10 Lines on International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking for Students and Children

10 Lines on International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking: According to the latest World Drug Report, drug’s consumption has gone up to 30% in the last decade. A total of 269 million people used drugs globally, out of which 35 million suffered from drug disorders.

To strengthen action and cooperation among nations at a regional and international level, The United Nations General Assembly passed the resolution 42/112 on 7th December 1987, to celebrate International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking on 26th June with an aim to achieve a drug-free society.

On this day, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC) raises awareness with the help of individuals, non-profit organisations by running social media campaigns and ads against drug abuse.

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Set 1 – 10 Lines on International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking for Kids

The first set is written keeping in mind the students of primary level i.e. Grade 1-5.

  1. International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking is celebrated every year on 26th June to raise awareness about drug abuse and spread information to the common public about its side effects.
  2. The UN watchdog, UNDOC has been working for two decades to strengthen action against illicit trafficking and raising awareness.
  3. Every year on 26th June, individuals, multinationals and organisations come together to stand against drug abuse and inform the common public about it.
  4. The theme for the year 2020 is, “better knowledge for better care” which supports the message to educate people about various drugs and their side effects.
  5. The World Drug Report is prepared every year, which provides data about the total drug supply, health issues and drug use disorders.
  6. UNDOC was created in 2007 with its head office in Vienna which manages around 20 field offices spread throughout the globe.
  7. The use of illicit drugs poses a threat to our health, which is why international communities come together to support the day.
  8. The day is marked by awareness rallies by anti-drug organisations worldwide.
  9. The day’s historical relevance is characterised by the abolishment of opium trade by Lin Zexu in China on 25th June 1839.
  10. This year’s theme places a particular focus on the misinformation spread and aims to build a better community, one that is free from drug abuse.

10 Lines about International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Set 2- 10 Lines on International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking for School Children

Set -2 includes information about medical implications and the type of illicit drugs. It is written keeping in mind the students of class 6-8.

  1. To fight the growing use of drugs by people, every year UNDOC celebrates 26th June as International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking,
  2. Better information for better care was the theme for this year due to the amount of misinformation spread regarding drug abuse among people.
  3. UNDOC encourages individuals, communities, non-profit organisations and member states to raise awareness regarding drug abuse.
  4. The use of illicit drugs has serious medical complications that include sleep disruption, insomnia, severe anxiety, increased heart rate and nausea, among others.
  5. The aim of celebrating the day is to fight against myths, social stigmas and misinformation with facts and useful information
  6. It also wishes to promote medical uses of drugs while prohibiting non-medical uses in individuals.
  7. To spread awareness among drug abusers regarding the various disorders and harm to their own personal health while working with them to help them overcome their urges and habits.
  8. The motive of celebrating International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking is to create a safe space for all the people in a community while working towards its addictions and ill-effects.
  9. Drug abuse includes the consumption of drugs such as cocaine, heroin, opiates, cannabis, and prescription medications such as painkillers and sleeping pills.
  10. Drugs have a psychological and physical impact on your health that can be short term or long term in nature.

Set 3- 10 Lines on International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Set 3 contains information about the world drug report and historical significance of the day. This information can be used for reference in higher studies.

  1. The day is celebrated to commemorate Lin Zexu efforts inn dismantling the opium trade in Guangdong province of China in 1839 before the First Opium War.
  2. Every year International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking is celebrated with a clear objective of working towards a drug-free community.
  3. The aim of celebrating the day on 26th June is to incorporate rallies, social media campaigns, and advertisements to raise awareness about the ill-effects of drug abuse.
  4. Illicit use of drugs can lead to severe anxiety, sleep disruptions, reduced cognitive performance, reduced concentration and coordination, which are harmful to the individual in the longer run.
  5. UNDOC has been working for two decades to raise awareness against drug abuse on the International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking.
  6. The use of illegal drugs is banned because these are not controlled drugs and can have long-term medical complications if taken for a more extended period.
  7. This year, working under the theme, Better information for better care, UNDOC wanted to cater to misinformation and myths spread about drugs’ ill effects.
  8. It also recognises creating a safe space for individuals to come and share their grievances and problems related to drug abuse, work together in fighting drug abuse, and create a drug-free community.
  9. Illicit drugs are categorised into-depressants, hallucinogens, narcotics and stimulants.
  10. The world drug report curated by the UNDOC includes relevant information about drug supply, drug use and its health consequences, social characteristics and drug policy issues into six booklets.

10 Lines of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Question 1.
What is the historical significance of 26th June?

On 25th June 1839, Lin Xezu demolished the opium trade and to commemorate this event every year 26th June is celebrated as an international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking.

Question 2.
Comment on the working of UNDOC.

UNDOC ( United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes) since its opening in 1997 in Vienna has worked to spread awareness against drug abuse and to strengthen the action against illicit trade, selling and movement of drugs.

Question 3.
Comment on the World Drug report.

World Drug report prepared every year is a volume of six booklets that contain information and analysis on various drug-related issues.

  • Booklet 1- Executive summary
  • Booklet 2- Drug Use and Health consequences
  • Booklet 3- Drug supply
  • Booklet 4- Cross-cutting issues: Evolving trends and new challenges
  • Booklet 5- Socioeconomic characteristics and drug use disorders
  • Booklet 6- Other Drug policy issues

Question 4.
When is the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking celebrated?

International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is celebrated on 26th June every year to raise awareness against the side effects of drug abuse.

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