Girl Education Slogans | Unique and Catchy Girl Education Slogans in English

Girl Education Slogans: Girls’ education goes past getting girls into school. It is also about guaranteeing that girls learn and feel secure while in school. Plus, have the opportunity to complete all levels of education, acquiring the expertise and skills to compete in the labour market.

Girls should learn the socio-economical and life skills necessary to navigate and adapt to a dynamic world. They should be able to make choices about their own lives and add to their communities and the world. Poverty is one of the significant determinants for deciding whether a girl can access and achieve her education.

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Slogans on Girl Education in English

Better tutored women tend to be more informed about nutrition and healthcare, have fewer children, marry at a later age, and their children are usually healthier, should they prefer to become mothers. All these factors combined can help lift homes, communities, and countries out of poverty.

Studies consistently reinforce that girls who face many obstacles – such as low family income, living in remote or underserved areas or who have a disability or belong to a minority ethnolinguistic group – are farthest behind in terms of access to and fulfilment of education.

Slogans on Girl Education in English

15 Unique and Catchy Girl Education Slogans

1. Education teaches us how to achieve success.
2. Girls are the support of the world, educate them and empower them!
3. Education is the only service which can empower girls.
4. Let a girl be your strength and not the weakness. Educate her!
5. Education is the best way to reform girls.
6. Educate a girl child; she can be the best leader in the country.
7. Education is power and makes a girl powerful.
8. Education brings opportunities for unlimited learning.
9. Education itself is independent of all the restraints, age, sex, caste, religion, and region.
10. Let gender inequality go away from society through a girl’s education.
11. Education is a passkey to the door of all the goals.
12. Never devoid a girl of education and lack of birthrights.
13. Let a girl educate and grow in a happy family environment.
14. Education is a benefit which makes human a personality.
15. Education takes a person out of social issues.

5 Slogans on Girl Education in English

Frequently Asked Questions on Girl Education Slogans

Question 1.
How many girls globally are not enrolled in a school?

According to UNESCO estimations, around the world, 132 million girls are not enrolled in a school, including 34.3 million of primary school age, 30 million of lower-secondary school age, and 67.4 million of upper-secondary school age. In countries hit by conflict, girls are more than twice as likely to be out of school as girls living in non-affected nations. And in many nations, among girls who do enter primary school, only a minute portion will reach, and far fewer will complete secondary school.

Question 2.
Apart from poverty, what other major factor affects girls’ education?

Violence also restricts girls from accessing and completing education. Often, girls are forced to walk long miles to school, placing them at a heightened risk of violence and many face violence while at school. Most recent data estimates that about 60 million girls are sexually violated on their way to or at school every year. This often has severe consequences for their mental and physical health and overall well-being while also leading to reduced attendance and higher dropout rates. An approximated 246 million children experience violence in and around school every year, ending school-related gender-based violence is critical.

Question 3.
How does child marriage affect girls’ education?

Child marriage is also a critical hurdle. Girls who marry young are much more prone to drop out of the schoolhouse, complete fewer years of education than their peers who marry later. They are also more prone to have children at a young age and are exposed to greater levels of violence perpetrated by their spouse. In turn, this affects the education and well-being of their children, as well as their capability to earn a living. Certainly, girls with secondary schooling are up to six times more expected to marry as those children with little or no education.

Question 4.
What effect did COVID19 have on girls’ education?

COVID-19 is harming girls’ health and well-being – and many are at risk of not returning to school once they reopen. As girls stay at the house because of school closings, their household work strains might increase, resulting in girls spending more time helping out at home instead of studying. Moreover, research shows that girls risk dropping out of school when caregivers are missing from the household because they typically have to (partly) replace the work done by the missing caregiver, who might be away due to COVID-19-related work, illness, or death.

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