Plus One Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 6 Citizenship

Kerala Plus One Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 6 Citizenship

Citizenship Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What do you mean by citizenship?
Citizenship is the membership of a nation. Citizens are those who are eligible to enjoy all the social and political rights of the nation. Citizens have some special rights and privileges in their own nation. Such special rights to the citizens are called citizenship rights.

Question 2.
Anand visited Germany with his family. There his wife gave birth to a child. Is the child an Indian citizen or not? Explain the process of getting Indian citizenship with suitable examples.
The child is eligible for Indian citizenship. According to the citizenship laws of Germany, the child can also claim German citizenship. But a person can be a citizen of only one country.
These are the ways to get Indian citizenship:

  • Natural citizenship by birth
  • Citizenship through heredity
  • Citizenship through Registration
  • Citizenship through long or extended stay Citizenship acquired when an area is merged with the country.

Question 3.
There are two methods for the acquisition of citizenship. Explain.
i) Citizenship by birth
ii) Citizenship by naturalization Citizenship by birth can be of two kinds. The first is through blood relationship. Wherever the child may be born, it will get the citizenship of its father. The second is the Right of Place or Soil of birth. According to this, a child will get the citizenship of the country in which it is born.

Citizenship by naturalization can be of two kinds: One, a person can get the citizenship of a country subject to its laws. Two, a person can get citizenship of a country by long stay there, by taking a pledge, by acquiring property, having a civil or military position, manage, etc. These are some of the different situations in which a person can get citizenship of another country.

Question 4.
Can citizenship be lost? If yes, point out the circumstances.
Citizenship can be lost. The following are the circumstances:

  • Refusing citizenship
  • Through marriage
  • Absence for a long period
  • By committing treason

Question 5.
Illustrate full and equal membership.
Persons who are eligible to get all the political and rights of a nation are called its citizens. According to Aristotle, the Father of political science, citizens take active part in the ruling of the nation. All the rights given to a citizen as a member of a nation are ‘ citizenship rights. They are given equally to all the citizens.

Question 6.
Every citizen can be assured equal rights. However, everyone is not capable of utilizing equal rights. Explain.
A nation gives equal rights to its citizens. But they are not able to use them equally. It is because the knowledge of the citizenship rights is different among various people. Some people may have negative attitude to politics and political systems. Such people also can’t make use the rights assured by the nation.

Question 7.
Picture the various elements of State.
Plus One Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 6 Citizenship Q7
According to modem political theory apart from these 4 factors, there should also be international recognition.

Question 8.
In which year did the Indian Citizenship Act come into existence?

Question 9.
According to the Indian Citizenship Act, there are 5 ways to acquire Indian Citizenship. Which are they?
According to the Indian Citizenship Act, there are 5 ways to acquire Indian Citizenship. They are:
i) By birth: Anybody born in India on 21 January 1950 or later will be an Indian citizen.
ii) Citizenship by heredity: Anybody born outside India on 21 January 1950 or later will be given Indian citizenship if his father was an Indian citizen at the time of his birth.
iii) Citizenship by Registration: The following can get Indian citizenship through registration:

  • People of Indian origin who have stayed in India continuously for 6 months before submitting the application for registration.
  • People of Indian origin who are staying outside undivided India.
  • Wives of the Indian citizens.
  • Minor children of Indian citizens.
  • Adult citizens of Commonwealth Countries or the Republic of Ireland.

iv) Citizenship through Long Stay: A foreigner can get Indian citizenship through long stay here subject to certain conditions.
v) Citizenship through regions becoming part of India: If any region becomes part of India, the government has the authority to declare the people of that region as Indian citizens.

Question 10.
Point out the circumstances for the termination of Indian Citizenship.
Here are the circumstances leading to the termination of Indian Citizenship:

  • Refusing Indian citizenship
  • Through marriage
  • Absence for a long period
  • By committing treason

Question 11.
The importance of global citizenship is enhancing day by day. Point out your arguments in favor of this statement.
Through the influence of globalization, open market system is strengthened and the distance between nations is lessened. Because of the growth of technology, the world has become a global village. In the circumstances, importance of global citizenship is enhancing day by day.

Question 12.
Refugees are facing a lot of problems today. State how global citizenship can be helpful for refugees.
Many people become refugees because of internal conflicts, external wars and natural disasters like droughts, floods, earthquakes, and tsunamis. In these circumstances, the concept of global citizenship is helpful to them.

Question 13.
Match the following:

i) French Revolution By birth
ii) Getting citizenship Refugee problem
iii) The Prince 1789
iv) Indian Citizenship Right Act Machiavelli
v) Global citizenship 1955


i) French Revolution 1789
ii) Getting citizenship By birth
iii) The Prince Machiavelli
iv) Indian Citizenship Right Act 1955
v) Global citizenship Refugee Problem

Question 14.
Write a short note on the topic ‘universal citizenship’
Through the influence of globalization, open market system is strengthened and the distance between nations is lessened. Because of the growth of technology the world has become a global village. In the circumstances, importance of global (universal) citizenship is enhancing day by day.

Question 15.
Point out the problems raised in India related to citizenship.
Double citizenship: Millions of Indians work abroad and live there permanently and therefore their children face the problem of citizenship. Therefore the demand for double citizenship is increasing. Expatriate Voting Right: Recently the Indian government granted voting rights to the expatriates. This issue is still being discussed.

Question 16.
Point out the importance of global citizenship.
The growth in communication has blurred the importance of the boundaries between nations and increased a sense of mutual relation among the people of the world. A nation can’t solve all the problems it faces all by itself. Problems that spread across boundaries are to be solved by the cooperation different governments and people. Because of all this, the advocates of global citizenship say that it is inevitable and all should work for its realization.

Question 17.
National citizenship and global citizenship are equally important. Explain.
National citizenship and global citizenship are important in their spheres. Social inequalities and other problems in the country create big threats to the principle of equality in citizenship. Such problems can be solved only by the government and the people of that country. Equal and full citizenship is important for the people of a country. National citizenship is relevant here.

The Concept of global citizenship reminds us that national citizenship is incomplete. We are living in a world that is mutually interconnected. The relations among the various people in different countries are to be strengthened. There is a need to work with governments and people of other countries. Global citizenship should be complementary to national citizenship. That way Global citizenship deserves serious consideration.

Question 18.
The relation a person has with his nation is

Question 19.
What are the circumstances in which one forfeits his citizenship?
a) Renunciation
b) The Government stops it
c) Illegal residence
d) all the above
All the above

Question 20.
It was in the year that the Parliament passed a Comprehensive Act on citizenship.

Question 21.
How many ways are there to acquire citizenship according to the Constitution?
5 ways

Question 22.
It was the ruin of that made the background for the rise of nation-states.

Plus One Political Science Chapter Wise Questions and Answers

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