Stay Home Stay Safe Slogans | Unique and Catchy Stay Home Stay Safe Slogans in English

Stay Home Stay Safe Slogans: 2020 in totality, had been a mess. Not a day has passed by in this year, which has not left us thinking about what could have had gone wrong. At the beginning of the year itself, the only thing that has been keeping people under immense fear is none other than Covid-19.

Since the beginning of the year, there had been speculation about the Coronavirus causing pandemic. The world got to know about its existence only when the Covid-19 infection started to grow exponentially.

Amidst the clamour that the Coronavirus has caused, the doctors and scientists made sure there sole motive of inventing a vaccine went on without any interference. Amidst the chaos, the main objective that the doctors and other officials of the government had suggested was to stay at home.

Over this time, the cataclysmic Corona has mutated itself, but the only remedy has been to stay at home safely.  Doctors believed that the only thing that could stop the virus that was spreading like wildfire was to stay at home.

Students can read more Slogans about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Slogans on Stay Home Stay Safe in English

Ever since the Coronavirus had come into existence, there had been few things and tips that the government made sure, people followed without hesitation. Without any initial delay, journals about how to maintain life during Corona pandemic became popular.

Not only could staying at home have helped, but there were certain other things as well. People had to wash their hands frequently. This would keep the virus from spreading into your body and cause the infection. Frequently sanitizing your house was yet again a point that people had to do. In short, people had not only to keep themselves at home, away from other people but also keep their surroundings clean.

To keep the Coronavirus at a check, attending social gatherings were a big no. Attending social gatherings could have allowed the spread of Coronavirus, and thus staying home was the only option left.

Slogans on Stay Home Stay Safe in English

15 Unique and Catchy Stay Home Stay Safe Slogans

At this point, when the news channels are coming up with an alarming number of infected people, it is time we do our bit as well. We sure are not like the officials working for the society at this time of need directly, but we sure can contribute to making a difference. Paradoxically, all we have to do at this point is do nothing.

Staying home safely, not only for our self but for people around us is essential. For our safety, we are now working from home. To make sure, the small grocery shops at our locality did not run at a loss were open. All of us were allowed access whenever we required. The only thing we had to do was to stay at home and eradicate the Coronavirus.

It is not the time to take our kids at the playground, or for adults to go for lunch or dinner date. This was the time we stayed home to test the true love we have for humanity as a whole. The year left us disgusted, but it indeed taught us how to be patient—every day when we yearn for liberty, our hope for better future increases. Hoping against hope, we yearn for a brighter and disease-free world.

To aware people about the Covid-19, some slogans have come up. Motivational quotes at this time are significant, as they would help us in believing that this is just a bad phase, and it is the darkest before the first day of the sun shines. The motivational quotes are as follows.

1. This is a biological war, and you can win it only if you stay at home.
2. At this time of the year, our crucial duty is to stay at home.
3. Paradoxically, all we have to do is do nothing and stay home.
4. The only way to win against the Chaotic Corona is by staying at home.
5. If you love your family, friends and acquaintances, then be unsocial for a while.
6. Be a socially awkward person, but stay connected to the world through social media.
7. Send love to your loved ones but from afar.
8. We Salute to the doctors and nurses who are working hard to eradicate Corona.
9. We all want to see a better tomorrow, and thus we choose to be at home.
10. Home, the only place than can check Corona
11. Staying at home, waking and sanitizing at regular intervals can keep Corona at bay.
12. This year, we’ll work from home, so that in the upcoming days, we can conquer the world.
13. The main mantra to keep you fit should be- stay home, stay safe and stay optimistic.
14. Stay home because only that can save you from Corona.
15. Covid 19 will soon go just be at home.

5 Slogans on Stay Home Stay Safe in English

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