Unemployment Speech | Speech on Unemployment Speech for Students and Children in English

Unemployment Speech: Unemployment is a severe issue restrained to any particular country but faced by all countries of the world during a period of recession. However, the type of unemployment may vary from one country to another, like India’s case; it is chronic unemployment, which has made it a significant problem in India.

Unemployment can be defined as the unavailability of jobs for people who are willing to work. Among many reasons, high population and consequently increase in demand has led to the unemployment problem in India. However, in some other countries, unemployment may occur due to the recession period of the business cycle.

Unemployment should not be ignored in a country as it can become the reason for its doom if not taken into account.

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Long And Short Speeches On Unemployment for Kids And Students in English

In this article, we provide a long speech for students and children on the Unemployment problem with about 500 words and another short speech with 150 words approximately on the same topic.

These speeches can help anyone who is looking forward to presenting a speech on the topic, as mentioned above, be it students, teachers, or any other research person.

Furthermore, we have also included ten Lines on the topic and some FAQs to make the content clearer to our readers.

A Long Speech on Unemployment is helpful for students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech on Unemployment is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Unemployment 500 Words In English

Good morning/afternoon/ evening to everyone present here, I am obliged to welcome each of you to discuss a severe and emerging problem of the world, unemployment.

Before getting into the topic, I would like to give a small gist of how and why a country is faced with unemployment. Some of the most common and primary reasons could be population growth, slow economic growth, slow growth of service and economic sectors, seasonal unemployment and decrease of small scale industries, etc.

These being some of the most common reasons for unemployment in India, the situation has worsened so much that people with high degrees are on the verge of unemployment either due to no jobs or due to a low pay scale. Apart from these, there is a significant population in India that is linked to the agricultural sector.

In the agricultural sector as well we get disguised unemployment, without people even being aware of it. Another problem of the agricultural sector is that many crops or plantations only provide employment during the harvesting month or when the crop is finally ready to be sold; the remaining time proves to be jobless for many farmers. This gives rise to seasonal unemployment.

Unemployment is a tragedy for the individual who feels he/ she is incapable of earning a living and for their families who have to go through a hard time. Moreover, it is a tragedy for the country and cannot cater to the rising talent among its youth, and misses out on the untapped talent.

The youth of the country or the young generation is hard-working, and they are ambitious. They have great talent, but it becomes difficult to even for the Government to cater to huge demand, and this has given more condition to the idea of “the best one wins.”

The population of educated people is increasing by each passing day, and the Government is unable to employ them at workplaces. The literate youth is not satisfied with the inconsistent salary offered to them, and the danger of unemployment makes the situation worse.

Since most youths do not have the technical knowledge or practical expertise, they are also offered clerical jobs with not enough to accommodate their satisfactional needs.

Those who have technical knowledge even face more disappointment as they cannot get a decent job as per their qualifications due to the long lists of applicants available.

Though it was perfect that people are becoming more aware of the situation now and most of them are getting educated to secure a better future, one should have technical skills and knowledge of their studies that can help them in the long run. The change of curriculum by the Government will also help to improve this problem.

Thus, we have to overcome the situation of unemployment as a country, and each of us need to work on ourselves to make a better future. The Government should also take further steps to cater to the increasing yet talented demand.

Lastly, I would like to thank you, the audience, for having patience and turning up today for this noble cause.

Thank you.

Short Speech On Unemployment 150 Words In English 

Short Speech On Unemployment 150 Words In English

A very good morning/ evening to one and all present here, I appreciate your efforts to gather here to discuss the problem of unemployment in today’s world.

Unemployment is a significant problem in almost all countries of the world, be it developing or developed. However, the incidence of unemployment is different in both cases.

In the first case, the problem is chronic and affects the economy and wellbeing of the people. However, in developed countries, unemployment instead occurs due to the recession in the business cycle and temporary. It can also be voluntary unemployment, which does not affect the wellbeing of individuals.

India being a developing country, is no exception.

Here we have chronic unemployment, which has resulted in the brain drain of our country and many potent problems faced by our youth. Though the IT sectors have developed over the years, the underdevelopment of other sectors aggravates the problem.

Thus, government initiatives are required in this regard for a better future of the coming generation.

Thank you.

10 Lines On Unemployment Speech In English

  1. The young generation is three times more likely to remain unemployed than the older generation.
  2. It is estimated that 23% of the youth are currently unemployed in the world.
  3. Seventy-five million people are trained each year but have no job.
  4. In the year 2013, there were about 157.1 unemployed people throughout the world’s developing countries.
  5. Among all regions, east India has the highest rate of unemployment.
  6. However, 4.5% of East Asia’s unemployment rate, which is quite low.
  7. Among other developing regions of the world, sub-Saharan Africa has the second most jobless people, followed by South Asia.
  8. Around 600 million young people aged between 15-24 years are not into education, employment, or training.
  9. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) estimates that the global youth unemployment rate is expected to reach 13.1% in 2016 and remained throughout 2017.
  10. Almost 90% of young people live in developing countries in the world.

10 Lines On Unemployment Speech In English 

FAQs On Unemployment Speech

Question 1.
What are unemployment insurance benefits?

Unemployment benefits refer to partial replacement of regular earnings and help one to meet expenses while one looks for another job. They are not based on financial needs.

Question 2.
How do I stop claiming unemployment benefits?

The simple way to stop one’s claim is t stop filling your weekly claims. One may stop claiming at any time they wish to during the benefit year.

Question 3.
In which type of employment, marginal productivity is zero?

In disguised unemployment, marginal productivity is zero because many workers are involved in the agricultural sector, whereas their contribution to the total output is zero.

Question 4.
What type of unemployment is found in developed countries?

Voluntary unemployment is the most common type of unemployment found in developed countries.

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