Stop Child Labour Slogans | Unique and Catchy Stop Child Labour Slogans in English

Stop Child Labour Slogans: When there is an exploitation of children, significantly below the age group of 14, for any form of work demanding the sacrifice of childhood is categorized under child labour. Every child going to work is getting deprived of education, and it is exhausting both physically and mentally.

Such activities are prohibited, not only in the country but worldwide. The forms of child labour include enslavement; when they are separated from the care of their families, they are left to look after and fetch for themselves at a very tender age. This form varies from one country to the other.

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Slogans on Stop Child Labour in English

Various factors contribute to child labour. For a country like India, the chief reason is poverty which deprives all the resources of a family and pushes the child to work. The demand for cheap unskilled labour is also high in greedy industries.

An eye-grabbing slogan helps in snatching the attention of the public for severe issues and campaigns. Stopping child labour is one such movement for which every individual of the country must come together.

Slogans on Stop Child Labour in English

15 Unique and Catchy Slogans on Stop Child Labour

1. Significant buildings should not be made with tiny hands. Child labour is illegal, stop promoting it.
2. Every child in the country should be going to school to study and not to factories to work. Do not engage in child labour.
3. Article 26 of our constitution makes every child eligible to go to school. Let your child go to school, not to greedy employers.
4. Please do not take part in illegal activity like child labour. It may give you a profit, but it ruins the childhood of the employed.
5. Childhood ruined today affects the future of tomorrow. Keep in mind that child labour is punishable under law.
6. Let the child enjoy the toy cars and not a car wash. You will have other ways of earning money, but he will not have another chance at childhood.
7. A child should learn, not earn. Make a way so that a child goes to school.
8. A child’s hand should have books and be full of colourful paint; they should not have wrenches and car inks.
9. Will, it just on your part to send a child to work when it is time for her to get love and care from you?
10. When we see with eyes of greed, we fail to see a child’s need. The little ones need classrooms, not shop floors.
11. Please do not give the youngsters tools; let them go to school. Child labour is a parasite creeping into the society that needs to be crushed away.
12. How will our nation’s future be bright when we are practising something that is not right? Stop child labour.
13. By employing a child today, you may make a profit, but tomorrow the society will be in loss.
14. Let us stop exploiting the children of our nation. They deserve love and care from us, not greed.
15. Do not make the little ones a scapegoat for your insatiable needs. Stop emptying the schools and filling your factories.

5 Slogans on Stop Child Labour in English

Frequently Asked Questions on Stop Child Labour Slogans

Question 1.
How can we help to stop child labour?

We can help stop child labour by first and foremost being a conscious consumer. We should ask the retailers from whom we buy clothes or jewellery whether their factories use child labour. Some laws prohibit child labour, and not many people are aware of it. We can resort to social media to spread awareness, as well.

Question 2. 
What are some laws related to child labour in India?

Our constitution is full of several ways that help to safeguard the children. There is the Mines Act of 1952 that says that children below 18 years should never be employed in mines. There is the Juvenile Justice of Children Act of 2000, which makes it punishable for any employer who employs a child in hazardous employment or even bondage. Our constitution gives a right for the children to free education, passed in 2009, that creates a window for all children between 6 to 14 years of age to receive free and compulsory education.

Question 3. 
Are there any organisations working against child labour?

Yes, there are many such organizations. There is a civil society named Global March Against Child Labour, which makes sure every child receives primary education. There is another NGO named ACE, which is based in Japan. It works for ending child labour, and it is operational in India too.

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