Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism Essay | Essay on Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism for Students and Children

Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism Essay: Buddhism and Hinduism are similar, yet both are very different at the same time. Buddha was a Hindu prince before became known as the enlightened one.

Like many other religions, Buddhism and Hinduism believe in reincarnation is a form of enlightenment. Reincarnation stated that every living-things possess a soul. When living things die, its soul moves into another living creature, and the souls are reborn into a newly created life.

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Long and Short Essays on Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topicCompare and Contrast Hinduism And Buddhismfor reference.

Long Essay on Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Buddha was a Hindu prince before became known as the enlightened one. Buddhism and Hinduism are similar, yet both are very different at the same time. The belief in reincarnation, karma and other common belief in Nirvana and Moksha are shared by both Hindus and Buddhists. On the other hand, Hinduism does not have just one specific founder, unlike Buddhism, which has one specific founder.

Buddhism rejects the whole idea of the caste system, whereas Hindus do believe in the whole system. With Hinduism being the world’s 3rd most practised religion in India, eighty per cent of the country population follows Hinduism and less than one per cent of the population follows Buddhism.

Like many other religions, Buddhism and Hinduism believe in reincarnation is a form of enlightenment. Every living-things possess a soul is stated by reincarnation. When living things die, its soul moves into another living creature, and the souls are reborn into a newly created life. The form of life is temporary and can be anything from a snake to a flower, to a God.

In the reincarnation process, karma plays an important role. Until one reaches Nirvana or Moksha, the cycle of reincarnation continues and is governed by the law of karma. Buddha considered himself a Hindu and believed in reincarnation and karma. When there is a rebirth of the soul, the enlightenment ends the cycle of reincarnation. Hindus and Buddhists believe that one lives before they could reach ultimate peace.

For Hindus, the ultimate goal to reach Moksha, which means to free your atman or soul from one’s body. For Buddhists, the word they use for Moksha is Nirvana, meaning self-government. When one is in a state of not wanting anything one will then become enlightened and come to peace with your life. Both Buddhism and Hinduism share the basic common beliefs of the afterlife for their people.

For Buddhism, Buddha was the Creator, but for Hinduism, there was no sole founder or Creator. The Hindus believe in a supreme spirit, which does not consist of a particular founder. For Buddhists, Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama in 563-483 B.C.E. Buddhism is focused on the idea of self-knowledge through the teaching that people can escape the suffering of the world. Gautama sat under a Bodhi tree when he became enlightened for the first time. During the state, he became Buddha, the enlightened one. At that moment, he created Buddhism.

In conclusion, Buddhism and Hinduism are similar in so many things, yet both religions are so different. Both religions have the same beliefs on the ultimate goals of their religion. These two cultures are also very different in the ways that the religion was founded. Both religions differ, but at the end of the day they have shared beliefs as well. Both Buddhism and Hinduism have a similar religious foundation through their shared beliefs of Moksha and reincarnation. Even Buddha considered himself as a Hindu prince, but there are also differences between the two religions.

Essay about Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism

Short Essay on Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Buddhism and Hinduism are similar, yet both are very different at the same time. Buddha was a Hindu prince before became known as the enlightened one. The common belief in Nirvana and Moksha in reincarnation, karma and others are shared by both Hindus and Buddhists.

On the other hand, Hinduism does not have just one specific founder, unlike Buddhism, which has one specific founder. Buddhism rejects the whole idea of the caste system, whereas Hindus do believe in the whole system.

Buddha considered himself a Hindu and believed in reincarnation and karma. When there is a rebirth of the soul, the enlightenment ends the cycle of reincarnation.

With Hinduism being the world’s 3rd most practised religion in India, eighty per cent of the country population follows Hinduism and less than one per cent of the population follows Buddhism.

In conclusion, Buddhism and Hinduism are similar, yet both religions are so different. Both religions have the same beliefs on the ultimate goals of their religion.

10 Lines on Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism in English

  1. A strong belief in reincarnation, a death that must be broken and ana endless cycle of births are shared by both Hinduism and Buddhism
  2. Both religions believed that attachment to people, places, things, or even ideas could lead a person to suffer.
  3. Buddhism and Hinduism had a common practice of non-attachment in the sense that a person is more anchored in itself than the outer circumstances.
  4. Hinduism and Buddhism believe that real truth and spirituality is inward and not outward, so meditation is highly regarded in both the religion.
  5. Both had a strong belief that everything on the planet will eventually achieve liberation and enlightenment.
  6. Buddhism do not do elaborate prostrations or prayer rituals and has no “rituals” in the traditional sense.
  7. Hinduism has a caste system, whereas Buddhism does not.
  8. Hinduism has endless variations and incarnations of gods and goddesses, whereas traditional Buddhism has no god.
  9. Buddha taught that the original Vedas were originally sacred until the animal sacrifice was introduced.
  10. Buddhists do not have priests; though they do have senior monastics.

Essay on Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism

FAQ’s on Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism Essay

Question 1.
Is Buddhism related to Hinduism?

Buddhism and Hinduism shared similar beliefs that existed side by side but also pronounced differences.

Question 2.
Which is older Buddhism or Hinduism?

As a word, Buddhism is older than Hinduism as it was formed after the invaders attack the roots of Indian Culture and Education.

Question 3. 
Which God does Buddha worship?

Most Buddhists do not believe in God, and they do not believe Buddha was a god, but they worship him as a form of respect.

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