Cruelty to Animals Essay | Essay on Cruelty to Animals Essay for Students and Children in English

Cruelty to Animals Essay: Animal cruelty is the intended violence and miserliness towards animals. Animals being treated poorly with nonchalant nature is illegal in many countries and highly inhuman. The animal is also living organisms who deserve good living standards and protection from cruelty. Animals must not be treated badly whether or not they are domestic or not.

Animal cruelty is carried out in many countries and organisations in the veil of experimental studies and research. It is also found that animals kept in sanctuaries and zoos are not being taken care of properly. These are certain ways how animals are subjected to cruelty.

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Long and Short Essays on Cruelty to Animals for Students and Kids in English

We are providing a long essay on Cruelty to Animalsof 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the same topic along with ten lines about the topic to help readers.

Long Essay on Cruelty to Animals Essay 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Cruelty to Animals Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Cruelty to animals has become an international issue concerning animal welfare. Animals are subjected to harsh treatments due to many human needs. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed and stopped. Cruelty towards animals has led to many deaths, and it is gradually increasing as the world population is increasing.

In some of the zoos, it can be seen that the animals are kept in a dirty cage with unhygienic methods of feeding. This treatment has to lead to unfortunate deaths of animals due to diseases and poor standards of treatment. The veiled ill-treatment of animals in the experiment laboratories can make one nauseous to look at. The animals in these laboratories are injected with trial medicines and often kept at freezing temperatures. These harsh actions on animals lead to their painful death.

The textile industry uses animal skin and their body hairs to make exotic fabrics and accessories. The animals have to go through a painful process to bestow these elements for the human luxuries. Certain home décor elements are made from animal skin, teeth, fur, horns, etc. which is major exploitation of animal welfare policies. We, as a human being, do not measure the pain animals go through because of such practices.

The cosmetics industry contributes to animal cruelty by testing their products on these animals. These tests allow the researchers to apply and inject chemicals into the animal’s body. Chemicals are also injected in an animal’s eyes to test reaction to eyes. In this process, many animals died with pain and failed trials. This testing shows the immoral human actions upon innocent animals.

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The world has witnessed cruelty towards animals in many ways. Sometimes we see rural population and the urban as well treating animals harshly. The animals that fall prey to such actions are usually domesticated or lost. Recently we witnessed the inhuman activity of human feeding fireworks to an elephant in Kerala, India. Several incidents of raping animals are encountered in the country. Many more such events that are shameful to address are reported taking place. Such activities are condemned by the government but never ceases to happen.

Many animals and birds have gone extinct, and most of them are on the verge of extinction due to such cruelty towards them. The murder of animals on the luxurious ground must be stopped and condemned. This behaviour towards animals is an example of dominance and torturous attitude of humans upon the innocent.

Some countries like Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Hongkong, Sweden, Germany and Austria have strict animal welfare laws. Indian law condemns animal cruelty but with exclusion. Strict laws prohibit exploitation of animals for entertainment use, but they are allowed to be experimented on and feed upon. Rules and regulations are found to be insufficient to stop these nonchalant animal and bird abuse. It is the responsibility of the human civilization to maintain the harmony between creatures and save them from endangerment and extinction.

Essay on Cruelty to Animals

Short Essay on Cruelty to Animals Essay 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Cruelty to Animals Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Animal cruelty is the poor and violent treatment towards naïve organisms. Animal cruelty is carried out in many organizations under the veil of research and experimentation. It has been found that certain zoos and wildlife statuaries have poor living conditions for the animals. This has led to the endangerment and extinction of many animals.

No law in the benevolent civilization allows cruelty towards animals of any kind. But in our day to day life, we encounter animal cruelty or products obtained from animal cruelty. The cosmetic industry uses animals to test their products, the medical industry uses animals to test their medicines, the textile industry uses animal skin and fur to create fabrics, and the food industry uses parts of animals to prepare delicacies. Every year millions of animals are murdered in order to bestow the human civilization.

Animal cruelty is a punishable offence, however least steps and actions are taken to ensure the guilt-ridden are punished. Everyday cruelty to animals are done, and the human civilization steps down in the moral stairs.

10 Lines on Cruelty to Animals Essay in English

1. Cruelty to animals is the poor and violent treatment towards them.
2. Animal cruelty often leads to painful life and painful death of the creatures.
3. Animal cruelty is a punishable offence, but it is exclusive.
4. Cruelty towards animals is carried out in veiled methods that lead to the killing of animals.
5. We encounter animal cruelty in our daily lives by the products we use.
6. Animals and birds are subjected to poor treatment for certain delicacies; the human civilizations love to have.
7. Medicine sciences, textile industries and lifestyle industries are significantly guilty of animal cruelty.
8. Every day around ten million animals are murdered to bestow human needs.
9. This killing of animals has led to endangerment and extinction of several species that existed in abundance.
10. Animal cruelty is inhuman, and steps must be taken towards its prohibition.

Essay about Cruelty to Animals

FAQ’s on Cruelty to Animals Essay

Question 1.
How to avoid cruelty towards animals?

Animals are self-sufficient creatures. Caging them and using it for serving human needs that leads to their painful death must be stopped.

Question 2.
Where is animal cruelty prohibited?

Countries which have taken a positive step towards the prohibition of cruelty to animals are Austria, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Germany, Hongkong, Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark.

Question 3.
Is cruelty to animal legal in India?

Cruelty to animals is illegal in India with exclusions. Indian organizations are allowed to use animals for food and scientific purposes. But using an animal for public entertainment is strictly prohibited.

Question 4.
How many animals die of ill-treatment?

Every year around ten million animals die of ill-treatment caused due to various human needs such as food, experimentation, textile and decors.

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