Essay about Death | Death Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay about Death: We shall all die. I am trying not to be prophetically catastrophic or something in my passing exposition; it is basically an articulation of truth. Each living will die over the long haul.

There is plenty of conceivable outcomes to delay demise. A man may live twenty years or a hundred years; however, no man can live, for instance, 200 years. Hence, passing is predictable for us all, and there is no way around it.

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Long and Short Essays on Death for Students and Kids in English

We provide students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic of death for reference.

Long Essay on Death 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Death is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

We are largely mindful of death, and we know it will come to us, every one of us. To a significant number of us passing cuts a chill down our spine ridden with dread, however to others it is ridden with quality and fulfilment of achievement. Luckily or tragically, we are completely sentenced to death. But there is an interesting thing; we don’t have the knowledge of how the inevitable will strike to have a conversation. Not just how we don’t even have a clue on where and when it will happen. We just know this is inescapable.

The most ordinarily showed system for understanding the way toward lamenting and getting ready for death is the DABDA model. It states that that person who is dying will progress through five stages. The stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and pain, and acceptance. The DABDA stages are based on a theory of a Swiss psychologist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. Researchers of the University of Michigan founded that, It is true that the brain is capable of acting for some time after we die. In that time brain shows a flashback of life in a dramatic scene to the person. But it differs man to man. Some people see a ray of light. Some people see a spiritual scene. That is controversial over the world.

Actually, we are all afraid of the loss of life for a proper reason, for it helps us continue to be alive. Who knows, perhaps if we weren’t afraid to die, we would be all too keen to do it in case of little problems like that.

We know death is a predictable thing, but still, when your loved one passes away, you will be broken naturally. In that time, the person needs to cry out loud to express the misery. We need to gather support to cop up the situation. We can feel good remembering the good cherished memories. And in the end, we have to embrace the present situation of life. Otherwise, life will be difficult to lead.

From a survey of 2017, we state that around 150,000 people die per day worldwide. Most of them know they are at the end of their lives. But here I want to share a myth about death. The myth I want to introduce, actually is not a myth. You can say it’s empathy or condolence for that person. The myth says positive thoughts can delay nearly came death. But It doesn’t affect. The development of explicit feelings doesn’t change the way that demise is a natural cycle, achieved by a mishap, or sickness measures that have arrived at a final turning point.

Our worldwide philosophy and religious views help us to lead a good life. That all philosophical facts of life start with Karma. And It stays with the soul afterlife. Philosophy says a soul never dies and takes birth with a new body and identity. We couldn’t find any logical fact about death, afterlife. But we can state that death is an entire genre of mystery.

Essay on Death

Short Essay on Death 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Death is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Everyone dies one day: is a popular dialogue of Game of Thrones TV series. And this is true. We know each living will die after the long race.

The most ordinarily showed system for understanding the way toward lamenting and getting ready for death is the DABDA model. It shows five stages of the dying process: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and pain and acceptance.

Now you can access more Essay Writing on this death topic and many more.

We all know death is inevitable. But when it comes about our loved one, we can’t control ourselves most of the time. But still, we need to embrace our life. And if we can’t cop up, we should have a consultation with a psychologist. Some people are afraid of death. It is called Thanatophobia, and it can be cured with love and faith.

According to Philosophy, Soul doesn’t have any end. And there are many souls which are commonly linked by DNA or any other factors. Sometimes they have the previous memory. And then the process is called transmigration. There are so many transmigration cases all over the world.

We don’t have any proper logic and information about the afterlife, transmigration and death. But after all these discussions we must say that death is a hell of a mystery.

10 Lines on Death Essay in English

1. Death is the permanent cessation of all biological features that sustain a living organism.
2. One of the main obvious indications of death is the point at which the eyes cover over, as liquid and oxygen quit streaming to the corneas.
3. Most of the time, the brain shows a flashback of life to the dying person before dying.
4. Thanatophobia is called as the fear of death.
5. People need to consult a psychologist if the death fear is getting worse.
6. When Thomas Edison died in 1941, Henry Ford captured his dying breath in a bottle.
7. According to philosophy, A soul never dies.
8. If a soul remembers his past life memory, it will be called transmigration.
9. Scientists said the DNA or any factor links all souls of all over the world.
10. Nearly 150,000 people die per day worldwide.

Essay about Death

FAQ’s on Death Essay

Question 1.
Does Dying hurt?

Pain is not an expected part of the dying process. In fact, some people experience no pain while dying. If someone’s particular condition does produce any pain, however, it can be managed by prescribed medications.

Question 2.
What is the first stage of dying?

The first stage is shock and denial. This is a state of disbelief and numbed feelings.

Question 3.
What happens after death?

The afterlife is a presence some accept that the basic piece of a person’s character or their continuous flow keeps on having after the passing of their actual body.

Question 4.
How many people die each day?

Nearly 150,000 people die per day worldwide.

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