CAPF Essay Topics | Important Topics of CAPF Essay for Students and Children in English

CAPF Essay Topics: CAPF stands for central armed police forces. UPSC released the notification for CAPF AC 2020 on April 22, 2020. Essay writing is an important aspect of descriptive paper of this examination. As known, students usually have plenty of knowledge on selected topics asked in the exam. But nailing the essay writing is not only about providing the information but also how you present your essay.

Every year nearly three lakhs of aspirant gives this exam to get selected for various armed forces all over India. So it’s tough to make a mark among them. Writing a good essay helps you to get ahead of other aspirants as well as gives you a mental boost. It is necessary to be well aware of what is happening around you or to be precise around the nation to get a clear idea.

Selecting particular topics for such a huge exam can be troublesome. So it would be best if you got a good grasp around the current affairs. Get yourself well versed with social, economic, political issues around the world. This helps you to think quickly and prepare information for your essay in a strategic manner. Practice by giving mock papers every now and then. The more you practice, the better your approach will improve. So prepare yourself through practice to get good marks on this part.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Important Topics for CAPF AC-2020 for Essay Writing

There are many topics which are significantly important for the exam. Here we will talk about some of them and try to share some ideas.

1. Countries which are Neighbours of India

The Indian coastline is 75116.6 km long, and the border has a landmass of 15200 km. It is the 7th largest country in the world. Being this huge helps India to share its borders with seven different countries. One needs to prepare well about all the surrounding nations, its capitals, relationship with India, recent disputes, transport relations.

2. Terrorism and Causes

Terrorism does not have a complete and specific meaning. But it includes violation based on some political or social and most importantly, religious beliefs by non-governmental entities. Please have a good understanding of India’s stand towards terrorism and the way our nation fights it.

3. Mob Lynching

This is a serious issue which is rising in our country in recent time. Try to gather as much info about this topic as possible. Read the newspaper daily for pieces of information. How it is prevented and our government’s stance towards it – prepare these topics as well.

4. Article 370

Article 370 and its effects on Kashmir is a well-known topic. Please find all the information relevant to it like how it was presented and our government’s intentions regarding this topic. The effects on Kashmir and the politics of national and international scale are to be focused on.

5. Demonetization and its Effects

Most probably this is the only topic where the effects have reached to all the Indians. Try to prepare – the causes of it, intentions behind it, how much it actually served its purpose.

6. Is the World ready to fight Viruses like Covid-19 in Future

Covid-19 is a significant topic for any examinations happening in 2020. No wonder why its important so much as this virus has caused a nationwide lockdown and a global pandemic. All necessary notes are to be made for this, and different nation’s approach towards fighting deadly viruses like this in the future is to be researched. How every nation is affected by this pandemic and degree of loss around the globe are also two important aspects to focus on.

7. Special Power act of Armed Forces

This act is known in short AFSPA. Prepare topics like where it is applicable, why it is applicable on those states, the reason behind such act, the history behind it, how many sections are there in the act and required topics about them, should it be repealed or not.

8. Importance of Higher Education and its Application

It is a relatively easy topic but also a very important one. Cover things like the need for higher education, practical application of higher education all over the nation, state government’s stand towards it, benefits of higher education.

9. Primary Healthcare System in India

This is also a much known and simultaneously important topic. Improvements of health system around the nation, government’s different strategies to overcome health problems, benefits of primary health care, availability to the people are the important aspects here.

10. Importance of Brexit

What is Brexit, why it happened, effects of Brexit on European countries, international political scenes after Brexit, was it necessary or not are the topics to cover in this.

There are some areas from which topics can be selected, and for this reason, these areas are to prepare extensively. The examples of such areas are health, women empowerment, religion, sports, social issues, technology, defence, foreign policy, corruption, freedom of expression, human rights.

Tips for Improving your Writing Skill

One needs to practice very much to get a satisfying percentage on this part. But only practising cannot make you beneficial without proper planning. The first part of this includes reading the newspaper daily. Reading newspaper helps you to write more fluently and improves the delivery of your sentence. Not only it helps you in writing; it also makes you knowledgeable about what is happening around. So you get the help from both sides. Other than newspaper try reading storybooks. It can be biographies, or it can be non-fiction; it can be anything that improves your vocabulary and writing techniques. It helps to build the uniqueness that will set your writing apart from other aspirants.

Take advantage of the Internet. Read online articles and subscribe to some reputed publishing house. Reading from these different sources make you dynamic while writing. You can think on the spot even if questions are not your favourite. The main importance of trying these different resources is to make you comfortable while writing even if the topic is not something that you have prepared for.

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