10 lines on World Meteorological day for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on World Meteorological Day: The world meteorological day is celebrated on the date of March 23rd. On this date, the world meteorological organization was also established in the year 1950.on this day people come together and organize the conferences and exhibitions. Media is quite active on the date 23rd march in order to raise the profile of meteorology. Various research are done by various organization, and on the world meteorological day, they are further awarded various prizes like the international meteorological organization prize: Professor Dr Vilho Vaisala award and the Norbert Gerbier-Mumm international award on the basis of their research done.

Every year, the organization is meant to announce the slogan to celebrate the day. This day is not marked as a public holiday in the world but more like a global concern. Every year there is a different theme. Some of the recent themes are- weather, climate and the air we breathe; our future climate; observation of planet for a better future etc.

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Set 1 – 10 Lines on World Meteorological Day for kids

  1. World meteorological day is celebrated on March 23rd, every year.
  2. There is the total of 188 members in the meteorological organization.
  3. The world meteorological organization was created for weather and climate and hydrology.
  4. The day was founded by the world meteorological organization itself.
  5. It is also known as IMO (International meteorological organization) and was founded and established in the year 1873.
  6. The president of the meteorological organization was elected on the 14th meteorological congress, that too in the year of 2003.
  7. Alexander Bedritsky is the current president of the world meteorological organization.
  8. Whereas Michel Jarraudwho is the current secretary-general of the world meteorological organization.
  9. The headquarter of the world meteorological organization is in Geneva, Switzerland.
  10. It is also a UN’s specialized agency.

10 Lines of World Meteorological Day

Set 2 – 10 Lines on World Meteorological Day for School Children

  1. World meteorological day is a foundation for world meteorological organization.
  2. The part played by national meteorological and hydrological services adds a lot of value to the celebration of the day.
  3. The day is organized by 193 countries.
  4. These countries celebrate the world meteorological day by involving various activities, seminars, various workshops.
  5. This is done to spread awareness of the current theme each year.
  6. The 2020 theme of the meteorological day was “climate and water.”
  7. This was the official theme announced by WMO (World Meteorological organization.”
  8. The organization wants to focus on the idea of conserving water through this theme of the year 2020.
  9. The motive of the theme is “count every drop, every drop count.”
  10. The organizations also aim to eliminate water crisis from the world, followed by access to clean water.

10 Lines about World Meteorological Day

Set 3 – 10 Lines on World Meteorological Day for Higher Class Students

  1. The world meteorological organization came into force in the year 1950, and that is the time when the organization also observed the celebration of world meteorological day on the date of March 23rd.
  2. The themes of world meteorological day are usually based on climate, water and weather.
  3. However, in the year 2020 that is the current year, the world meteorological organization chose the theme- water and climate.
  4. The motive behind choosing this theme is to be more coordinated when it comes to water and also to use the water in a sustainable way.
  5. This theme was chosen to reduce the risk of disaster.
  6. The climate was chosen as a theme to detect the climate changes in order to have a better understanding of crisis related to change in the climate.
  7. As the world is facing water crisis, droughts, floods, the world meteorological organization focused on keeping the theme which focuses on all issue which needs to be taken care of as soon as possible.
  8. The theme has its focus on water scarcity, lack of clean water access, droughts and floods.
  9. We all know that freshwater is what we need, and water plays a very important part when it comes to survival.
  10. The theme climate and water of the year 2020 also aligns with the world water day 2020 theme, to put more focus on today’s challenging, which involves water and climate.

FAQ’s on World Meteorological day

Question 1.
When is the world meteorological day celebrated?

The day is celebrated on 23rd march, every year with a different theme.

Question 2.
Where is the headquarter of the world meteorological organization is?

The headquarter of world meteorological is in Geneva, Switzerland.

Question 3.
What is the 2020 theme of world meteorological day is?

The theme of the year 2020 is climate and water, in order to focus on the issues like scarcity of water, lack of clean water access, drought and floods.

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