Essay on Brexit | Brexit Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Brexit: Brexit was and has been the hot topic of discussion ever since the United Kingdom made the deal to leave the European Union following a referendum on the issue.

Brexit is a separation of the United Kingdoms from the European Union and is a historical event which requires proper understanding and analysis.

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Long and Short Essays on Brexit for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short essay of 15 words on the topic Brexit for reference.

Long Essay on Brexit 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Brexit is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The European Union was created under the Maastricht Treaty on November 1, 1993, and today has 27 European countries as its members. The European Union began as an economic organization but soon developed into a platform where the member countries can cooperate on political, diplomatic and other issues. The treaty of Maastricht was originally designed to enhance the integration of European states and facilitate trade by establish the common currency of Euro and facilitating cooperation in areas of citizenship rights and immigration.

Brexit refers to a historic decision taken by the United Kingdom, one of the critical members of the EU, to sever ties with the organization. There had always been a sort of scepticism among the British political crisis, the resolve of which was strengthened following the 2008 financial crisis. Some of the complaints that Britain had regarding the EU were the financial and border control the EU member states were subjected to.

The common currency of the EU—the Euro, has been blamed for the post-2008 recession and has caused an increased Euroscepticism among the member countries. The advocates of Britain’s withdrawal from the EU have emphasized that the UK is much better off outside the European Union. While the arguments are primarily about the economic regulations and the threat to political sovereignty, the triggering factor has come in the form of immigration.

Since the laws of the European Union allows the citizens of the member to move freely from one place to another within the zone, Britain has experienced a constant influx of immigrants from less affluent European countries. A referendum was held on 23 June 2016 to get the opinion of the people about whether they wanted the country to remain a part of the EU or leave. About 52 per cent of the voters supported the UK, leaving the organization.

Theresa May started the withdrawal process on 29 March 2017 putting the date of withdrawal as 29 March 2019. What followed were subsequent postponements and the failure of Theresa May to secure the backing of the parliament on the Brexit deal. Theresa May resigned as the prime minister and was succeeded by Boris Johnson of the conservative party. The date of Brexit was again postponed under Johnson’s leadership. Finally, on 31st January 11 p.m., the UK withdrew from the European Union. The legal basis of the EU referendum was established through the European Union Referendum Act 2015.

There have been several criticisms regarding Britain’s decision to take such an essential step through a public vote. Several surveys have shown that the knowledge regarding the EU among the British voters was relatively low and that the votes were mostly on the basis of anger regarding the issue of immigration. There has also been allegation about foreign influence through social media which has shaped voters opinion in this referendum. It would be interesting to see how the relations between Britain and EU change after the former’s withdrawal through Brexit.

Brexit Essay

Short Essay on Brexit 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Brexit is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Brexit refers to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. The separation took place under the leadership of Boris Johnson of Conservative party. The decision to leave Brexit was taken under prime minister Theresa May when a referendum was held to gauge the opinion of the British people regarding the withdrawal.

Theresa May could not, however, secure the backing of the parliament regarding Brexit and had to resign. The main argument for leaving the European Union was the immigration issue. The European Union allowed the easy movement to the citizens of member countries, which created a problem of immigration in Britain.

Some also disliked the political and economic setbacks in being part of the organisation and considered it better to leave. Euro, the common currency of the European Union, was seen as partly responsible for the post-2008 recession. Following the Brexit, there is expected to be significant changes in the relations between the UK and the EU.

10 Lines on Brexit in English

  1. Brexit is the separation of the European Union and the United Kingdoms.
  2. Brexit came into effect on 31st January 2020 under prime minister Boris Johnson.
  3. The decision to leave the EU was taken through a referendum.
  4. Fifty-two per cent of the UK’s population wanted Brexit to happen, and Britain to withdraw from the EU.
  5. Theresa May had tried to carry out Brexit but failed to gather the support of the parliament following which she had to resign as prime minister.
  6. The main argument for the Brexit was the immigration problem.
  7. The UK also faced political and economic restrictions from the EU.
  8. The decision to separate from the EU arises from Euroscepticism present among many political thinkers in the UK.
  9. The separation from the EU was a long-drawn process for Britain and subject to many postponements.
  10. There is expected to be significant changes in the relations between the UK and EU following Brexit.

Essay about Brexit

FAQ’s on Brexit Essay

Question 1. 
What do you mean by Brexit?

Brexit refers to the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union.

Question 2.
Under whose leadership did Brexit take place?

The decision to leave the European Union was taken under prime minister Theresa May, but this could not be executed till Boris Johnson came to power.

Question 3. 
How did Brexit happen?

Brexit was carried out following a referendum in which 52 per cent of the voters wanted the UK to leave the European Union.

Question 4. 
Why did Brexit take place?

The main complaint against the European Union was the easy access to movement it provided to the citizens of member states which caused mass immigration in the UK. The economic regulations and threats to political sovereignty were some other issues.

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