Bullying Essay | Essay on Bullying Essay for Students and Children in English

Bullying Essay: Usage of force, coercion, or threat, to abuse or aggressively dominate is known as bullying. Three minimum criteria to characterize aggressive behaviour are hostile intent, imbalance of power, and repetition over some time.

Bullying is the subcategory of this aggressive behaviour. Development of bullying culture can occur in any context in which humans interact with each other. Physical assault, verbal harassment, threat or such acts fall under bullying. Bullying has different effects like suicide, positive development, hormonal changes, etc. Ignoring bullies is the best way to respond to bullies.

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Long and Short Essays on Bullying for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with essay samples on long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic Bullying for reference.

Long Essay on Bullying 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Bullying is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The process of harassing someone through applying forces, abusing verbally or non-verbally, threatening, and using other means of violence to make someone do a piece of work, or just for the pleasure of the assaulter is known as bullying.

Bullying has been a common practice on colleges, where the seniors assault the juniors to show them their power, and the privileges of being seniors. Generally, bullying is done by the strong people on the weaker sections of people.

These people appear to be strong based on their power (both physical and intellectual) and position. These people bully the weaker people for mainly two reasons; to make their presence felt or to make them do some unpleasant work.

Bullying is not only common in colleges but also schools, offices and other places. A person who is bullied regularly or has been bullied before, suffer huge mental trauma and physical trauma. Some people lose their mental and physical steadiness due to these bullies.

Some people even lose their confidence after getting bullied, either temporarily or permanently. In both cases, that person should be treated by a proper therapist or consultant because mental trauma may not appear to be as serious as physical trauma. Still, the mental condition of that person will make him lead a life according to his choices that he is going to take.

If the person who is bullying other people succeeds in doing so, then he will get confident and continue bullying people. In that case, a bully should be reported immediately, and the person who is bullying should be immediately punished with proper punishments so that he does not repeat the same thing.

There are many clubs or organizations in schools and colleges that ensure that the students are safe from bullying. They strictly instructed the students that they should inform the authorities of the organizations if there is any case of bullying or ragging seen on the premises.

In offices, there are no such organizations made as all the staffs present in the office are adults. They are expected to be capable enough of handling these situations. There is a positive and a negative side seen in this case.

The positive side is that the employees who are victims of bullying learn to handle these situations independently. They should handle these situations smartly enough so that they don’t lose their positions and at the same time, face the problems and tackle them easily.

The negative side is that the people who bully do not get any punishment unless the victim retaliates. Every bullied victim may not be powerful enough to retaliate against the bully. Those who are weak, they will not retaliate, and this will provide us with an opportunity to the assaulter.

Thus, a person should be taught to retaliate against the bully, and at the same time, they should be taught not to bully on the weaker people to show them their power. The oppressor should not oppress, and the victim should protest against this.

Essay about Bullying

Short Essay on Bullying 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Bullying is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Bullying seeks to harm, intimidate or frighten someone often over some time and often forcing them to do something that they do not want to do. Bullying is repeated verbal and physical unacceptable and unfair behaviour. Bullying causes humiliation division and inequality in society.

It is considered as a very harmful and disturbing behaviour which acts against mental peace. Bullying can happen anywhere at school workplace society, and the latest trend in cyberbullying. Bullying is very negative and destructive. Bullying creates a social problem in our society.

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It can ruin the life of an emotionally weak person when bullying gets extreme. Children can be scared to go to school or play if they are bullied at school or a playground. One can cope with bullying if help available through counselling and things will get better, and for their self-esteem and confidence are keywords.

10 Lines on Bullying Essay in English

1. Usage of force, coercion, or threat, to abuse or aggressively dominate is known as bullying.
2. Physical assault, verbal harassment, threat or such acts fall under bullying.
3. Bullying has been a common practice on colleges, where the seniors assault the juniors to show them their power, and the privileges of being seniors.
4. A person who is bullied regularly or has been bullied before, suffer huge mental trauma and physical trauma.
5. Some people even lose their confidence after getting bullied, either temporarily or permanently.
6. There are many clubs or organizations in schools and colleges that ensure that the students are safe from bullying.
7. The employees who are victims of bullying learn to handle these situations independently.
8. The people who bully do not get any punishment unless the victim retaliates.
9. Bullying causes humiliation division and inequality in society.
10. One can cope with bullying if help available through counseling.

Essay on Bullying

FAQ’s on Bullying Essay

Question 1.
What is Bullying?

The process of harassing someone through applying forces, abusing verbally or non-verbally, threatening, and using other means of violence to make someone do a piece of work, or just for the pleasure of the assaulter is known as bullying.

Question 2.
How to cope with bullying?

One can cope with bullying if help available through counselling.

Question 3.
What does the bullying cause in society?

Bullying causes humiliation division and inequality in society.

Question 4.
Write one positive side of bullying.

The employees who are victims of bullying learn to handle these situations independently.

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