How To Write A Memo Essay | Types, Steps and Format of a Memo Essay

How To Write A Memo Essay: What Is A Memo Essay? Effective communications are an essential component for organizations. A memorandum or memo is a versatile form of communication often used in business settings. It is defined as a brief message or a report written from one person of the department to another in a particular company or an organization.

The messages are sent out in large groups of people within a company or an institution. These messages are mostly sent by the management of a company or an organization, along with the employees. The memos are highly confidential messages, which are not supposed to be read by any outsider.

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Memos are written anytime a company has an announcement to make regarding an operation taking place in the company, department or institution. It is considered as an official tool for communication. It holds the primary purpose to serve as a reminder or provide instructions. These circulars are a means of mass communication.

Memos are usually written for the following reasons which are:

  • As a reminder
  • To highlight an event or a circumstance
  • To recount a particular event
  • To keep an official record of a particular thing
  • To pass information or instructions

It holds different advantages and is a popular communication method. It is a very cost-effective way for mass communication with a cheap transmission. Memo essays are simple to write and understand. It tends to be brief and to the point, and is an essential time-saver. It acts as evidence in the case of a dispute.

Memos require a highly informative and straightforward tone. In an essay, one must document the sources of information so that the reader finds the source of information that is desired. If a memo consists of sources, bibliographic information related to that source is added as an attachment at the end of a memo essay.

Types Of Memo Essay

Memos are considered to be one of the most widely used means of internal communication for messages that are too complicated for a simple email or when confidentiality is the prime concern. There are several types of memo essays that are used, which are:

  1. Type 1 – Directive Memos: Directive memos are written to give a directive. It is a memo that provides instructions or specific directions regarding how to proceed in particular circumstances. One can compose a directive memo on how employees should seek reimbursement for expenses that are related to business conferences taking place across the country.
  2. Type 2 – Status Memos: Status memos are commonly called as the progressive report which explains the status or progress of a given assignment or project to a supervisor. For example, a status memo can be made by the project manager of a construction site, which will include the weekly status report of the construction of the apartment complex managed by him. The status memo will include the progress to date and the things that are left undone.
  3. Type 3 – Field Report Memos: Field report memos are required for employments that require offsite works. These are often composed to document meeting the client offsite. Products testing offsite or inspection of project sites are carried out with the help of field report memos. A marketing professional can use field report memos for a particular type of product. After the field test of the particular product, the marketing professional will come up with an outline regarding the product tried and will put forward his recommendations on it.
  4. Type 4 – Trip Memos: Trip memos are used to describe the events and outcomes of a business trip. ‘For example, one might go on a business trip for a professional seminar that focuses on the means to develop the industries of the company. The trip memo summarizes the purpose of the seminar and the information received there. The expenses of the trip can also be included in the memo.
  5. Type 5 – Response Memos: Response memos are written at the response of an enquiry. Its purpose is to provide the audience with the required information.

Types Of Business Memos

  • Operational Memos
  • Environmental Memos
  • Form Memos
  • Dress Code Memos
  • Financial Memos
  • Cover Memos

Steps Of Writing A Memo Essay

To write the appropriate memo essay, specific steps should be followed to maintain a tone of professionalism. The steps are,

  1. Step 1 – Write a Draft: The first step is to make a draft of all your memo listings and all the possible points that are to be added in the memo.
  2. Step 2 – Establish The Purpose Of The Memo: Identify the reason for writing the memo. The objective of the memo should be the opening sentence or your subject.
  3. Step 3 – Decide on the Audience Of Your Memo: Decide on the people to whom the memo will be addressed, whether it is for all the employees, or a particular department or just the executives.
  4. Step 4 – Make an Edit In Your Draft And Make The Final Draft Narrow down the points of the first draft and add important and essential ones.
  5. Step 5 – Label the Memo Appropriately: Make it clear that the document is a memorandum, by labelling it as “memorandum” or simply “memo”, and use only official names. Keep the subject as specific as possible.
  6. Step 6 – Write a Concise Introduction:Memos do not require opening salutations. Plunge into the topic straightaway, after addressing the person to whom the memo essay is directed to. Do not waste space introducing yourself, or giving a detailed overview of the issue.
  7. Step 7 – Add the Required Information To The Memo Body: After the brief opening paragraph, you can add the rest of the information in the memo body. The actions and steps to be taken should be highlighted in the body. The body can be divided into smaller sections with sub-headings. Suggest the actions the reader should take, in the body of the essay.
  8. Step 8 – Summarize the Issue In Conclusion: Summarize your entire issue within one or two sentences, with a positive tone. You can include a complimentary call to action.
  9. Step 9 – Proofread for Mistakes: Once the memo is written, read the memo at least one to two times to keep a lookout for the typos or grammatical errors. Also, keep an eye out for the unnecessary details and exclude them.

Memo Essay Writing Format

There are different types of memo essays, but the format remains the same. It has a particular style which can be followed on every memo document. When you write a memo, what distinguishes it from the other documents is its format. So here is one of the easiest formats that one can use to write a memo,

Heading: The heading of the memo essay comes at the top of the page and should be in bold letters. The header should be used to give the document identity. Below the header, the address of the recipient should be provided. It should be official, and a specific name or a group of people targeted by the memo should be included.

Then the sender’s details should be added. Make sure to write your name as well as your position in the organization. Then the date in the memo should be added immediately after the sender’s details. The title of the memo is followed by the date, which helps to indicate what the memo is about. The heading content should be aligned to the left, and the right spacing should be used.

Body: The body of the memo essay should be short, and only the main relevant points should be mentioned. There are some useful points which you can follow to write the appropriate body for the memo essay,

  • Think About The Readers: Once you have a clear idea about the targeted readers, make sure to use the right language that suits them the best.
  • Go Straight To The Point: Decide the goal for writing the memo, leave out salutations and go straight to the topic that needs to be discussed.
  • Provide a Small Background About The Issue That Is Being Dealt With: Once the problems are addressed, offer some reasons for the implementation of your recommendations. This can be in the form of bullet points.

Conclusion: Conclude the essay with a summary of the points brought in the memo. Make sure to keep a positive tone in summary. Lastly, sign the memo for official purposes and end the essay.

FAQ’s On How To Write A Memo Essay

Question 1.
Should a subject line be included in a memo essay?

Yes, a subject line should be included in a memo essay. It should be included right after the date. The subject line gives the reader a brief idea regarding the information that is present in the memo. The subject line must be brief, precise and to the point. For example, Subject: Meeting of all executives of the market and sales division.

Question 2.
What does the heading segment in a memo essay consist of?

The heading segment of a memo essay consists of the following format,

  • TO: (reader’s name and job titles)
  • FROM: (your name and your job title)
  • DATE: (complete and present-day date)
  • SUBJECT LINE: (what the memo is about, highlight the related issue).

Make sure to address the reader by his or her correct name and job title.

Question 3.
What should be included in an opening segment of a memo essay?

The primary purpose of the memo is usually found in the opening segment of the document. It includes the purpose of the memo, the context of the issue mentioned and the assigned task or assignment. Give the reader a brief overview of what the memo is about, then indulge in the details. The more direct the memo plan, the more explicit the opening segment should be.

Question 4.
What is the memo’s purpose?

A memo’s purpose is mostly to inform the issue, but it occasionally includes an element of persuasion.

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