Importance of Trees Essay | Essay on Importance of Trees Essay for Students and Children

Importance of Trees Essay: Trees are important for our survival as well as the ecosystem. Without trees, life would not have been possible. Trees provide us with two of life’s most crucial components – oxygen and food. As we evolved, we started harvesting trees for medicine, shelter and other commercial uses. Even today, our dependence on trees has not reduced. In fact, we are ever more dependent on trees than ever. The importance of tree essay aims to educate the readers about how trees are integral to the environment. Our needs are so high that we have started cutting down huge swaths of forests for the expansion of human land.

Trees need to be conserved as they play a pivotal role in our ecosystem. Moreover, trees are considered as natural carbon sinks, which means they have the ability to soak up carbon dioxide from the environment and store it within themselves. This not only reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in our environment but also the impact of the greenhouse effect. Hence, trees play a variety of important roles from ecosystems to environmental cleansers. Read on to explore the various essays about trees and their importance.

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Long and Short Essays on Importance of Trees for Students and Kids in English

These essays are designed to help students secure maximum marks for their essays. The essays are provided at different levels to cater to students of all classes. From primary school to senior secondary school.

Long Essay on Importance of Trees 350 Words in English

Why Are Trees Important?

Trees are an integral part of the ecosystem – it helps to maintain balance and also acts as a valuable source of many resources – such as timber, medicine, shelter, raw materials and more. Furthermore, trees are the natural shelter of many animals, hence, this is the reason why animals usually encroach into human territories when forests are destroyed.

Social Value

Historically, trees have been worshipped or given cultural significance. Especially in India, many trees are considered sacred because of their usefulness or their tie to ancient Indian mythologies. Other cultures have symbolically represented trees and their foliage in artworks and sculptures. Moreover, some cultures observe trees as powerful symbols of life, death and rebirth.

Community Value

Trees and other shrubs have adorned our parks and gardens, providing pleasing aesthetics for the environment. Moreover, trees provide shade, which is crucial during the summer months. Trees and other foliage near residential areas increase the value of the area. Furthermore, some trees, which are hundreds of years old serve as popular attractions or as historic landmarks. For example, a tree called the Dodda Alada Mara (Big Banyan Tree) is a popular tourist attraction in Bangalore. This 400-year-old tree covers nearly 12,000 m2 and is considered the largest of its kind.

Ecological Value of Trees

Trees are important to the ecosystem because, without them, the land would become barren and lifeless. Moreover, there are countless animals that live on trees. These animals are called arboreal animals and spend their entire lives on trees – raising their young, feeding, sleeping and mating. If trees are cut down, these animals have nowhere else to live and could go extinct. Animals that live in the trees include sloths, flying snakes, geckos, koalas, opossums and tarsiers. There are hundreds of species of spiders and insects that make trees their homes.

Short Essay on Importance of Trees 250 Words in English

Value of Trees

Trees are one of the most important natural resources on earth. It is also a very important part of the ecosystem as many animals solely depend on trees for food and shelter. Trees also provide us with resources, some of which are very important for our survival. Historically, trees provided humans with firewood, which was crucial for cooking and warmth. Some of our earliest ancestors lived in forests where temperatures usually plummeted below freezing. In these situations, sticks, twigs and branches from trees meant the difference between life and death.

Even today, many places across India and other parts of the world do not have access to gas or electricity. Hence, these people still use firewood for cooking and other purposes.

Trees Importance

In today’s scenario, trees are being cut down to make way for human occupation. Large swaths of forests are being cleared every day, and animals are forced to give up their natural habitat as a result. However, this has a drastic repercussion on the health of the environment. Human activities have introduced large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and if the levels are unchecked for a long time, it can cause drastic repercussions to the environment.

Thankfully, trees can absorb the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it within themselves. This process is called carbon sequestration and is vital for a cleaner environment. However, with the number of trees being cut down, this phenomenon may not be as effective. Hence, it is important that we do not cut down trees and promote afforestation.

10 Lines on Importance of Trees Essay

  1. Trees are an important part of the ecosystem
  2. Trees take in carbon dioxide and give us oxygen
  3. Trees are of many types, in fact, there are thousands of species of trees
  4. Trees provide animals with food and shelter
  5. Trees also provide humans with many important resources
  6. Trees are also an important source of medicine
  7. Trees are used to make furniture and other commercial products
  8. Trees and its branches are used as a source of fuel
  9. Trees prevent soil erosion Trees prevent flood
  10. Trees clean the air around us. Trees must not be cut down, and we have to plant more trees.

10 Lines on Importance of Trees Essay

FAQ’s on the Importance of Trees Essay

Question 1.
How are trees useful for us?

Trees are an integral part of the ecosystem. It helps to maintain balance and also acts as a valuable source of many resources

Question 2.
What is the importance of tree essay?

Trees are one of the most important natural resources on earth. It is also a very important part of the ecosystem as many organisms depend on trees for their food and shelter.

Question 3.
What are the main uses of trees?

Trees provide many valuable resources such as timber, medicine, shelter, raw materials and more.

Question 4.
How do forests help us?

Forests act as a shelter to many species of animals and plants. They also provide humans with many resources such as medicine and raw materials.

Question 5.
How do we save trees?

We can save trees by not cutting them down. We should also plant more trees if trees are cut in other areas.

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