emirates 5-Oct
Czech Republic 28-Mar United Kingdom 5-Oct
Dominican Republic 30-Jun United States Usually First full week of May
Ecuador 13-Apr Uruguay 22-Sep
Egypt 28-Feb Uzbekistan 1-Oct
El Salvador 22-Jun Venezuela 15-Jan
Estonia 5-Oct Vietnam 20-Nov
Georgia 5-Oct Yemen 28-Feb
Germany 5-Oct India 5-Sep
Greece 30-Jan Indonesia 25-Nov
Guatemala 25-Jun Iraq 1-Mar
Honduras 17-Sep Jamaica 6-May
Hong Kong 10-Sep Jordan 28-Feb
Hungary First Sunday of June Kazakhstan October usually the first Sunday
Maldives 5-Oct Kosovo 7-Mar
Mauritius 5-Oct Kuwait 5-Oct
Mexico 15-May Laos 7-Oct
Moldova 5-Oct Lebanon 9-Mar
Morocco 28-Feb Libya 28-Feb
Myanmar 5-Oct Lithuania 5-Oct
New Zealand 29-Oct Malaysia 16-May
Nigeria 5-Oct Pakistan 5-Oct
North Macedonia 5-Oct Palestine 14-Dec
Oman 24-Feb Panama 1-Dec
Paraguay 30-Apr Papua New Guinea 5-Oct

Celebrations for Teacher’s Day around the world are more or less the same. Students provide gifts to their teachers and host various programmes to honour the contribution of teachers. In some countries, parents organize lunches for teachers, followed by other shows of appreciation.

Conclusion on Teachers Day Essay

Teachers day is celebrated to honour the contribution of teachers to the society. In India, Teacher’s day is officially celebrated on 5th September, while most other countries celebrate it on October 5th. Regardless of the date, a teacher’s contribution is priceless, hence it is celebrated with zeal and great enthusiasm.

FAQ’s on Teacher’s Day Essay

Question 1.
Why is Teacher’s Day celebrated?

Teachers Day is celebrated to honour teachers and celebrate their contribution to a particular field or the community in general.

Question 2.
Who is the founder of Teacher Day?

In India, Teacher’s Day is celebrated in commemoration of the birth of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

Question 3.
When was the first Teachers Day celebrated in India?

Ever since Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan became the President of India, his birth was celebrated as Teacher’s Day. Records state that the celebrations commenced from September 5th, 1962.

Question 4.
What do you say on Teachers Day?

We need to thank and appreciate our teachers for their contribution and guidance.

Question 5.
What is the best message for a teacher?

Let your teachers know how much you appreciate them on this special day. Buy them gifts and thank-you cards, surprise them with poems, songs, and plays.

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