Nutrition Essay | Essay on Nutrition for Students and Children in English

Nutrition Essay: The section of science that deals with the interpretation of nutrients and food in the animal system to sustain a healthy life and to keep health issues at check is known as ‘nutrition.’ The topic of nutrition is vulnerably proportional to the economic stability of a society or a country at a broader aspect.

A necessity that keeps life running at the cost of money, to which a noticeable chunk of the society is deprived but remains unattended to, is also ‘nutrition.’

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Long and Short Essays on Nutrition for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic nutrition for reference.

Long Essay on Nutrition 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Nutrition is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

As the name suggests, ‘nutrition’ includes in itself’ nutrients’ which can be broadly classified as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, roughage, and water. A balanced amount of these nutrients in the right proportions constitute a healthy diet.

The words’ balanced’ and ‘right proportions’ mentioned previously are key to life when it comes to consuming nutrients. ‘Optimum Nutrition’ is defined as eating the right amount of nutrients in a proper schedule to achieve the best performance and longest possible lifetime in good health. The importance of nutrition can be visibly highlighted by the increasing number of nutrient deficiency diseases such as night blindness, scurvy, cretinism, anemia, and nutrient excess health-threatening conditions like obesity, metabolic syndrome, and other cardiovascular anomalies.

Undernutrition in underdeveloped and developing countries has been marked by malnutrition due to lack of even the basic staple nutrients causing diseases like marasmus and kwashiorkor. Animal nutrition on the molecular level comes from nitrogen, carbon, and hydrogen compounds. Nutrients are the building blocks of the food chain, which interlink to form food webs and influence world food production via biodiversity.

Similarly, plant nutrition is referred to as the chemicals that are necessary for plant growth and other physiological processes in plants like metabolism, transport, photosynthesis, etc. Nutrients essential for plants are obtained from the soil, air, sunlight, and as a whole from the earth; thus, the nutrients can be recycled and renewed, making it easily available for sustenance of life.

Fatigue, tiredness, and apathy are common among the working class as well as students. To feel refreshed, motivated as well as reenergized, all we require is the proper nutrition for our systems. Nutrition helps an individual attain optimal health throughout life as well as boost self-esteem.

Eating a balanced diet improves a person’s health and well-being and reduces risks of major causes of death. The other benefits of nutrition include a healthy heart, strength in teeth and bones, maintains good brain health, boosts immunity, bolsters the body to fight against diseases, keeps higher energy levels, and keeps the bodyweight at check. With such a minimum as maintaining our diet comes the strength of independence or self-dependence. The topic of nutrition has gained its importance by being studied and researched over for years. Nutrition is taught as a subject in various levels of education, and professions such as farmers, scientists, nutritionists, dietitians, health counselors, and doctors who form the pillar of our society are all based on nutrition fundamentals.

Progressive research works from various parts of the world on ‘nutrition’ has helped in aiding health conditions for the living, yet a big section of society is not reached out for proper food supplies. With the current progressive rate of scientific enhancement in the field of nutrition, resulting in increasing food production, we should be able to reach out to those who are dying due to the lack of something as basic as food, which should be available to everyone equally.

Essay about Nutrition

Short Essay on Nutrition 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Nutrition is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

‘Nutrition’ is one of the fundamentals of living that can be defined as the assimilation of food into living systems that help life function daily.

The classification of nutrition can vary from plants to animals, but they are interlinked by the food chains that form the ecosystem’s structural framework.

The components of nutrition include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fibers, vitamins, minerals, water, and roughage when consumed in the right proportions, gives it the name of ‘balanced diet.’ Likewise, in plants, chemicals being obtained through absorption, transpiration, and photosynthesis are the nutrients that help in their internal processes.

The benefits of following a good nutritional diet plan ranges from good physical health to proper well-being and ensure a good immune system. Good nutrition with proper and regular exercise can assure a person a disease-free future. Even during ailment, proper nutrition can help cure a patient faster and safer. Hence adequate nutrition is a key to a healthy life and a necessity that should be looked after at any cost.

10 Lines on Nutrition in English

  1. Nutrition is a natural demand for every source of life on earth.
  2. Being deprived of nutrition is as severe as being deprived of any other fundamental rights.
  3. Lack of nutrition can give rise to lethal diseases.
  4. The knowledge of the classification of nutrients and their biological systems’ roles should be known to all.
  5. The benefits of proper nutrition ensure physical and mental well-being.
  6. Malnutrition has always been an issue adding to the rise in global hunger for years, as reported by the United Nations.
  7. As reported, 1.5 million children die annually due to the lack of proper nutrition.
  8. The Human Body’s primary requirement is nutrition. It would be impossible to sustain life without it.
  9. Studies on nutrition should be encouraged.
  10. Lack of nutrition gives rise to social disparity and discrimination.

Essay on Nutrition

FAQ’s on Nutrition Essay

Question 1.
What are the benefits of proper nutrition?

Proper nutrition helps build the immune system of the body and maintain good physical and mental health.

Question 2.
What is a balanced diet?

A balanced diet includes all types of the necessary nutrients in the right amount at proper intervals, helping maintain the various human and plant organ systems.

Question 3.
What are the results due to a lack of nutrition?

The lack of proper nutrition can severely result in malnutrition, which is currently a cause of global hunger.

Question 4.
What food should be consumed daily?

A diet that includes all of the fundamental nutrients and water in the right amount should be consumed daily with regular exercise.

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