Slogans on Child Labour | Unique and Catchy Slogans on Child Labour in English

Slogans on Child Labour: The practice of child labor is a crime and is, therefore, a punishable offense in law’s eyes. However, for ages, people have been practicing child labor all over the world. Child labor is one of the most significant social issues that are prevalent even today. The social groups have taken massive amounts of effort to put an end to child labor. Even in India, child labor is an issue and has been going on for years.

Child labor refers to the exploitation of children through paid or unpaid labor. That hampers their childhood and interferes with their education, etc. Countries should take up the issue of child labor very seriously as it destroys the children’s childhood and affects the future of the country as a whole. An educated generation means a bright future of the country, and child labor hampers children’s education.

Children grow up to be the flag bearers of their state; therefore, one must take care of them from a very young age. They must be taught the right values and must be put into schools and provided with adequate rest and nutrition.

Slogans on Child Labour in English

It is the birth right of children to get an education. Childhood is the ideal time to learn and grow, and this won’t be possible if the children are pushed into the shackles of child labor. At any cost, no child should be deprived of the enjoyable childhood that they deserve. Not only is child labor terrible for a child’s physical well-being, but it also hampers the mental state of children.

Further, there have been cases of dangerous accidents involving child labor. It is in no way acceptable to introduce a child into a dangerous working environment. Not only government but social activists and NGOs are also raising their voices against child labor. They host demonstrations, street plays, and even protests against this crime.

However, more and more people have must be informed about the ill effects of child labor and the importance of education and enjoyment during the childhood phase. We can chis awareness has to be created through social programs and awareness drives. Every parent has to play a part in the complete eradication of child labor; only then will every child have a healthy childhood.

Slogans on Child Labour in English

15 Unique and Catchy Slogans on Child Labour

During these campaigns and demonstrations, the best and most effective way to do so is by the use slogans. Below we have listed a few catchy and unique slogans on Child Labour. These slogans will accelerate the awareness drive and motivate the people to spread awareness further and act on a personal level. Society as a whole needs to wide open their eyes and see the cruelty that child labor is. The change can only happen if we educate the people of the society about the dangers of child labor.

The slogans below are short and compact but will significantly impact the minds of the people. A slogan should be strong enough to persuade people to get into action. You can choose from the slogans below to share with your friends and family members as well:

1. Together, let’s pledge an oath, child labor is a terrible crime that we won’t support.
2. Every time child labor is practiced, an innocent childhood has vanished.
3. A child’s childhood is for learning, don’t use their childhood for earning.
4. Let’s put aside our greeds, not work, but education is what every child needs.
5. Childhood is a time to learn and make their future bright; child labor is not right.
6. At a time when they need education, child labor is the real destruction.
7. Children are supposed to be going to school; they don’t look good with a hand full of tools.
8. It is our own responsibility as grown-ups to secure a future for our children by keeping them away from child labor.
9. We need to understand a child’s capability; child labor can decrease a child’s productivity.
10. Child labor is undoubtedly child abuse, and for that, you cannot come up with an excuse.
11. A child’s hand is too precious to be doing work; they look good holding a mighty pencil.
12. The roadway to a healthy nation is to stop child exploitation through child labor.
13. Making a child burn fuel is nothing but sheer cruel.
14. Teach your child to hold a pencil not to wash utensils.
15. It’s time to stop child labor and start child care.

5 Slogans on Child Labour in English

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