Speech On Indian Army In Upholding The Security Of The Nation for Students and Children in English

Speech On Indian Army In Upholding The Security Of The Nation: The Indian Army emerged from a part of the East India Company. Later, after independence, it was merged with the Indian Army to serve India.

The Indian Army is the most efficient and the most well-maintained force among all the Indian armed forces. The head of the Indian Army is the President of India. The President takes all the vital decisions regarding the Army.

The primary duty of this huge Army is to protect the country from foreign attacks and also to fight for the country in case of a war.

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Long And Short Speeches On Indian Army In Upholding The Security Of The Nation for Kids And Students in English

In this article, we provide a long speech for students and children on Indian Army In Upholding The Security Of The Nation with about 500 words and another short speech with 150 words approximately.

These speeches can help anyone who is looking forward to presenting a speech on the above mentioned, be it students, teachers, or other trainees.

We have also included ten Lines on the topic and some FAQs to make the content clearer to our readers.

A Long Speech On Indian Army In Upholding The Security Of The Nation is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Indian Army In Upholding The Security Of The Nation is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Indian Army In Upholding The Security Of The Nation 500 Words In English

Good morning!

Today, the topic I am given for delivering a speech is ‘Indian Army in Upholding the Security of the Nation’.

The first Military department was formed in India in 1776, under the supervision of the East India Company in Kolkata. The work assigned to this department was to keep a record of the orders that were issued by the different departments of the East India Company.

In 1833, with the passing of the Charter Act, this system was reorganized, and the military department was formed as one of the four heads. Later, in the year 1895, main heads of the military that were situated in Bengal, Bombay and Madras united to become the Indian Army.

The Indian Army is the most significant component of the Indian armed forces. The Chief of the army staff officially heads it. Though, the President has the authority to take all the vital decisions regarding the Army. The Army has fought many battles and won respect from its countrymen.

The most important mission of the Indian Army is to ensure national security and safety. It is also the Army’s responsibility to protect India from external or foreign aggression and internal threats. It is also responsible for maintaining peace and security within the borders of the country.

The Indian Army conducts rescue operations in emergencies or natural calamities or other disturbances, such as Operation Surya Hope. It is a vital component of national power, along with the Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force. Till date, the Indian Army has been engaged in four wars with its neighbouring countries Pakistan and China. Other major operations that were undertaken by the Army include Operation Vijay, Operation Meghdoot, and Operation Cactus.

The Indian Army is divided into seven parts, geographically as well as operationally. It is the most massive standing Army in the world with the strength of more than ten lakhs active troops and over nine lakhs reserve troops.

Initially, the main objective of the Indian Army was to defend and protect the nation’s frontiers. However, with the passing years, the Army has also become in charge of providing internal security, especially against insurgencies in Kashmir and Northeast India. Presently, the Army is also concentrating on ways to enhance its special forces. With the increasing international role that India is taking up, the Indian Army and Indian Navy are jointly planning to set up a marine brigade

The Army is now, effectively trying to improvise on their holding formations and strike formations and utilize it in a better way. In case of an attack, the holding formations would contain the enemy, and strike formations would counter-attack to neutralize enemy forces. It would undoubtedly require a lot of practice, but surely India will soon succeed.

With this, I come to the end of the speech, thank you, everyone, for giving this an ear. I hope you to have a great day ahead.

Short Speech On Indian Army In Upholding The Security Of The Nation 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Indian Army In Upholding The Security Of The Nation 150 Words In English

Hello, everyone. Today, I will be delivering a speech on the topic ‘Indian Army in Upholding the Security of the Nation’.

The Indian Army was formed as a part of the East India Company. Later, after India became Independent, the Indian Army found its ground. The head of the Indian Army is the President of India. The Indian Army is an essential part of the Indian Armed Forces. The security of the entire nation is dependent on this Army.

The Indian army is the largest standing army in the world. The Indian Army has fought several battles with many countries and bought a lot of fame and respect for the country. The soldiers work day and night, to safeguard the lives of millions of citizens who sleep without worrying, knowing that the soldiers are giving their best to protect the country.

Thank you, everyone I hope from today, the respect for the soldiers will increase more, and we will give them the respect that they deserve.

10 Lines On Speech On Indian Army In Upholding The Security Of The Nation In English

  1. The President of India is also the Supreme Commander of the Indian Army. It is a crucial part of the Indian Armed Forces.
  2. The security and safety of the entire nation are dependent on the Indian Army, Indian Navy and Indian Air Forces.
  3. The Army provides security to the country against foreign aggression and internal conflicts that arises due to a difference in opinions.
  4. The Army is also concerned with the duty of maintaining peace with other countries when required.
  5. It has taken part in many wars like the Indo-Pak war, Indo-China war, etc.
  6. The Army is continuously trying to use new technology to develop better war equipment.
  7. The soldiers in the Army gets no holiday and sacrifice their happiness for the sake of their country.
  8. It becomes our responsibility that we respect such real-life warriors.
  9. Salute to all the brave soldiers out there.
  10. The NDA is the entrance exam for joining the Indian army, which takes place twice every year.

10 Lines On Speech On Indian Army In Upholding The Security Of The Nation In English

FAQ’s On Speech On Indian Army In Upholding The Security Of The Nation

Question 1.
What is the working hour of the Indian Army?

There is no fixed time. One can get called anytime in the hour of need. So, it is a twenty-four-hour job.

Question 2.
What is the advantage of being a part of the Indian Army?

One can serve their country. It is seen as a huge sacrifice, and the soldiers get a lot of respect and love from the countrymen.

Question 3.
Can a person join the Army after giving the 12th boards?

Yes. One can definitely apply for the Indian Army after the boards.

Question 4.
What is the minimum qualification required for a person to apply in Indian Army?

One needs to complete its twelfth board exams before one can apply for the Army.

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