10 Lines on World Thalassemia Day for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on World Thalassemia Day: Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that affects the body’s ability to produce red blood cells and hemoglobin. There are various types of thalassemia disease. The treatment of Thalassemia depends on its severity and types. This disease can become life-threatening and commonly found in Asian and African countries. World Thalassemia Day is celebrated to encourage people who struggle to live with the disease.

This day was mainly observed to attract the attention of the world to the patients suffering from Thalassemia. On this day, people who have lost their lives to Thalassemia are honoured. This day also remembers scientists who are doing hard work and trying to give better lives to people suffering from Thalassemia across the globe. The theme of World Thalassemia Day in 2020 is about a global effort to make Thalassemia treatment affordable and accessible to patients from all over the world.

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Set 1 – 10 Lines on World Thalassemia Day for Kids

Students studying in classes one, two, three, four, and five can check this set of points on World Thalassemia Day.

  1. World Thalassemia Day is celebrated on May 8th every year to attract the world’s attention to the patients suffering from Thalassemia.
  2. International Thalassemia Day is celebrated to remember Thalassemia victims and encourage them to live with it.
  3. Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that affects the body’s ability to produce red blood cells and hemoglobin.
  4. The reason for celebrating Thalassemia Day is to raise awareness about its symptoms, and ways to live with it.
  5. World Thalassemia Day also informs the importance of early diagnosis of the disease and the need for vaccination.
  6. Approximately three online competitions were arranged by the Thalassemia International Federation (TIF) globally in 2019.
  7. World Thalassemia Day is specifically celebrated to show solidarity with the patients suffering from the Thalassemia disease.
  8. On this day, seminars, discussions, and talks about medication and new techniques are arranged in various hospitals.
  9. Free screening camps and several awareness campaigns are organised to spread awareness about the disease among the people.
  10. Thalassemia patients and their family members are encouraged to join various events organized on World Thalassemia Day so that they gain knowledge about the disease.

10 Lines about World Thalassemia Day

Set 2 – 10 Lines on World Thalassemia Day for School Children

Students studying in classes six, seven, and eight can check this set of points on World Thalassemia Day.

  1. World Thalassemia Day is celebrated on May 8th Evey year to create awareness about Thalassemia disease, which creates blood disorder. This day shows respect for people who have died from Thalassemia, suffering from Thalassemia, and the patients’ family members.
  2. World Thalassemia Day is celebrated to encourage people who struggle to live with the disease. This day was mainly observed to attract the attention of the world to the patients suffering from Thalassemia.
  3. Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that affects the body’s ability to produce red blood cells and haemoglobin. A person with this disease will have low haemoglobin and lesser red blood cells.
  4. Thalassemia patients require regular blood transfusions for survival. Some of the common symptoms of this disease are dark urine, poor appetite, fatigue, weakness, pale skin, abdominal swelling, and slow growth.
  5. International Thalassemia Day honours the patients who fight the battle against the disease every day to lead a better life. World Thalassemia Day is arranged by the Thalassemia International Federation (TIF) every year.
  6. The theme of International Thalassemia Day in 2020 was about a new era of global effort to make therapies and treatments of Thalassemia affordable and accessible to people from all over the world.
  7. Thalassemia affects millions of people globally, and many people are not aware of their condition. According to WHO, more than four million people are suffering from Thalassemia in India.
  8. Many people with Thalassemia do not understand that they have this disease. On World Thalassemia Day, many campaigns are arranged to spread awareness about the importance of getting tested for Thalassemia.
  9. Thalassemia can be easily diagnosed with a simple blood test. It is a treatable disease that can be managed with chelation therapy and blood transfusions. However, some children require a bone marrow transplant.
  10. Thalassemia test before marriage is provided free of cost by the government. Many NGOs and government organisations arrange for blood free of cost for Thalassemia patients.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on World Thalassemia Day for Higher Class Students

Students studying in classes nine, ten, eleven, twelfth, and Competitive Exams can check this set of points on World Thalassemia Day.

  1. Students studying in classes nine, ten, eleven, and twelfth can check this set of points on World Thalassemia Day. Students appearing for competitive exams can also check this set of facts.
  2. Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that affects the body’s ability to produce red blood cells and haemoglobin. There are various types of thalassemia disease. The treatment of Thalassemia depends on its severity and types.
  3. World Thalassemia Day is celebrated on May 8th Evey year to create awareness about Thalassemia disease, which creates blood disorder. This day shows respect for people who have died from Thalassemia and suffering from Thalassemia.
  4. Several non-government organisations worldwide launch multiple projects to spread awareness about Thalassemia disease to deal with the severity of this disease.
  5. If Thalassemia can be diagnosed earlier, it can prevent the defective haemoglobin gene transfer from parents to children. This disease can be prevented by consulting a specialised doctor at an early stage.
  6. World Thalassemia Day is celebrated on May 8th Evey year to create awareness about Thalassemia disease, which creates blood disorder. This day shows respect for people who have died from Thalassemia, suffering from Thalassemia, and the patients’ family members.
  7. Thalassemia patients and their family members are encouraged to join various events organised on World Thalassemia Day so that they gain knowledge about the disease.
    Approximately three online competitions were arranged by the Thalassemia
  8. International Federation (TIF) globally in 2019. World Thalassemia Day is specifically celebrated to show solidarity with the patients suffering from the Thalassemia disease.
  9. Thalassemia can be easily diagnosed with a simple blood test. It is a treatable disease that can be managed with chelation therapy and blood transfusions. However, some children require a bone marrow transplant.
  10. Thalassemia is a genetic disorder. However, one can manage this disease from an early stage. If it is not severe, following medical instructions can help in the management of Thalassemia. Many people with Thalassemia do not understand that they have this disease. On World Thalassemia Day, many campaigns are arranged to spread awareness about the importance of getting tested for Thalassemia.

10 Lines of World Thalassemia Day

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on World Thalassemia Day

Question 1.
When is World Thalassemia Day celebrated?

World Thalassemia Day is celebrated on May 8th Evey year to create awareness about Thalassemia disease, which creates blood disorder.

Question 2.
Who arranges World Thalassemia Day?

World Thalassemia Day is arranged by the Thalassemia International Federation (TIF) every year. International Thalassemia Day honours the patients who fight the battle against the disease every day to lead a better life.

Question 3.
What is Thalassemia?

Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that affects the body’s ability to produce red blood cells and hemoglobin. A person with this disease will have low hemoglobin and lesser red blood cells.

Question 4.
What was the theme of World Thalassemia Day 2019?

The theme of World Thalassemia Day was about global access to quality Thalassemia healthcare service.

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