Disability Certificate | Application Procedure and Status, Format and Validity

Disability Certificate: Disability Certificate is the Identity proof of a person with a certain disability so that he/she can avail of the benefits reserved under the PWD quota. There are many reservations and concessions provided by the Indian government to people with physical disabilities. Depending on the disability percentage many of the benefits have been defined, but usually, more than 40% of disability is considered. This certificate is not mandatory to get admissions in schools or colleges or any educational institute to pursue any course.

To create a national database for persons with disabilities (PwD), GOI implemented a “Unique ID for Persons with Disabilities” project. Under this project, a Unique Disability Identity Card will be handed to each person with a disability. This will encourage transparency, effectiveness and ease of passing the government benefits to the person with disabilities along with ensuring uniformity. It will also help the government to keep a track of a person’s physical and financial growth at all levels of the hierarchy.

Students can find more about Certificates, explore the types used for academic purposes, professional purposes and more.

The objective to bring UDID project was to provide the following reliefs to PWD citizens:

  • A new application of UDID
  • Renew of disability certificate before the expiration
  • To apply for a new one, in case of lost certificates

Disability Certificate Criteria

As per the PWD Act in 1995 (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & Full Participation), any person with disabilities, who meet the conditions, will be eligible to get the identity card for disability and would be able to get the benefits. The candidate should be an Indian Citizen.

There is no age limit to get this certificate or ID card. But disability percentage have been defined for some:

  • Mentally handicapped – 35%
  • Orthopedically – 40%
  • Deaf & Dumb – 90 db & 100 db
  • Blindness – 90% or above

Medical Certificate

To obtain the disability certificate under the PwD Act, the person has to get the medical certificate from any authorised hospital or medical board established by State Govt./Defence authority,

How to Get Disability Certificate?

A person who is physically or mentally challenged, they can apply for a disability certificate or Unique disability ID issued by the government. This ID will help them to avail of the benefits, concessions and even the reservations granted by the government of India, under the PWD Act, 1995. As per the PWD Act, a person with a disability has the right to Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & Full Participation. To apply for this certificate, follow the below-given steps.

  • Go to UDID web portal or http://www.swavlambancard.gov.in/
  • Register yourself by entering the details
  • After  registration, you will receive login credentials
  • Log in to the system using credentials and click on “Apply online for Disability Certificate”
  • Read the complete instructions and fill the details correctly:
    • Name (First, Middle, Last)
    • Father’s Name
    • Mother’s Name
    • Date of Birth
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Mobile Number
    • Email Id
    • Mark of identification
    • Category
    • Blood group
    • Marital status
    • Relation with PWD (if applying for another person)
    • Guardian Name and Contact details
    • Photo, Signature, Thumb Impression
    • Correspondance address
    • Permanent Address
    • Education details
  • Next, enter your disability details such as:
    • Disability percentage
    • Medical certificate issued by the hospital
    • Details of issuing authority
    • Type of disability And more
  • Then employment details (if employed)
  • At last, you need to mention identity details, like Aadhar card, Voter ID, PAN card, etc.

How To Get Disability Certificate

Disability Certificate Verification of Application

  • The application form is submitted to the CMO Office/Medical Authority, where the details in the form are verified.
  • A concerned specialist is assigned by CMO Office/Medical Authority  to conduct an assessment of disability of PWD and share their opinion
  • Based on this assessment, the medical board will assign disability percentage and the CMO office will prepare the disability certificate along with generating UDID
  • The UDID card is then dispatched to PWD in the provided address

Disability Certificate Offline Application

To apply offline, download the form and fill the details. Send the attested copies of documents along with the form to the CMO office. Once verification and assessment are done, the certificate with UDID will be dispatched to PWD.

Documents Required for Disability Certificate

  • Copy of the Disability Certificate from hospital
  • Two passport photos
  • ID proof with disability
  • Residential proof
  • Medical and psychological reports
  • Aadhaar Card

Disability Certificate Application Fee

There could be nominal charges imposed on the disabled person while applying for a disability certificate. But mostly there is no application fee or charges to get a disability certificate

Disability Certificate Validity

After the age of 18 years, a disability certificate does not have any expiration date. PWD candidates who are below 18 years, need to renew their certificates every five years. In case of permanent disability, no new medical examination is required.

Usually, the certificate is valid for 5 years for temporary disability and for permanent disability the certificate is marked with permanent.

Disability Certificate Status

Applicants who have applied for PWD based disability certificate can check the status of their application by following the below steps:

  • Go to the official website
  • At the right side corner, you will get the option of “Track your Application Status”, click on it. It will redirect to new webpage
  • Enter your Enrolment / UDID / Request Number / Mobile Number / Aadhar Number and click on GO button
  • The status of your application will appear on the screen.

Disability Certificate Format

The format of the disability certificate is provided here. The certificate varies from person to person based on their disabilities. It means if a person has partial blindness or low vision, then he/she will get the certificate describing their percentage of disability and other factors.

Disability Certificate

(In case of amputation or complete permanent paralysis of limbs and in cases of blindness)

(Name and address of medical authority issuing the certificate)

Certificate No.
Date:         Passport Size Photo

This is to certify that I have carefully examined Shri/Smt/Kum _____,

son/wife/daughter of Shri ______,

Date of Birth _____, Age _____ Years, Male/Female ______,

Registration No.______, Permanent Resident of House No._______,

ward/village/street ______, Post office ________, District _______, State_____,

Whose photograph is affixed above and am satisfied that:

  1. He/She is a case of:
    1. Locomotive Disability
    2. Blindness (Please tick as applicable)
  2. The diagnosis in his/her case is ______
    1. He/she has ___% (in figure) ___ percent (in words) permanent physical impairment/blindness in relation to his/her ____(parts of body) as per guidelines (to be specified)
    2. The applicant has submitted the following documents as a proof of residence:
Nature of Document Date of Issue Details of authority issuing certificate

Signature/Thumb impression               (Signature and Seal of Issuing Medical Authority)

of the person in whose favour

disability certificate is issued

About Unique Disability Identity (UDID)

Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities initiated the UDID project to build an end to end integrated system for issuing the Universal ID & Disability Certificates to the persons with disabilities. This certificate will carry their identification and disability details.

UDID Includes

  • Online availability of PWD citizen, through a centralized web application, across the country
  • Online registration and submission of application form for disability certificates
  • Assessment to check the percentage of disability of a person by hospitals/medical authorities
  • Avoiding duplication of PWD data
  • Renewal and modification of information, online

FAQ’s on Disability Certificate

Question 1.
What is a disability certificate?

Disability Certificate is the Identity proof, issued by the medical authority under government norms, of a person with a certain disability so that he/she can avail the benefits reserved under the PWD quota.

Question 2.
How to apply for a disability certificate?

Go to the official website and register yourself. Log in with your credentials and click on Apply for Disability certificate. Enter your personal details as specified in the application form. Next, enter your disability details and employment details (if employed). Mention your identity details such as Driving licence, PAN card, Ration Card, Voter ID, Aadhar card. Sign the declaration and submit the application form to CMO, where the application will be verified and later certificate will be issued to the person.

Question 3.
How to track the application of disability certificate?

To track the status, go to the official website, click on Track Application Status, Enter your Enrolment / UDID / Request Number / Mobile Number / Aadhar Number and Submit the details. The status of your application will appear on the screen.

Question 4.
What is the validity of the disability certificate?

Usually, the certificate is valid for 5 years for temporary disability and for permanent disability the certificate is marked with permanent.

Question 5.
What is UDID?

UDID stands for Unique Disability ID. The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities initiated the UDID project to build an end to end integrated system for issuing the Universal ID & Disability Certificates to the persons with disabilities. This certificate will carry their identification and disability details.

Question 6.
What are the 21 types of disabilities?

Blindness, Low-vision, Leprosy Cured persons, Hearing Impairment (deaf and hard of hearing), Locomotor Disability, Dwarfism, Intellectual Disability, Mental Illness, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Chronic Neurological Conditions, Specific Learning Disabilities, Multiple Sclerosis Speech and Language disabilities, Thalassemia, Hemophilia, Sickle Cell Disease, Multiple Disabilities including deafblindness, Acid Attack victim, Parkinson’s disease

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