Terrorism Speech | Speech on Terrorism for Students and Children in English

Terrorism Speech: The act of using illegal force in a violent manner to take control of any influential person or destruct any public property to make the government or a particular community act according to the terrorists’ wish is known as terrorism.

Terrorism does not follow any particular religion.T he act of terrorism is done by a group or community of people who carry deadly weapons with themselves.

There are generally two types of terrorism, one is national or domestic and the other one is international. In the domestic one, terrorists belong to the same country whereas in international, the terrorists are foreigners.

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Long And Short Terrorism Speeches for Kids And Students in English

A long terrorism speech of 500 words and a short terrorism speech of 150 words are provided to the students so that they can prepare a speech on terrorism. Ten lines on this topic is also provided to the students so that they can develop an idea on this toic and understand this concept.

A Long Speech on Terrorism is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech on Terrorism is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Terrorism 500 Words In English

Good morning to my teachers and my fellow friends.

Today I want to resent a speech on the topic of terrorism.

The act of terrorism is of forcefully destroying or threatening to destroy a public place or harm any particular person to fulfill the agendas of the terrorists or the leader of the terrorists themselves to deliver a particular message related to their fulfillment of agenda.

The terrorists are generally a group of people who carry out the task of spreading violence and threatening human lives. Generally, people think that terrorists belong to a particular religion.

But they should know that the act of terrorism does not belong to any religion. Religion does not promote any kind of violence. It is the mentality of the people that makes them do so.

Generally, there are two kinds of terrorists seen. One group, which belongs to from their own country and spread the terror within the country to target a particular community and the other group belongs to other countries; the terrorists, in this case, belongs from a different country.

The terrorists conduct riots, kidnapping, explosions etc. There are two reasons for conducting the act of terrorism. One is done for political purposes, to target any particular political leader and his ideals; the other one is done to extort money from a particular influential family or a well known company.

There are many terrorists who die while attacking and fighting and they feel that dying as a terrorist while fighting is similar to be dying like soldiers while serving the country. These terrorists are taught to think in this way by their leaders.

These leaders manipulate the innocent minds of these people and make them look like heroes who are fulfilling the agenda to serve their nation or community. They are being made to do the wrong things which their leaders appear to look good.

The causes of these attacks are the spreading of hatred among two communities, religion or nationalities. Instead of solving the issues, they take the decision of attacking the innocent citizens. This spreads threat across the whole country.

India has been a victim of many terrorist attacks like 1993 Bomb blasts in Mumbai, Indian Parliament Attack 2002, and Delhi Bombings in 2006, and the recent ones include, the Uri Attack in 2016 and the Pulwama Attack in 2019.

The effect of terrorism spreads fear and the people become afraid of living in their own country thinking about the constant threats coming on their lives.

Terrorism is spread due to lack of education and lack of political views and impact in the youths, who are easily manipulated. Sometimes the young men join in terrorism because of poverty. They act according to the leaders’ orders so that after working out on the given orders, they can supply their families with food and money.

These attacks are handled by, the army, Anti- Terrorism Squad or ATS, National Investigation Agency or NIA and Research and Analysis Wing or RAW.

Short Speech On Terrorism 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Terrorism 150 Words In English

To all my respected teachers and to our special guest, I wish you all a very good morning.

Today I would like to present a speech on terrorism.

The act of terrorism is performed to spread fear among the people who are being attacked or the governmental body who is responsible for the welfare of those people.

Generally, terrorism is acted upon influential people or a group of people with a particular ideal that is not accepted by the leader of the terrorist group or the group itself.

Sometimes, religious institutions are also attacked if that particular leader of terrorists is a strong oppose to that religion. But terrorism has nothing to do with religion, region, or any other factor.

The mentality of those people forces them to do the wrong acts. Terrorism should be stopped so that innocent citizens do not have to lose their lives.

Thank you.

10 Lines On Terrorism Speech In English

  1. Terrorism is acted out for political reasons, personal reasons, or any other strong reasons. The attacks are always done for a purpose or to spread a message.
  2. Terrorism does not belong to any religion or region or any other group or subgroup. Terrorism is spread through a group of misguided people who are taught to act in this violent manner.
  3. The terrorists are always supplied with deadly weapons and they are trained right from the beginning to use these weapons and are always taught with the wrong ideals.
  4. Many people are forced to take up terrorism due to poverty. There are many people who do not get the opportunity to be educated and have a poor background. These people take up terrorism to support their families.
  5. The people who are made to become terrorists, they are either manipulated in such a way that they do not understand what they are doing or are manipulated to act this out for their country or community.
  6. Sometimes the act of terrorism may lead to wars.
  7. Terrorism can be acted out within a country between two groups of people with different ideals or between two different countries also.
  8. The terrorists become a strong believer of the ideals that are fed to their minds by their leaders.
  9. Terrorism always spreads the message of hatred and violence.
  10. The terrorists are stopped by the army, the anti-terrorist squad or specially trained police officers.

10 Lines On Terrorism Speech In English

FAQ’s On Terrorism Speech

Question 1.
How is terrorism carried out digitally?

Sometimes an innocent person’s phone is hacked and messages are sent to the terrorists to launch an attack so that the people do not get trace of the actual attacker.

Question 2.
How do terrorists attack digitally?

The terrorists attack on innocent people to grab the attention of the person they are trying to reach or to spread a hate message.

Question 3.
Does terrorism follow any religion?

Terrorism does not follow any particular religion but it follows certain strong ideals.

Question 4.
How can terrorism be stopped?

Terrorism can be stopped if the children are educated properly from their childhood and if the youths are offered enough job opportunities to support their families.

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