10 Lines on World Tsunami Awareness Day for Students and Children in English
10 Lines on World Tsunami Awareness Day: Tsunamis are one of the rarest and deadliest natural hazards that havoc and leave behind massive wrecks. In India, the Indian Ocean Tsunami occurred on 26th December 2004, leaving the highest number of dead people. Fourteen countries suffered from the hazard, including India, Thailand, and Indonesia, leaving around 227,000 fatalities in a total and a higher number of casualties.
In December 2015, UN General Assembly decided to dedicate 5th November as World tsunami Day for taking specific preventive steps. Globally people celebrate this day for taking some actions and building better after-disaster regulations to reduce impacts in the future.
Tsunamis do not have any borders, and thus in such cases, international cooperation becomes a key for better public and political understanding of undertaking measures to prevent risk. Japan came up with the idea of this day first. Because of the severity and repeated hazards that it creates, the area is globally known with many other factors related to Tsunamis, like public actions, warnings, and ways to build back after the disaster.
The day of 5th November is chosen for honouring a real story of Japan. In 1854, an earthquake occurred, in that, a farmer witnessed some receding tides, that is an early sign of looming Tsunami. He set fire to his harvested rice for warning all the villagers, and that spread across a higher area. Further, he helped his community build back in a better way for withstanding any future shocks by constructing some embankments and planting more trees.
The UN General Assembly also appointed UNISDR (UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction) to observe World Tsunami Awareness Day and the other bodies of the United Nations. This is to ensure that awareness about the issue spreads in every corner of the World.
Here is a list of 10 best lines on World Tsunami Day for the kids, children, and other higher classes students. These lines can help these children formulating an essay, debate, article, or other assignments on the topic of World tsunami day.
You can read more 10 Lines about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.
Set 1 – 10 Lines on World Tsunami Day for Kids
Here are ten lines on World tsunami day for the students of classes 1st to 5th:
- The UN General Assembly announced dedicating 5th November for the celebrations of World Tsunami Awareness Day.
- The World Tsunami Awareness day also aims at reviving the ancient knowledge and memories of tsunamis.
- The word Tsunami got into existence from a real ancient story of Japan about a devastating tsunami.
- Tsunamis are caused by the undersea earthquakes, leading to waves that cause some disturbance in the sea or the oceans.
- Tsunami waves can range from 10 feet of height to 100 feet of height.
- Local Tsunamis can occur within a few minutes after the undersea disturbances. And they do not consider any time, weather, or season.
- Deadliest Tsunami attacks occurred in India on 26th December 2004, resulting in the highest number of deaths.
- Earlier, India also conducted a workshop encouraging the citizens to build their Standard Operation Procedures for taking the desired actions during disasters.
- Indian workshop also included some exercises to help the people get familiar with their responsibilities.
- World Tsunami Awareness day helps in mitigating the scenarios with higher risks.
Set 2 – 10 Lines on World Tsunami Awareness day for School Children
Here is a list of ten lines on World Tsunami Awareness Day for the students of classes 6th to 8th:
- 5th November is acknowledged globally as World Tsunami Awareness Day for honouring “Imamura-no-Hi” which is an authentic Japanese story.
- World Tsunami Awareness Day is observed for spreading awareness among the global people about the matters of Tsunami related dangers and risks.
- The day dedicates to promote the worldwide culture of creating awareness about Tsunami and its severe impacts.
- Tsunami waves can rise to vary heights and travel at a higher speed of up to 800 km/hour, destroying everything coming in its path.
- The day aims at sharing some innovative measures to raise awareness about Tsunami and its risk reduction ways.
- Globally, Tsunamis accounted for a 10% loss in the economies, thus setting the development a bit later in the risk-prone nations’ list.
- To promote World Tsunami Awareness day, INCOIS starts the open day for children of schools, raise advertisements in media, and conduct different workshops.
- INCOIS also began training sessions to create awareness among the participant for Tsunami issues and their risk reduction measures.
- The theme of World Tsunami Awareness day revolves mainly around “Sendai Seven Campaign.”
- Over the last ten decades, 58 devastating Tsunami incidents occurred globally, resulting in an average loss of 2.6 lac lives with each disaster.
Set 3 – 10 Lines on World Tsunami Awareness Day for Higher Class Students
Below is the list of best ten lines on World Tsunami Day for the students of classes 9th to 12th:
- UN General Assembly dedicated 5th November for promoting international cooperation and understanding as World Tsunami Awareness Day.
- United Nations system and UNISDR collaborated for creating awareness on World Tsunami Awareness Day.
- The day emphasizes the vitality of early warning and sign systems for lowering the disaster’s risk damages.
- UNESCO also conducts certain events to reduce disaster damage, prevent the critical infrastructure, and eliminate disruptions.
- Statistics unveil that 700 million people reside in several Small Island developing nations and low lying coastal states, and are exposed to higher sea level disasters, including Tsunamis.
- On the occasion of World Tsunami Day, a global podium initiates to provide critical education, ensure more investment in resilient infrastructure, protect the assets, and raise early warning systems against tsunamis’ future risks.
- Globally, several governmental bodies approved the first global agreement leading to the development of a Hyogo Framework of 10 years for managing Disaster risks.
- Many prominent organizations promote the day through various actions, including the conferences, theme-based events, exhibitions, and material distributions.
- Additionally, UNESCO focuses on coordinating national and regional Tsunami warning services and systems to raise global awareness for curbing the disaster.
- INCOIS (Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services) provides some timely advisories on Tsunamis for the countries near the Indian Ocean.
FAQ’s on World Tsunami Awareness Day
Question 1.
Explain the importance of World Tsunami Awareness Day.
The day aims to promote local and national risk reduction plans for the future disaster. In the current year, the day encourages community level and national level risk reduction strategies for the disasters for saving more lives against them. The observance of 2020 also promotes the target campaign: “Sendai Seven Campaign.”
Question 2.
Write the five events that are more prone to causing Tsunami.
Tsunami waves originates due to sudden disturbances caused in the oceanic surface or under the sea due to the occurrence of any underwater disaster like earthquakes, landslides, a land slump in the oceans, volcanic eruptions, or any meteorite impact on sea or oceans.
Question 3.
What should be done after a Tsunami?
The three main steps that one must follow after a tsunami are as follows:
- Stay far away from the hazard zones until the official statement release stating them safer. If a warning cancels, this does not mean that the danger has passed.
- Please stay away from the damaged buildings or water near it until it is tested all safe.
- Get all the updates and safety instructions from TV, radio, or mobile phones.
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