Same Sex Marriage Essay | Essay on Same Sex Marriage for Students and Children in English

Same Sex Marriage Essay: Sex is a biological term that differentiates between two biologically different human beings- the Male and the Female. When we talk about same sex marriage, we are intending to a sacred union of two people belonging to the same sex. This union can be called when two females get married to each other or when two males get married to each other. It is not the sex or gender that binds two souls together but love and care for each other.

Same sex marriage has been legal in many countries for a very long time. Indian judicial system legalized LGBTQ+ rights on 6 September 2018.

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Long and Short Essays on Same Sex Marriage for Students and Kids in English

We are providing a long essay on same sex marriage of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the same topic along with ten lines about the topic to help readers.

Long Essay on Same Sex Marriage 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Same Sex Marriage is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Love has no boundaries; thus, marriages are no longer limited to heterosexual sted in couples. Same sex marriages have been legalized in several countries that have lead to the initiation of demanding equal rights by the people of the LGBTQ+ Community. With the struggle of these activities, it has now become possible for same sex couples to be free and enjoy equal rights in some countries.

Same sex marriages are not a trend or western influence that is adapted by the society. Same sex attraction has existed from ancient times. It was not openly and vividly talked about due to lack of knowledge and understandings. It is still a taboo in most of the world. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves and the world so that the same sex couples do not face discrimination.

In India, same sex marriages are yet to be legalized. On 6 September 2018, the Supreme court of India decriminalizedecriminalize gay sex marking a historic judgement in the Indian judiciary. The court defined love to be without boundaries. This historical judgement is a result of prolonged protests and sufferings. It was welcomed and celebrated by the country with joy.

Same sex marriages are held like every other marriage. The rituals and traditions are not different for the same sex marriage than a heterosexual marriage. Both kinds of marriage are intended to unite two souls who are in love and care for each other. Discriminating and judging same sex couples in inhuman and wrong. This mindset needs to be changed as we are moving towards a progressive world.

To understand the concept of same sex attraction and the LGBTQ+ community, proper sex education must be introduced in school level. This education is very important so that a person discovers the true soul and desire within oneself. It is always said to be with the person one loves. To find the person one loves, we must educate ourselves about the different aspects of love and desire. Educating oneself of the various aspects of sexual attraction will lead us to be a better person and make others a better person.

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Same sex marriages are ridiculed at most places by society. It is wrong to discriminate human beings for their sexual preferences. Nor it is our right to devoid them of the fundamental rights as a human being. They are humans who deserve respect in all points of their life irrespective of their sexual preference.

We have come a long way now in protecting gay rights. It is the duty of every individual to support the cause of equality. Same sex marriages must be legalized in all parts of the world, and the same sex couples must be given equal human rights.

Same sex marriages must be welcomed with joy, and the same sex couples must not be subjected to discriminations. Marrying anyone is a basic fundamental right, thus not allowing the same sex couples to get married is devoiding basic human rights. We must take care that the LGBTQ+ community are not devoid of their fundamental rights and are treated with respect like everybody else.

Essay about Same Sex Marriage

Short Essay on Same Sex Marriage 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Same Sex Marriage is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Marriages are sacred events that unite two people who are in love irrespective of their gender. Same sex marriages are those marriages where humans of the same sex get married to each other. Same sex marriages are somewhat a taboo, that isn’t talked about much. But it is very important to educate the upcoming generations of the concept that same sex marriages are completely natural and humane.

Love is the sacred thread that binds two people in a marriage. Same sex marriages are no different than normal marriages. The rituals are followed and enjoyed by the brides and grooms with their families. The only difference is the presence of two brides or two grooms. Same sex marriages must be celebrated, and same sex couples must not be devoid of equal rights.

Some countries around the world have legal rights for same sex couple just the way heterosexual couples. However, most of the countries have strict rules against same sex marriages on religious and philosophical perspective. LGBTQ+ activists are struggling to gain equality in such countries.

10 Lines on Same Sex Marriage Essay in English

1. Same sex marriages are marriages between human beings of the same sex.
2. In the same sex marriage, two females get married to each other or two males who get married to each other.
3. Same sex marriage is no different than heterosexual marriages in terms of rituals and proceedings.
4. Love sees no boundaries and thus same sex marriages are justified, right, and nothing to be ashamed of.
5. The society needs to be inclusive and appreciate the unity of two loving souls beyond the humanmade paradigms of gender.
6. All must celebrate same sex marriages.
7. The present preachers must educate themselves and prepare future generations on the topic of same sex marriages and the LGBTQ+ community.
8. The upcoming generations must be given sex education and liberty to discover themselves irrespective of judgements.
9. Same sex marriages are absolutely normal and are nothing to be ashamed of.
10. Steps must be taken by everyone to ensure same sex marriage is legal, and the same sex couple enjoys equal rights.

Essay on Same Sex Marriage

Frequently Asked Questions on Same Sex Marriage

Question 1.
Is same sex marriage a disorder?

No, same sex marriages are not a disorder. It is completely normal and biological.

Question 2.
Can anybody marry a person of the same sex?

Same sex marriages depend on the sexual preferences of an individual. Everybody is not entitled to have the same preferences.

Question 3.
Are same sex marriages legal in India?

Same sex marriages are not yet legal in India.

Question 4.
What is the full form of the LGBTQ community?

The full form of LGBTQ Community is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer community.

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