Plus Two English Previous Year Question Paper March 2019
Kerala Plus Two English Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 with Answers
Board | SCERT |
Class | Plus Two |
Subject | English |
Category | Plus Two Previous Year Question Papers |
Time: 21/2 Hours
Cool off time: 15 Minutes
Maximum: 80 Score
General Instructions to candidates:
- There is a cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 21/2 hours.
- You are not allowed to write your answers or to discuss anything with others during the cool off time’.
- Read questions carefully before answering.
- All questions are compulsory and the only internal choice is allowed.
- When you select a question, all the sub-questions must be answered from the same question itself.
- Electronic devices except non-programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.
(Question Nos. 1 – 6): Answer the questions as directed. (14)
Read the excerpt from ‘When, a Sapling is Planted’ and answer the questions that follow: ‘Later, they became aware of the widespread destruction of the ecosystems, especially through deforestation, Climatic instability and contamination of the soil and waters – all contributed to excruciating poverty and subsequent riots.’
Question 1.
Who does the speaker refer to as ‘they’? (1)
The women of Kenya/African women/People of Kenya/Women
Question 2.
What was the main reason for the destruction of the ecosystem? (1)
Deforestation/cutting down of trees/destruction of forests
Question 3.
Which word from the options given, can best replace the word ‘excruciating’? (1)
a) Entertaining
b) Progressing
c) Agonising
c) Agonising
Question 4.
Here is a diary entry by Sudha Murty.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate similes or adjectives from the options given in brackets. (3)
Village days were memorable. Days were full of fun and frolic and we were all as ……. (a) …….. (dull/cheerful/sharp) as a lark. How I miss those days! In Mumbai, everyone is as busy as a ……… (b) ………. (snail/sloth/bee) and women too, are no different. Girls who were regarded to be as …….. (c) ……… (sour/chill/sweet) as a rose have now transformed themselves into leaders, office and torch bearers.
a) cheerful; b) bee; c) sweet
Question 5.
Imagine that you are invited for an interview for the post of chef at Taj Group of Hotels. Complete the interview suitably. (4)
Interviewer : ……. a ………?
You : I have specialized in Chinese and Continental dishes.
Interviewer : ……. (b) ……. ?
You : Yes, of course. I am comfortable with all types of delicacies.
Interviewer : ……. (c) ……. ?
You : I expect comfortable work atmosphere, fantastic team work and opportunities to develop.
Interviewer : Where do you see yourselves ten years from now?
You : Ten years from now, I ……. (d) …….
a) What have you specialized in?/What are your areas of specialization?
b) Are you comfortable with delicacies?/Do you know howto make delicacies?
c) What are your expectations from this Organization?/ What do you expect from us?
d) I would start a hotel of my own./I may become the Chief Chef here./l would be working in a prestigious hotel abroad.
Question 6.
The passage given below contains a few errors. (4)
Edit the passage appropriately. The main conflict in the story ‘Amigo Brothers’ is that off ambition. Both the friends want to be champions. But only one of them can be the champ. So they decide in fight out it. In the end, they realize that they value there bonding more than their ambition.
off – of; wants – want; fight out it – fight it out; there bonding – their bonding
(Question Nos. 7 – 12): Answer any 5 questions in not less than 60 words. Each carries 4 scores. (5 × 4 = 20)
Question 7.
Your class is conducting a debate on the topic ‘PUNISHMENTS ARE ESSENTIAL FOR STUDENT DISCIPLINE’.
Write four arguments either favouring or opposing the topic.
Punishments are essential for student discipline.
Arguments for:
- A proverb says, “Spare the rod, spoil the child”.
- Students can be easily corrected with appropriate punishments.
- If punishments are not given, students will tend to ignore their studies.
- Punishments will force the students to be punctual, respectful, obedient and hard working.
Question 8.
Elaborate the idea conveyed in the lines given below:
‘I am the pillars of the house;
The keystone of the arch am I
Take me away, and roof and wall
Would fall to ruin me utterly.’
The main idea in these lines is the importance of a woman in the house. She may be a mother or a wife. She says she is the pillars that keep the house in place. She is the keystone of the arch and if she is removed from the house, it will completely collapse. The poem stresses the importance of the women for the house and its proper functioning.
Question 9.
The activities of the literary club of your school will be inaugurated by the cine artist and state award winner, Sri. Indrans. The one-act play, ‘Post early for Christmas’ will be staged on the day. Prepare a notice inviting all for the programme.
Date 1 July 2019
The activities of our Literary Club will be inaugurated by the famous Cine Artiste and State Award Winner Sri Indrans. The inaugural meeting will take place at 10.00 a.m. in the Hall of the School. After the inaugural meeting, the one act play titled “Post Early for Christmas” by R.H. Wood will be staged by our Literary Club Members.
“Post Early for Christmas” is a hilarious comedy in which you find different kinds of people coming to the Post Office and the havoc created by a parcel that was ticking. Some people think it is a bomb. There are many frantic activities going on. See what happens on stage!
All of you are invited!
Eva Saifu
Question 10.
You have come to know that your close friend is having severe toothache. Frame four sets of suggestions you would make before him/her.
You may use expressions like:
I think you should ……/ If I were you, I ……/ Would you like ……/ Perhaps you could ……/ I’d like to suggest ……
I think you should immediately keep some salty, warm water in your mouth as it will reduce your pain. If I were you, I would then go to a dentist. Would you like to have some warm drink or take some pain killers? Perhaps you could take a Panadol to suppress your pain for the time being till you meet the doctor.
Question 11.
Prepare a profile of Shaheen Mistri using the hints given below:
Birth : 16th March, 1971
Place of birth : Mumbai
Academic Qualifications : B.A. degree (Sociology), M.A. in Sociology
Almamater : University of Mumbai, University of Manchester
Occupation : CEO, Teach for India
Famous as : Indian social activist and educator
Founder : Akansha Foundation, Teach for India
Awards won : Ashoka Fellow (2001), Global Leader for tomorrow (2002), Asia Society 21 Leader (2006)
Authored : Redrawing India – The Teach for India Story (2014)
Shaheen Mistri was born in Mumbai on 16 March 1971. After her +2, she joined the University of Mumbai and got her B.A. in Sociology. Later she went to England and passed her M.A. in Sociology with a First Class, from the University of Manchester. Currently she is the CEO of the Organization called “Teach India” which is doing a laudable job in educating slum children.
She is famous as a social activist and educator. She is the Founder of two famous Organizations named “Akanksha” and “Teach India”. She has received numerous Awards which include Ashoka Fellow (2001), Global Leader for Tomorrow (2002) and Asia Society 21 Leader (2006). She has authored a well-known Book – “Redrawing India – The Teach for India Story” which was published in 2014.
Question 12.
Wangari Maathai says, ‘Women are often the first to become aware of environmental damage ………..’
Do you agree with her opinion? Substantiate your answer.
I quite agree with the opinion of Wangari Maathai that “Women are often the first to become aware of environmental damage”. Wangari Maathai is a Kenyan. She is an environmentalist and political activist. She got the Nobel Prize in 2004 for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace. She made the remark quoted above in her Nobel Prize Acceptance speech.
Being a Kenyan she was especially speaking of the women of Africa. She spoke from her childhood experiences and observations of nature in rural Kenya. As she was growing up, she noticed that forests were cleared and were replaced by commercial plantations. This destroys the local bio-diversity and the ability of the forests to conserve water.
Because of large scale deforestation, the African women lacked firewood, clean drinking water, balanced diets, shelter and income. In Africa women are the primary caretakers. They till the land and feed their families. As a result they are the first to notice the environmental damage as resources become scarce, making it difficult for them to maintain their families.
(Question Nos. 13 – 19): Answer any 5 questions in about 80 words. Each carries 6 scores. (5 × 6 = 30)
Question 13.
Read the following lines from the poem ‘Rice’.
‘I’ll reach home in good time, at last
just as my mother drains the well-cooked rice.’
This is better money – what good times!’
How is the expression ‘good times’ used in the above two contexts? Substantiate your answer.
The expression “good time/s” is used with two different meanings in the poem. I’ll reach home in good time means I will reach home soon or promptly or without much delay. The son, who is in North India, studying 15. for his doctorate, is tired of eating chappatis all the time and now he is dreaming of eating the well-cooked rice which his mother has drained. So he wants to reach home as quickly as he can. He hopes he will reach home in good time, that is very soon, to eat the rice. But in the second use ‘what good times’ the phrase good times refers to prosperity, the time when one has plenty of money. People of his village have abandoned rice cultivation and have started cultivating cash crops for good times and better money.
Question 14.
You have dreams of setting up a business of your own after studies. You are greatly inspired by Irfan Alam’s views and ideas. Draft a letter of enquiry to Sammaan foundation asking for clarification of the doubts regarding financial investment of the organization, mode of operation, security of the members, etc.
Jerry John
16/IV, Azad Road
Irinjalakuda North P.O.
PIN 680125
3 July 2019
Mr. Irfan Alam
CEO, SammaaN
Dear Sir,
Sub : Information about SammaaN
First of all let me congratulate you for founding such a useful organization like SammaaN which is helping thousands of auto-rickshaw workers to live better lives without getting into any kind of debt traps.
Being inspired by your model, I also want to embark upon some such entrepreneurship after my +2 studies. The financial condition of my family does not permit me to go for higher education as my father is sick and my mother does not go for any outside work.
I want to get some matters clarified by you as I also want to bean entrepreneur like you. What was your initial investment in the Organization? Did the banks or any government agency advance you some funds to start the operations?
I also would want to know the modes of your operation. Do you give financial help to the members who join you? What are the security measures you have in place if a member runs into a loss or is disabled due to some disease or accident?
Please find some time to send a reply to my letter. You can contact me on the phone. My phone number is 282 228450. My email address is
Thank you in advance,
Yours sincerely,
Jerry John.
Question 15.
After the competition at Tompkin’s Square Park, the Amigo Brothers are interviewed.
Reporter : Has the bout affected your friendship?
Felix : No, we both never take fighting into our hearts.
Reporter : So then, who among you must have won the fight?
Antonio : We both are always winners. The question itself is unimportant.
How would you report the above conversation ?
The reporter asked the Amigo brothers if/whether the bout had affected their friendship. Felix replied in the negative saying that they both never took fighting into their hearts. Then the reporter asked them who among them must have won the fight. Antonio replied saying that they both were always winners and that the question itself was unimportant.
Question 16.
As the secretary of the Anti-Narcotics Club in your school, you decide to write an article on the dangers of drug abuse to make aware of this growing menace among schoolmates. Prepare the article to be published in your school magazine.
The problem of drug abuse has become a serious menace threatening the future and even the life of the youth, especially the school and college-going youth. This age group is more vulnerable to drug abuse because most of them are teenagers. Teenage is the time of stress and strain. To overcome their stress and strain, many youngsters abuse drugs. These drugs give them temporary pleasure, relieving them of their tensions for some time.
There are many reasons for drug abuse among the youth. They get a lot of money from their parents. Since most families have only one child or two, the parents pamper them. Many parents do not find time to spend with their children. Another reason for drug abuse is peer influence. A third reason is the blind imitation of the so-called glamour boys and girls in films and sports who use drugs. A 4th reason is the easy availability of the drugs. Another reason is the moral laxity of the times. The law-enforcing agencies do not do their work sincerely. There is corruption everywhere and one can do anything if one has money.
Sensual drugs play havoc with the body and mind of their users. The drug addict experiences sensory deprivation. He has a general feeling of physical discomfort and there are personality changes in him. The addict feels depressed. His mental disturbance can be like paranoia. The addict knows he has a problem. But he does not know its source. He looks at external objects with suspicion. Anything outside scares him and he withdraws further and further into himself.
Drugs also affect the body adversely. Dirty needles and solutions can cause liver diseases, venereal diseases and infection of the kidney and brain. Sniffing cocaine and amphetamines can damage the tissue of the nose. Marijuana and tobacco smoking can cause lung diseases. Babies of women who are addicted to drugs are likely to be born with a lot of problems. A drug addict can easily get pneumonia, tuberculosis and have problems of malnutrition and weight loss. An overdose of any drug can cause respiratory or cardiac failure and death.
The drug problems can be solved only through the concerted efforts of the parents, teachers, community leaders and the law-enforcing agencies. Awareness programmes should be conducted about the dangerous effects of drug abuse. The community leaders should help the youth to channel their energies in the right directions. The police must ensure that sensual drugs are not easily available.
Drug abuse is a demon that should be exterminated from our midst with all the might we can muster.
Question 17.
Ahoregallu is essential in any journey. It is more so when people around us are too busy in their own worlds. You feel that it is necessary to post counsellors in schools so that students can reveal their fears and joys to them. Write a letter to the Minister of Education requesting him to take necessary steps in this regard.
15/XV Azad Road
Irinjalakuda, North P.O.
10, July 2019
Prof. C. Ravindranath
Education Minister of Kerala
The Secretariat
Trivandrum – 001
Honourable Education Minister,
Sub.: Posting Counsellors in schools
Every day we watch on the TV and read in the newspapers about cases of child abuse. It is strange that even parents, guardians, teachers and religious . leaders abuse children who are entrusted to their care. These people are supposed to work for the welfare of the children and lead them into the right paths to succeed in life and make their valuable contributions to humanity at large. But unfortunately the fact is that many children are abused in many ways, even sexually, by the very people who are supposed to protect them.
The main reason for child abuse is the lack of ‘horegallus’. A horegallu is a stone bench where the weary traveller sits and talks to a sympathetic listener. Thus a horegallu is a patient and sympathetic listener. In the journey of life we all need horegallus. Children need them all the more. A child is afraid to -talk to others about the abuse he/she is facing from one of his relatives, teachers, neighbours or religious leaders. So he/she silently suffers the abuse which can even change his/her personality and attitude towards life and other people.
If there are counsellors in schools, they can listen to the problems of the children patiently and suggest appropriate solutions. By telling their problems to a sympathetic counsellor, the abused children feel relieved. The counsellors can initiate actions against the offenders and-th*is free the abused children from further abuses.
I humbly request your honour to post Counsellors to all schools so that the children can have horegallus to whom they can reveal their hearts.
Yours sincerely,
Mehboob Saithu
Question 18.
Robert Baldwin in ‘The Hour of Truth’ stands as an epitome of honesty throughout the play. His decisions are never influenced by any financial offers. Prepare a character sketch of Robert Baldwin.
Robert Baldwin is the hero of the play “The Hour of Truth” by Percival Wilde. Baldwin lives in a trim cottage with his wife Martha and their son John and daughter Evie. He is working as the governor of a bank owned by John Gresham. His salary is very low, 60 dollars a week. His son John earns only 30 dollars a week. With this limited income they live reasonably happily.
Suddenly there is a problem in their lives. John Gresham has misappropriated bank money and he is in jail. The bank is closed and Baldwin will have no job. Only Baldwin is the witness for the misappropriation. If he gives his true testimony, John Gresham will definitely go to jail for a long period. Baldwin is honest and he has taught his family the importance of honesty.
When Baldwin returns home after the arrest of John Gresham, his wife and children rush to him to know the latest news. Initially his wife and the children tell him that he should say the truth during the trial even if it means jail term for Gresham. But when they come to know that Gresham has offered him a bribe of 100,000 dollars just to say ‘I don’t remember’ when some incriminating questions are asked in the court, they change their stance. Theytrytofind out all kinds of loopholes to make Baldwin accept the bribe. Martha, John and Evie do their best to make Baldwin change his mind. But he asserts that he wants to go to his grave clean.
He does love Gresham. He even named his son after him. Even now he remembers how he worked with him for so long. They were boys together. They worked side by side. All this is true, but he is not willing to tell a lie to save his friend and employer even when he is offered a colossal sum of 100,000 dollars.
Baldwin’s honesty is repaid abundantly. Even Gresham is proud of him and he recommends him to Mr. Marshall, the President of the Third International. At the end of the play we see Marshall coming to the house of Baldwin and offering him a job at the Third International. We see Baldwin crying in the end. He must have been crying for two reasons – his friend Gresham has confessed his guilt and he will surely be punished. Secondly he is shedding tears of joy in gratitude to God who has amply repaid his honesty. Honesty, Baldwin proves, beyond an iota of doubt, is the best policy.
Question 19.
The story of Amigo Brothers is always heart, warming. You want to share your appreciation of the story with your friend in Bengaluru. Draft an e-mail conveying the essence of the story so as to inspire your friend to read it at the earliest.
Hi Asha, I got your mail. Good to know that you are planning to visit the Taj Mahal during the Onam Vacation.
I am writing this email with a special purpose. I read a story titled “Amigo Brothers” written by Piri Thomas. The story impressed me greatly. It is about friendship. As you are my best friend, I want you to read this story. I’m sure you will enjoy it.
Antonio Cruz and Felix Vargas were both 17. They were so together in friendship that they felt like brothers. They had known each other from childhood. They grew up in the same building on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. They both had a dream – becoming a light-weight champion of the world.
Whenever they got a chance they exercised. They would run everyday morning. They had a collection of fight magazines. They also kept the torn tickets of all the boxing matches they had gone to see. They also had some clippings of their own.
After a series of elimination bouts, they were told that they were to meet each other in the division finals which would be 2 weeks away. The winner would represent the Boys’ Club in the Golden Gloves Championship Tournament.
They were in a big fix. They both wanted to win. But neither of them wanted to defeat the other. They decided to go into the ring as if they had never met. They have to fight it out.
The fight was at Tompkins Square Park. The Park was full of people as the fight was well publicised. Antonio and Felix enter the ring. The crowd explodes into a roar. The referee whistles to start the fight. The fight is on. Punches fly back and forth but none is floored. Each punch is applauded thunderously by the crowd.
It is now the 3rd round. Each contestant wants to win. They punch each other very hard. Nobody falls to the canvas. The final bell rings. But the fight continues. The bell rings again and again. But there is no stopping to the fighting. People start getting worried. It looks as if they are witnessing a do or die fight and not a mere contest. There is utter silence. Then the referee and the trainers separate the contestants.
Now the contestants embrace. They have forgotten they were fighting like bulls up to a moment ago. The announcer makes an announcement. He is trying to name the winner. But Antonio and Felix had left like good old friends, arm in arm, declaring their bond of friendship.
In my mind both are winners, aren’t they Asha?
I am coming to Bengaluru next week. We will talk more about the story then! Bye for now!
(Question Nos. 20 – 22): Answer any 2 questions, each in about 140 words. Each carries 8 scores. (2 × 8 = 16)
Question 20.
Given below is a poster displayed at the Assembly Hall in connection with the International Women’s Day celebrations conducted by the Souhrida Club of your school. As the convenor of the programme, you are asked to give a detailed talk on ‘EMPOWERING WOMEN – CHALLENGES AHEAD’.Prepare the likely speech taking hints from the poster.
Respected Principal and teachers and my dear friends,
Today we are celebrating International Women’s Day and I am asked to talk about “Empowering Women – Challenges Ahead”. It is a great pity that Indians speak very highly of women, but they do not show much respect to them in their actions. They will say woman is the mother, Devi guru and the light of the home. They even name their daughters with names of goddesses and saintly persons. Even in our own school, we have so many Lakshmis and Saraswatis, Aishas and Khadeejas and Marys and Theresas. But do they receive the respect they deserve from the society? Even in the buses and roads they are troubled and teased. We hear of so many crimes against women every day. Rapes and murder of women have ceased to shock people as they have become everyday affairs.
I say we are doing only lip-service to women. Even in Kerala which has more women than men, women are not given their rights. Look at the number of women candidates in the Lok Sabha elections for 2019. We have three coalitions in Kerala, UDF, LDF and NDA. Each of these groups is fielding 20 candidates for the 20 Lok Sabha seats. What percentage of women candidates do they field? Just 10%. No political party is free from this fault.
Women don’t get equal pay with men in non¬governmental services. A man gets Rs. 800 a day but a woman is given only Rs. 400 although she is doing similar or even harder work than the man. Women are refused opportunities for employment because employers feel that married women will take maternity leave.
I strongly feel that the Parliament and State Assemblies should have equal number of men and women representatives. Men have no business keeping women under a patriarchal system. Let the women also feel they are persons with the dignity and freedom that men enjoy in our society.
We have to change our mindset. Man and woman are created as equals and they should be treated equally by the society in all walks of life.
As I urge all the women here to fight for their rights,
I wish them success in their endeavors.
Jai Hind!
Question 21.
Read the poem given below. Compare and contrast it with ‘Mending Wall’ and attempt a critical appreciation.
Iain Crichton Smith
Build me a bridge over the stream
to my neighbour’s house
where he is standing in dungarees*
in the fresh morning.
O ring of snowdrops
spread wherever you want
and you also blackbird
sing across the fences.
My neighbour, if the rain fails on you,
let it fall on me also
from the same black cloud
that does not recognize gates.
*dungarees: a garment consisting of trousers held up by straps over the shoulders.
“Mending Wall” by Robert Frost is a delightful poem. He once said: “A poem begins in delight and ends in wisdom.” He starts the poem in a delightful way saying that there is something that does not like a wall. That something makes the ground under the wa|l swell which results in cracks in the wall. Gradually the stones that make the wall fall to either side.
The fallen stones have lost their shapes. It is not easy to keep them back in their place. The gaps are so big that even two people can walk abreast through them. The poet strongly feels there is no need for a wall between him and his neighbour because he grows apple trees and the neighbour grows pine. Apple trees won’t go and eat the pine and pines won’t come to eat the apples. A wall was fine if they had cows as they could get mixed up without a wall. When the poet says there is no need for a wall between them, the neighbour tells him “Good fences make good neighbours.” Thus the poem ends in wisdom.
In “Mending Wall”, the poet has used many poetic devices such a metaphor, simile, personification and repetition. The language is simple and the imagery is exquisite. It gives a fine message, a priceless truth. “Neighbour” by lain Crichton Smith is a beautiful poem of just 12 lines. It gives a fine message. We see two neighbours here separated by a stream, ring of snowdrops, fences and gates. The poet can see his neighbour standing in his house wearing his trousers with shoulder straps. He wants a bridge to be built across the stream to connect the two neighbours. The blackbird sings across the fences and the rain falls on both the neighbour and himself. The rain which comes from the black cloud does not differentiate his neighbour from him. Nature is treating them equally and so the poet thinks that the neighbours should be linked by a bridge.
The poem is highly melodious. The imagery is superb as we can visualize the stream, the ring of snowdrops, the blackbird singing, and the rain falling. We can see the neighbour standing in his house in his trousers held by shoulder straps. The message is loud and clear – There should be love between neighbours.
Between the two poems, I prefer “Mending Wall”, as it is more dramatic and action packed.
Question 22.
In the light of reading excerpts from the lives of Irfan Alam and Shaheen Mistri, you arrive at the conclusion that ‘Entrepreneurs are not made, they are born.’ Our nation benefits from such enterprises too. Write an essay on the topic highlighting the merits of promoting entrepreneurship among the youth.
(HINTS : youth made responsible – dignity of labour – self confident – self reliance – hard work and commitment – job satisfaction – financial stability – creating employment opportunities – initiatives like kudumbasree, mango cabs, ubereats, flipkart, etc.)
There is a wrong tendency in our society which makes the youth to look for government jobs. After getting their degrees, they go on writing PSC tests in the
hope of getting clerical jobs in government services. This is really bad for our country because the government can’t provide jobs for all the people. Here comes the importance of entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship makes us responsible and the success of the enterprise depends on our planning, vision and hard work. It also adds to the concept of dignity of labour’. An entrepreneur is prepared to do any kind of work that is needed of him for the success of his enterprise. In the Government service employees are graded as Class I, II, III and IV. Class IV employees are usually sweepers, cleaners and peons. Class III consists of clerks. Class II is of the Supervisory staff and Class I is that of High Officers. But in a private enterprise, there is no such division.
Entrepreneurship enhances self-confidence, self reliance and hard work. There is a lot of job satisfaction when we see our enterprises are succeeding. Entrepreneurs give jobs to others instead of being job hunters. It brings financial stability to ourselves and also the people whom we employ.
There are so many private enterprises which are very popular today. We have the Kudumbasree, Mango Cabs, Uber Eats and Flipkart. They are all successful enterprises and they originated in the minds of ordinary people. With some thinking, willingness to work hard, determination and self-confidence we too can embark upon some project that will prove successful.
Rome was not built in a day. Let us remember Dhirubhai Ambani, the father of the richest man in India today, Mukesh Ambani. Dhirubhai Ambani worked as a clerk in Yemen and returned to India and started a textile trading company in 1958. His initial capital was a mere Rs. 15,000. Let’s remember, “Where there is a will there is a way.”
Plus Two English Previous Year Question Papers and Answers
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