Essay on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones | Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones: Mobile phones are one of the most advanced, convenient, and time-saving technology that is being used by almost everyone all over the globe.

Mobile phones nowadays are available in various sizes and shapes and have different technical features used for various purposes, and hence it’s called a smartphone. Like every technological device, it has its advantage and disadvantages.

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Long and Short Essays on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones for Students and Kids in English

We provide students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic Advantages and Disadvantages Of Mobile Phones for reference.

Long Essay on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Mobile phones are the largest invention of technology, and nowadays are being used all over the world. The medium for communicating with people is a lot easier due to the huge use of mobile phones. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages to using a mobile phone.

Due to mobile phones nowadays, any information can be sent either orally and written, which was impossible in the old days. As there is no wire attached to mobile phones, it can be carried easily anywhere, and as its size is not too big, individuals can also keep it in their pockets.

A student can also use a phone to immediately contact their parents in case of any student’s emergency. Mobile phones are considered very useful and have proven their importance to call security forces or an ambulance in emergencies like fires, medical issues, or maybe an accident.

A mobile phone is used to call or text someone and has multi-purposes like sending emails, taking pictures if someone doesn’t have a camera or communicating with people online, and making new friends. Nowadays, everything is being done online, and by using a mobile phone, one can effortlessly do almost everything with a single touch. Online banking, access to modern services and apps, improved networking capabilities, and online shopping are major tasks that can be performed using mobile phones.

But on the other side, the disadvantages of mobile phones are also there. As mobile phones are a constant, real-time communication and always available avenue, the incoming calls, texts, social-media related notifications, or emails can get into someone’s phone within seconds. It is convenient in some cases, but while in a meeting or attending a lecture, if the mobile phone starts to ring, it interrupts and disturbs everyone.

As communication becomes really easy due to mobile phones, the gripping feeling to text, make calls, or video calls while working, studying, or driving is a big distraction. Reports suggest that close to nine individuals die due to road accidents caused by phone distracted drivers every day. Isolation is also one of the huge negative impacts of using mobile phones. Everyone is busy using mobile phones even if they meet face-to-face, which is also one of the major causes of harm between relationships in an individual’s life.

The health problems due to the massive use of mobile phones are increasing day by day. Playing mobile phone games and having late night chats on bright screen results in damage to the eyes. According to researches, the network can cause skin cancers. Insomnia, eye cancer, and even infertility are some of the health problems caused by mobile phones’ huge use.

So, even though there are downsides to using mobile phones, it can be concluded that the benefits of using mobile phones are numerous; hence mobile phones have hugely benefitted humanity through numerous provisions of services. If an individual uses mobile phones while keeping in mind all the problems it can cause, the harms of using mobile phones can be reduced.

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Short Essay on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Mobile phones are considered one of the best technologies that are hugely included in our daily lives. As mobile phones are very convenient to use, many people use it. The major advantage of using a mobile phone is it provides a platform for communication with an individual’s family and friends no matter where they are. A mobile phone is very useful while making a work schedule, keeping in touch with an individual’s workplace, surfing on the internet, and being even used to relaxing.

But there are many disadvantages to using a mobile phone too. Blood barriers, dizziness, ear problems, and brain damage are some of the bad effects one may get if they use mobile phones too much. Many driving accidents take place because the driver was using his mobile phone while driving.

Hence, even though mobile phones are not good for health, having a mobile phone in their hand does solve many issues as it holds most of the information from all around the world.

10 Lines on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones in English

  1. Mobile phones are technological devices that are used for communication and are easy to carry.
  2. Initially, mobile phones were used just for text messaging and phone calls; however, mobile phones have also evolved to improve technologies.
  3. Mobile phones nowadays can be termed as a portable computer as there are lots of activities which can be done on a mobile phone.
  4. The overuse of mobile phones can cause isolation between individuals.
  5. Another disadvantage of using mobile phones is wastage of time majorly in teens’ case as they end up playing games, watching movies and other entertainment wasting their precious time.
  6. Many road accidents occur due to mobile phones’ use during driving, so mobile phones are a huge distraction source.
  7. Security issues and cyberbullying are famous issues that are faced by mobile phone users.
  8. However, mobile phones can be someone’s lifesaver in case of huge emergencies like accidents, fires, or medical emergencies by contacting emergency services immediately.
  9. The Internet, which is accessible through mobile phones, is a huge relief as one does not need to visit internet cafes or sit in front of their computers to access the internet.
  10. Depending on how an individual uses a mobile phone, mobile phones’ pros and cons vary, but mobile phones do make one’s life more commodious and pleasant.

Essay on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones

FAQ’s on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones Essay

Question 1. 
Are mobile phones important? Why?

Mobile phones are very important nowadays because they make an individual’s life more convenient and are the perfect way to stay connected with everyone.

Question 2. 
Are mobile phones functional for a student?

Mobile phones are very useful for students because, through mobile phones, students can easily get in touch with higher officials through social media for any help. Students can also study online by using mobile phones, which is very convenient for them.

Question 3. 
What is the effect of mobile phones on our life?

Mobile phones use, and addiction have increased mental health diseases like anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders. Studies have concluded that, on average, a person checks his phone one time every 12 minutes, which adds up to 80 times per day, which leads to a wastage of time. These are some of the effects of mobile phones in our daily lives.

Question 4. 
How does using mobile phones affect an individual’s brain?

According to research conducted by the National Institute of Health in the US, the mobile phone harms our brain. They reported that after every fifty minutes on the phone, the sugar use inside the brain increases, which is a sign of increased activity, which is bad for our brain.

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