Plus One Economics Chapter Wise Previous Questions Chapter 19 Uses of Statistical Methods

Kerala Plus One Economics Chapter Wise Previous Questions Chapter 19 Uses of Statistical Methods

Question 1.
Suggest any two topics for the project in economics which apply statistics for the analysis. (Say 2009)
Any two topics of your interest.
For instance,

  • Estimation of poverty in your locality.
  • A number of unemployed in your panchayat.

Question 2.
List the steps towards making a project. (March 2011)
The following are the steps towards making a project report

  • Identifying a problem or area of study
  • Choice of the target group
  • Collection of data
  • Organization and presentation of data
  • Analysis and interpretation
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography

Question 3.
At the end of every project, dissertation, thesis, etc. there will be a part named bibliography. What is a bibliography? (Say 2012)
The bibliography is a noun meaning a list of books and articles consulted, appearing at the end of a book or other text; a list of books and articles on a subject; a list of the books and articles written by a specific author or issued by a specific publisher.
In other words, it is a list of the books of a specific author or publisher, or on a specific subject.

Question 4.
List the steps involved in the making of a project. (Say 2013)
The following are the steps towards making a project report

  • Identifying a problem or area of study
  • Choice of the target group
  • Collection of data
  • Organization and presentation of data
  • Analysis and interpretation
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography

Question 5.
Development that meets the need of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their own needs. (March 2014)
Sustainable development

Question 6.
You are authorized to make a project for improving the roads in Kerala. List the first four steps in making such a project.
(The other steps being Analysis and interpretation, Conclusion, and Bibliography) (Say 2014)

  1. Introduction
  2. Statement of the problem
  3. Objectives
  4. Methodology

Question 7.
The steps towards making a project are given below. Arrange them in chronological order. (Say 2015)
(Conclusion, collection of data, choice of the target group, organization and presentation of data, identifying a problem, analysis and interpretation)

  • Identify a problem
  • Choice of the target group
  • Collection of data
  • Organization and presentation of data
  • Analysis and interpretation
  • Conclusion

Question 8.
List the steps towards making a project. (March 2016)
A project report should have the following essential elements

  1. Introduction
  2. Statement of the problem
  3. Objectives
  4. Methodology
  5. Analysis of data
  6. Limitations of the study
  7. Conclusion

Question 9.
List any four steps involved in making a project. (Say 2016)
The following are the steps towards making a project report

  • Identifying a problem or area of study
  • Choice of the target group
  • Collection of data
  • Organization and presentation of data
  • Analysis and interpretation
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography

Question 10.
Identify the names of the steps in a project to which you can include the following statistical tools you have studied. (March 2017)

Statistical tools Steps in making project
a) Personal interview Collection of data
b) Measures of central tendency  _____________
c) Graphs and diagrams  _____________

b) Analysis or interpretation
c) Organisation or presentation of data

Plus One Economics Chapter Wise Previous Questions and Answer

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