National Integration Speech | Speech on National Integration for Students and Children in English

National Integration Speech: The meaning or the main focus of national integration is to remain united as a nation and solve all the problems which cause the division of the nation in communities, religions, castes, etc.

To solve this problem, our first Prime Minister in India, Jawaharlal Nehru formed a council for national integration in India. National integration is very important for a nation because it unites the citizens irrespective of their caste, class, religion and community.

National integration is very important to remain united as a nation to fight any problems which are generated from a different nation to break our unity.

Long And Short Speeches on National Integration for Kids And Students in English

A long national integration speech of 500 words and a short national integration speech of 150 words are provided to the students so that they could prepare a speech form this topic.

With both long and short speech, it will help them to prepare for a long and short speech. Ten lines on this topic are also being provided so that they can develop an idea on this topic.

A Long Speech on National Integration is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech on National Integration is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On National Integration 500 Words In English

Good morning to all my respected teachers and seniors,

Today I would like to present a speech on national integration.

Integration means to bring people together in a united manner on the basis of a common promise and fulfilling that promise and maintaining the unity.

Integration on a national basis means to unite the people of the nation irrespective of their caste, class, religion, community and unite them as one single nation. This national integrity keeps the people of the country united.

This integrity provides equality to all the country people. It does not differentiate on any basis. The main aim of national integrity is the development of the country. A country like India requires national integrity so that there are no differentiations made on the basis of any factor other than nationality.

Though India is a secular country, there are a lot of divisions and subdivisions among the people on the basis of religion, caste, class, community and many more. It is very difficult to unite the people at times like communal riots. But there are times when the country unites with its entire people together.

National integrity is very important to fight issues like international terrorism or similar problems like that. When a country faces a hard time because of problems on international basis, the country needs to face the problem in a united manner so that it is easier for the country people.

This national integrity unites the people for the development of the country. Many of the problems are solved on national basis like economy of the country.

It is also very important to respect each religion and treat all the people of the different caste and class equally. For maintaining national integrity, it is important to respect each religion, caste and class so that the people can understand each other well as it is important to understand each other before uniting with one another.

National integration plays a very prime role in solving political, social and economic issues of the country. It also reduces problems related to different religions, castes and classes. And it fights or wars among the country people.

It changes people’s thoughts which differentiate among the people living in the same country. It helps in building a very powerful nation that is difficult to break. This increases patriotism among the country people on a larger basis.

People who intend to break the bonds between the country people so that they country suffers, or promote radical ideas to a particular religion so that the people of the same religion unite and forget their duty towards their country, is a large threat as it intends to manipulate people into betraying one’s country.

If national integrity is strong in the minds of people, it will not let the country people diverge into different ideas. It is the duty of the national leaders to inspire the people of the country to unite together and remain integrated nationally.

Short Speech On National Integration 150 Words In English

Short Speech On National Integration 150 Words In English

Hello and welcome to all our special guests gathered here.

Let me present a speech on national integrity to you.

National integrity tends to bind the people of the country to each other. It unites all the people of the country together and it does not see any difference between the people on the basis of caste, class or religion.

National integrity helps to solve global problems on a larger basis. It generates patriotism among the people of the country. It helps the people to be dutiful towards one’s country.

It teaches the country people to respect all the religions equally and treat people from different castes and classes equally and be just to them. This concept of national integrity broadens the mind of the people towards each other.

This also reduces civil wars. When people try to break the bond between the people of the country, it is the national integrity which stops the severe break.

Thank you.

10 Lines On National Integration Speech In English

  1. National integration unites the citizens of the country on a national basis excluding the barriers of religion, caste and class.
  2. National integration helps in the development of the country.
  3. The freedom fighters were the first people who introduced national integration in our minds. They were the ones who taught us to be patriots.
  4. The celebration of all the national festivals shows India to be in national integrity.
  5. National integration reduces communal riots and civil wars among the people of the country.
  6. This concept broadens the mind of the people to be respectful to each other’s religions and religious practices among the people of the country.
  7. National integration helps the nation to progress towards being a powerful nation.
  8. National integration helps the people of the country to fight terrorism in a united manner.
  9. It is the responsibility of the national leaders to explain the true meaning of national integration so that the people understand this concept.
  10. To build a strong nation in the whole world, it is very much important to have a strong sense of national integration.

10 Lines On National Integration Speech In English

FAQ’s On National Integration Speech

Question 1.
Who founded the first National Integration Council in India?

Our first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru founded the first National Integration Council in India in 1961 to strengthen the unity among the people of the country.

Question 2.
Why is National Integration considered to be so important?

It is very important for a secular country like India to have national integration so that the people of the country are not differentiated among each other on the basis of religion, caste and class.

Question 3.
How is it possible to develop national integration among the country people?

The development of national integration is possible if the national leaders promote this concept in a correct manner so that the people could understand the true meaning of it and act accordingly.

Question 4.
Which date is considered as the National Integration Day?

The date 19th November is celebrated as National Integration Day.

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