Peer Pressure in Youngsters Essay | Essay on Peer Pressure in Youngsters for Students and Children in English

Peer Pressure in Youngsters Essay: Peer pressure is a direct or indirect influence on an individual, which forces them to change their behaviours and attitude so that the influencing groups are satisfied.

During the adolescent stage of an individual, peer pressure is one of the most vital indicators in behavioural problems. Peer pressure from a lousy association during youth can lead an individual into a very horrid situation and hamper one’s whole career.

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Long and Short Essays on Peer Pressure in Youngsters for Students and Kids in English

We provide students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic of Peer Pressure in Youngsters for reference.

Long Essay on Peer Pressure in Youngsters 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Peer Pressure in Youngsters is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

In the social and emotional development of youngsters, peers play a huge role. Their influence starts at an early stage and increases throughout their teenage years. A child needs to have an honest and healthy relationship with their friends and rely on them to grow and mature together.

There are many positive and supportive outcomes of having peers to help a child develop new skills or stimulate interests in extracurricular activities or studies. But peers can also have negative influences. They might encourage each other to cheat, steal, share inappropriate materials online, use drugs and alcohol, or even involve in other risky behaviours.

The majority of the cases of teens with substance abuse reports start using drugs or alcohol due to peer pressure. The pressure can take place either in person or through social media platforms.

The main reason a youngster gives into peer pressure is that they want to fit in and be liked by kids his age, and they face anxiety issues about being left out if they don’t go along with the group. The youngsters perform a task that he is not willing to due to the frustrating peer pressure.

Peer pressure lands a negative impact on an individual as a person must be of the mindset of listening to himself first and considering decisions favourable to himself. Peer pressure faced during an individual’s youth can hamper a student’s studies and career if not averted at the right time.

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As youngsters nowadays are significantly influenced by celebrities, so in a way, these people also become their peers. As a result, they do things done by the stars, smoking, and drugs in significant cases. In a way, this also hurts an individual’s growth.

Based on research, an average of 34% of teens has done drugs, and 71% of teens already have tried alcohol by the end of higher-secondary school. So from the results, we can say that most or all adolescents would try to get their hands on drugs and alcohol due to the massive peer pressure they face.

Before getting influenced by any of the peers, it is essential to judge any deed result. Moreover, one should always prioritize his thoughts and wants before getting influenced by peer pressure and should always be secondary.

Adolescence is a stage when a youngster desires adult-like treatments as they begin to look like an adult on the exterior, but the interior can be easily influenced. Taking advantage of these situations, many peers encourages criminal activities, aggression, and other antisocial behaviours.

The only way to stop these aggressive behaviours among youngsters caused by peer pressure is by teaching kids tips about saying no when required and staying away from peers who pressure them to do things that they are not comfortable doing or dangerous. They have to spend time with other kids who can say no to peer pressure and always consult any adult they trust if they have a problem resisting peer pressure. The parents and teachers should pay attention to the kids to communicate with them if they face any difficulties.

Essay of Peer Pressure in Youngsters

Short Essay on Peer Pressure in Youngsters 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Peer Pressure in Youngsters is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

A genuine issue affecting many of the youngsters of the world is peer pressure. Teens often end up in the wrong directions due to the misleading advertisements offered by society. Nowadays, children face many sorts of forces, including smoking, staying past their curfew times, drinking, and even performing intercourse even if they are not ready.

Sometimes all these pressures are given by peers they trust. Either from schoolmates or friends, peer pressure forces a person to behave, act, and look at situations in a certain way. A child should always find someone with whom they can talk if they face peer pressure.

There are ways to fight peer pressure even if they seem extremely strong and irresistible. Many research types have shown how peer pressure alone can change someone’s mind from what they know is right to something very wrong. Self-confidence and inner strength to stand firm, resist, and walk away are required to halt peer pressure from taking place.

10 Lines on Peer Pressure in Youngsters Essay in English

1. When peers pressurize an individual, indirectly or directly, into doing something dangerous, illegal, or evil deed, it is known as peer pressure.
2. The most common example of peer pressure among youngsters is underage drinking, substance abuse, smoking, performing dangerous stunts, etc.
3. Most adolescents give in to peer pressure because they don’t want to get on anyone’s wrong side, and they want to fit in.
4. Listening to his gut and believing in himself, learning to say no, think a lot before making any decision are all the pointers that a kid should keep in mind to avoid peer pressure.
5. Teachers and parents should interact with the children to trust their adults and alert them if they face peer pressure.
6. The children should befriend someone who has already met peer pressure and resisted it to aid them in facing such situations.
7. Peer pressure is faced by individuals of all genders, ethnicities, and ages, so it is tough to resist.
8. As adolescents think they can make an independent decision because they have grown up physically, they are easily influenced by peer pressure.
9. Peer pressure can be faced either face-to-face or through digital platforms, as social media provides them with opportunities.
10. If a youngster is unable to resist the peer pressure, it might ruin his future, including his studies and career, so it is necessary to fight it when possible.  Peer Pressure in Youngsters

FAQ’s on Peer Pressure in Youngsters Essay

Question 1.
What are the six primary types of peer pressure?

The six-primary types of peer pressure are:
a) Direct peer pressure
b) Indirect peer pressure
c) Negative peer pressure
d) Positive peer pressure
e) Spoken peer pressure
f) Unspoken peer pressure.

Question 2.
How can peer pressure be so assertive?

It is natural for individuals, especially youths, to compare themselves to their peers as they consider how they want to be or how they want to achieve something their peers already have. Peer influences individuals as they want to fit in and be like the peers they admire. This is why peer pressure is so powerful.

Question 3.
Is peer pressure always negative?

Peer pressure is not always negative because not all peers pressure teenagers to commit crimes and engage in unhealthy behaviour. Peer pressure, in many cases, has positive effects in an adolescent’s life, and it can be considered as a reasonable force.

Question 4.
How does peer pressure begin in the case of youngsters?

Peer pressure may start as wanting and forcing other children to play the game they want to play in early childhood. It generally increments through childhood and reaches its heights in the teen years.

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