Plus Two Computer Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019
Kerala Plus Two Computer Science Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 with Answers
Board | SCERT |
Class | Plus Two |
Subject | Computer Science |
Category | Plus Two Previous Year Question Papers |
Time: 2 Hours
Cool off time : 15 Minutes
General Instructions to candidates
- There is a ‘cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 2 hrs.
- Your are not allowed to write your answers nor to discuss anything with others during the ‘cool off time’.
- Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with the questions and to plan your answers.
- Read questions carefully before you answering.
- All questions are compulsory and only internal choice is allowed.
- When you select a question, all the sub-questions must be answered from the same question itself.
- Calculations, figures and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
- Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
- Give equations wherever necessary.
- Electronic devices except non-programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.
Part – A
Answer all questions from 1 to 5. Each carries 1 score. (5 × 1 = 5)
Question 1.
The wrapping up of data end functions into a single unit is called ______
Data Encapsulation
Question 2.
In a linked list, the link part of the last node contains ________ data.
Null Pointer
Question 3.
Give the full form of VPS.
Virtual Private Server
Question 4.
The number of rows in a relation is called ________
Question 5.
In PHP, arrays that use string keys are called ________
Associative array
Answer any 9 questions from 6 to 16. Each carries 2 scores. (9 × 2 = 18)
Question 6.
Define a structure named ‘Time’ with elements hour, minute and second.
struct time
int h, m, s;
Question 7.
Read the following C++code:
int a[5] = {10, 15, 20, 25, 30};
int *p = a;
Write the output of the following statements:
(a) cout < < * (p + 2); .
(b) cout << * p + 3;
(a) 20(Third element)
(b) *p is 10(First element)
So *p+3 = 10 + 3 = 13.
Question 8.
List the different operations performed on data structures.
The operations are Traversing, Searching, Inserting(Push), Deleting(Pop), Sorting and Merging
Question 9.
Write HTML tag for the following:
- Hyperlink to the website
- <a href=”;>
- <a href=mailto:””>
Question 10.
Describe the use of ‘action’ and ‘method’ attributes of <FQRM> tag.
<Form> attributes
- Action – Here we give the name of the program (including the path) stored in the Webserver.
- Method – There are 2 types of methods get and post.
Get method | Post method |
1. Faster | 1. Slower |
2. To send small volume of data | 2. To send large volume of data |
3. Less secure | 3. More secure |
4. Data visible during submission | 4. Data not visible during submission |
Question 11.
Explain the two purposes of ‘+’ operator used in JavaScript.
‘+’ if the operands are numbers then it adds and if one of the operands is a string then it concatenates the string.
eg. 5+3=8
Question 12.
The Javascript function given below is used tp display the sum of digits of a given number. Fill in the blanks to complete the function.
<Script language = “JavaScript”>
………. sum digit( )
{var n, s;
n = document.frm.txt1. …………;
for (s = 0; ……….; n = n/10)
s = s + ………..;
document.frm.txt2.value = s;
function sum digit()
for(s=0; n>0: n=n/10)
Question 13.
Explain any two constraints used in SQL.
Constraints are used to ensure database integrity.
- Not Null – It ensures that a column can never have NULL values.
- Unique – It ensures that no two rows have the same value in a column.
- Primary key – Similar to unique but it can be used only once in a table.
- Default – We can set a default value.
- Auto_increment – This constraint is used to perform auto_increment the values in a column. That automatically generates serial numbers. Only one auto_increment column per table is allowed.
Question 14.
List the core data types in PHP.
Data types are Integer, Float/Double, Boolean, and String.
Question 15.
What is meant by GIS? Give an example.
Geographic Information System (GIS) technology is developed from the digital cartography and Computer-Aided Design (CAD) database management system. GIS as the name implies capturing, storing for future reference, checking, and displaying data related to various positions on the earth’s surface. GIS can be applied in many areas such as soil mapping, agricultural mapping, forest mapping, e-Governance, etc.
Question 16.
Define Infringement.
Infringement (Violation): Unauthorized copying or use of Intellectual property rights such as Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks are called intellectual property Infringement (violation). It is a punishable offense.
- Patent Infringement
- Trademark Infringement
- Copy right Infringement.
Answer any 9 questions from 17 to 27. Each carries 3 scores. (9 × 3 = 27)
Question 17.
What are the different memory allocations used in C++? Explain.
The main memory can be allocated in two methods.
- Static memory allocation
- Dynamic memory allocation
When the amount of memory to be allocated is known in advance and memory is allocated during compilation itself, it is referred to as static memory allocation.
When the amount of memory to be allocated is not known in advance and it is required to allocate memory as and when required during run time, it is known as dynamic memory allocation.
‘new’ operator is used for dynamic allocation of memory syntax,
datatype*pointer variable = new datatype;
eg: int *ptr = new int;
Question 18.
What is polymorphism? Give an example.
Polymorphism is the ability for a message or data to be processed in more than one form. This is achieved by function overloading, operator overloading, and dynamic binding.
There are two types of polymorphism.
a) Compile time (early binding/static) polymorphism. It is the ability of the compiler to relate or bind a function call with the function definition during compilation time itself.
Examples are Function overloading and operator overloading.
Function overloading: Functions with the same name and different signatures (the number of parameters or data types are different).
Operator overloading: It gives new meaning to an existing C++ operator.
Eg: we know that + is used to add two numbers, Operator overloading assigns + to a new job such as it concatenates two strings into one string.
b) Run time (late binding/dynamic) polymorphism. It is the ability of the compiler to relate or bind a function call with the function definition during run time. It uses the concept of pointers and inheritance.
Question 19.
Write an algorithm to insert a new item into a Queue.
The algorithm is given below:
Step 1: If front = 1 and rear=N or front = rear + 1.
Then print “OVERFLOW” and return
Step 2: If front = Null then
Set front = 1 and rear = 1
Else if rear = N then set rear = 1
Set rear = rear+1
End if
Step 3: Set Queue[rear] = item
Step 4: stop
Question 20.
Differentiate between a static web page and a dynamic web page.
Static web pages | Dynamic web pages |
Content and layout is fixed | Content and layout are changed frequently |
Never use database | Database is used |
Run by the browser | It runs on the server and the result gets back to the client(browser) |
Easy to develop | Not at all easy |
Question 21.
Briefly explain the different ways in which a JavaScript code can be inserted into a web page.
Ways to add scripts to a web page.
1. Inside <BODY> section
Scripts can be placed inside the <BODY> section.
2. Inside<HEAD> section: Scripts can be placed inside the <HEAD> section. This method is a widely accepted method.
3. External (another) JavaScript file: We can write scripts in a file and save it as a separate file with the extension js. The advantage is that this file can be used across multiple HTML files and can be enhanced the speed of the page loading.
Question 22.
Distinguish between shared hosting and dedicated hosting.
1. Shared Hosting: This type of hosting sharing resources, like memory, disk space and CPU hence the name shared. Several websites share the same server. This is suitable for small websites that have less traffic and it is not suitable for large websites that have large bandwidth, large storage space and have large volume of traffic.
E.g.: Shared hosting is very similar to living in an Apartment (Villas) complex. All residents are in the same location and must share the available resources (Car parking area, Swimming pool, Gymnasium, playground, etc) with everyone.
2. Dedicated Hosting: A web server and its resources are exclusively for one website that has a large volume of traffic means a large volume of requests by the visitors. Some Govt, departments or large organizations require uninterrupted services for that round a clock power supply is needed. It is too expensive but it is more reliable and provides good service to the public.
E.g.: It is similar to living in an Our own house. All the resources in your house is only for you. No one else’s account resides on the computer and would not be capable of tapping into your resources.
Question 23.
Explain different levels of data abstraction in DBMS.
Database Abstraction: Abstraction means hiding, it hides certain details of how data is stored and maintained.
Levels of Database Abstraction
- Physical Level (Lowest Level) – It describes how the data is actually stored in the storage medium.
- Logical Level (Next Higher Level) – It describes what data are stored in the database.
- View Level (Highest level) – It is closest to the users. It is concerned with the way in which the individual users view the data.
Question 24.
Describe the ‘union’ and ‘intersection’ operations in relational algebra with suitable examples.
Union Operation (∪) – All tuples appearing in either or both of two relations.
Intersection operation (∩) – All tuples appearing in both relations.
Question 25.
Write PHP code to display all even numbers below 100.
echo”All even numbers below 100″;
for($i=2; $i<=100; $i=$i+2)
echo”<br>”.$i; ‘
Question 26.
Explain the cloud service models.
Cloud service models (3 major services)
1. Software as a Service (SaaS): A SaaS provider company provides more services on demand such as they allow to access both resources and applications.
Examples are Google Docs, Adobe creative cloud, Microsoft Office 365,, etc.
2. Platform as a Service (PaaS): A PaaS provider company provides subscribers access to the components that they require to develop and operate applications over the Internet.
Example: LAMP platform (Linux, Apache Server, MySQL, and PHP), ASP.NET, PHP, and Python, Google’s App Engine, Microsoft Azure,, etc.
3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): It provides basic storage devices and computing capabilities as standardized services over the network.
Example: Amazon Web Services, Joyent, AT&T, GoGrid, etc.
Question 27.
List and explain any three e-learning tools.
e-Learning tools
a) Electronic books reader (eBooks): With the help of a tablet or portable computer or arty another device we can read digital files by using an s/w is called electronic books reader.
b) e-text: The electronic format of textual data is called e-Text.
c) Onlinechat: Real-time exchange of text or audio or video messages between two or more people over the Internet.
d) e-Content: The data or information such as text, audio, video, presentations, images, animations, etc, are stored in electronic format.
e) Educational TV channels: TV channels dedicated only for the e-Learning purpose.
Eg.: VICTERS (Virtual Classroom Technology on Edusat for Rural Schools OR Versatile ICT Enabled Resources for Students).
Answer any 2 questions from 28 to 30. Each carries 5 scores. (2 × 5 = 10)
Question 28.
Explain the various attributes of the <BODY> tag.
Attributes of <body> tag
1. BGCOLOR – Specifies the background color for the document body
2. BACKGROUND – Sets the image as the background for the document body
Eg. <BODY BACKGROUNG= “C:\result.jpg”>.
3. TEXT-Specifies the color of the text content of the page.
Eg. <BODY TEXT= “Red”>
4. Link – Specifies colour of the hyperlinks that are not visited by the user.
5. ALINK – Specifies the colour of hyperlinks.
6. VLINK – Specifies the color of hyperlinks which are already visited by the viewer. ‘
Eg. < BODY ALINK= “Cyan” LINK-’ Magenta”
VLINK= “Orange”>.
7. Leftmargin and Right margin-Sets margin from the left and top of the document window.
Question 29.
Write HTML code to display the following table in a web page:
Result of ABC school
Year | Students | Pass Percentage | |
Registered | Passed | ||
2014 | 200 | 130 | 65 |
2015 | 200 | 150 | 75 |
2016 | 200 | 160 | 80 |
<body bgcolor=”cyan”>
<h1 align=”center”>Result of ABC
<tralign=”center”> •
<th rowspan=”2″>Year</th>
<th colspan=”2″>Students</th>
<tr align=”center”>
<tr align=”center”>
<td> 130</td >
<td > 160</td >
Question 30.
A table named ‘student’ with fields Roll no, Name, Batch, Mark, Grade is given. Write SQL statements for the following:
- To display the details of all students in the ‘Science’ batch.
- To display the details of these students having grade A or A+.
- To count the number of students in each batch.
- To change the grade of the student to A+ whose Roll no. is 50.
- Remove the details of the student whose Roll no. is 10.
- select * from student where Batch=”Science”;
- select * from student where Grade in(“A”,”A+”);
- select Batch,count(*) from student group by Batch;
- update student set Grade =”A+”; where Roll_no=50;
- delete from student where Roll_no =10;
Plus Two Computer Science Previous Year Question Papers and Answers
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