Welcome Speech On Children’s Day Celebration for Students and Children in English

Welcome Speech On Children’s Day Celebration: Children’s Day in India is celebrated on the 14th of November every year. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was independent India’s first Prime Minister. He was born in Allahabad on the 14th of November in 1889. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was mostly known as Chacha Nehru, as he loved children immensely.

He always told us that the children of our country are empowered to fulfill their childhood and higher education. Chacha Nehru’s immense love for the children of our country made the 14th of November declared as Children’s Day after his death in 1964. No school and college follow their daily routine on this special occasion.

Students can also find more English Speech Writing about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Welcome Speeches On Children’s Day for Kids And Students In English

We provide a long speech and a short Welcome Speech On Children’s Day Celebration of 500 and 150 words respectively along with ten lines on the same topic for the readers.

These speeches will help children and students who might be required to give a speech on the same topic or assignment.

A Long Welcome Speech On Children’s Day Celebration is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Welcome Speech On Children’s Day Celebration is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Welcome Speech On Children’s Day Celebration 500 Words In English

Good morning!

The 14th of November is a very precious day in the lives of children and their parents. This Day makes us think about our duties towards all the children of our country.

Children are similar to the fragile buds of flowers that are about to bloom. Thus they can be easily driven in any wrong way.  These wrong ways can inauspiciously affect children’s personalities.

Childhood is the right period when every child requires proper education. Children are needed to be taught good things in life, and they should learn from their faults. Mistakes are also the best teachers in a child’s life.

Mistakes teach you to point out your flaws and get the better of them. Children’s Day is celebrated in different countries with almost similar ceremonial programs. United Nations celebrates Children’s Day on the 20th of November every year.

In India, we celebrate Children’s Day on the 14th of November due to a particular reason. The historical background related to this date is Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birth anniversary, as I have already said. He was also the first Prime Minister of independent India.

He had an immense great love for children and liked spending time with young kids. Children affectionately called him as Chacha Nehru. After he died in 1964, a decision was taken to celebrate Children’s Day on his birth anniversary, every year, to honor his affection for the children.

He believed that children are created by God, and their innocence can melt anybody’s heart. A child’s sweet smile can bring happiness in your smile instantly. It acts as a calming ointment for both parents and teachers.

School is considered as a second home for children. Teachers not only pass on education and knowledge but also act as parents in certain circumstances as every child has different talents. Teachers take care of every seed and shape the child according to his strength and weaknesses.

Therefore, teachers should never leave any opportunity to let the talent out of their students. Children need encouragement at both home and school. Children’s Day is celebrated with activities like games, sports, indoor games, outdoor games, dance, drama play, national songs, speech, essay writing, etc.

Children’s Day removes all the barriers against children and allows them to celebrate as they want. Children should be motivated by the teachers to show their talents on this memorable occasion by participating in quiz competitions or other types of competitions like painting, reciting, singing, etc.

Pandit Jawarhal Neheru wrote many books, namely An Autobiography, Before Freedom: Nehru’s Letters to His Sister, The Discovery of India, Glimpses of World History, Letters from a Father to His Daughter, etc. We should know about these books. But you can learn them by yourself only.

You should always save time to study great books. Add more time for studying books other than textbooks and fun books. When children become a scholar like him and contribute to our country, then there will be a proper tribute to your dear Pandit Jawarhal Nehru.

Thank you.

Short Welcome Speech On Children's Day Celebration 150 words In English

Short Welcome Speech On Children’s Day Celebration 150 words In English

Greetings and salutations!

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birth anniversary is observed as children’s Day all over India because of his love and affection. He was a man of high ideals and wanted equality between both males and females. He struggled to make this country equal in all terms, including wealth, education, etc.

He believed that the country’s strength is its young citizens and children who help develop our country through their new ideas and innovative thoughts. His ideology and love for children are the main reasons we celebrate Children’s Day on his birth anniversary.

See more Speech and Essay Writing Topics like Welcome Speech On Children’s Day Celebration.

It is not only a day for celebrating our first prime minister’s work, but also about making the children feel special. It is observed every year to make everyone realize the importance of children and their thoughts, which are essential for our country and culture.

Thank you.

10 Lines On Welcome Speech On Children’s Day Celebration

  1. Children’s Day in India is celebrated on the 14th of November every year.
  2. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was mostly known as Chacha Nehru, as he loved children immensely.
  3. Children’s Day makes us think about our duties towards all the children of our country.
  4. School is considered as a second home for children. Teachers not only pass on education and knowledge but also act as parents in certain circumstances as every child has different talents.
  5. Children need encouragement at both home and school.
  6. Nehru believed that the strength of a country is its young citizens and children who help to develop our country through their new ideas and innovative thoughts.
  7. Children’s Day is not only for celebrating the work of our first Prime Minister but also to make the children feel special and loved.
  8. Children’s Day removes all the barriers against children and allows them to celebrate as they want.
  9. Childhood is the right period when every child requires proper education.
  10. No school and college follow their daily routine on this special occasion.

10 Lines On Welcome Speech On Children's Day Celebration

FAQ’s On Welcome Speech On Children’s Day Celebration

Question 1.
Why is Children’s Day celebrated on the 14th of November in India?

In India, Children’s Day is celebrated on the 14th of November due to a particular reason, which is Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birth anniversary. He had immense love and affection for the children of our country.

Question 2.
Name two books written by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru.

Two books written by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru are The Discovery of India, Glimpses of World History.

Question 3.
What was Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru called as and why?

Children had immense love and affection for pt. Nehru. That’s why they used to refer him as Chacha Nehru.

Question 4.
How is Children’s Day celebrated in educational institutions?

Children’s Day is celebrated with activities like games, sports, indoor games, outdoor games, dance, drama play, national songs, speech, essay writing, etc. in different educational institutions.

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