of Mice and men Loneliness Essay | Essay on of Mice and men Loneliness for Students and Children in English

of Mice and men Loneliness Essay: Loneliness is considered the most gruesome emotion that one can feel within this society. It is a familiar feeling that is felt by almost everyone in the world. The central part that causes this horrible feeling is missing emotional empathy received from other people.

Loneliness can result in changing one’s behavior in the wrong way. It also changes the entire mindset and perception of a person. Besides, it can also cause depression and gloominess, which is considered harmful to a person’s physical and mental health. The entire novel Of Mice and Men by Steinbeck expresses loneliness, i.e., its main theme.

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Long and Short Essays on of Mice and men Loneliness for Students and Kids in English

We provide students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic Of Mice and Men for reference.

Long Essay on of Mice and men Loneliness 500 Words in English

Long Essay on of Mice and men Loneliness is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The part of life that can never be avoided is loneliness, which is the major struggle faced by several individuals. The communication and companionship lack with other people can cause loneliness. This affects the entire behavior of a person greatly. There are few cases where some individuals attempt at ending their loneliness and some who become completely bitter, gloomy, and helpless. The primary theme in the novel Of Mice and Men is loneliness.

Loneliness in this novel is represented as the most complex feeling that frequently makes the behavior of an individual dangerous. Steinbeck’s characters include Candy, Crooks, Curley’s wife, and so on to demonstrate the period that gradually resulted in the loneliness and extreme behaviors of the characters.

One of the most important female characters in h novel is Curley’s wife in Of Mice and Men. She is Curly’s wife, an extremely violent ranch worker who demonstrates his strength by getting into fights with the other workers present there. Moreover, he gradually decides to marry a woman who is elegant and beautiful.

Besides, the boss was his father. When the Great Depression occurred, it was common for the husbands to have all the control in the house. Thus, Curly also had complete control over his wife. He also had control over the other workers present on the ranch. He had also restricted the other workers to communicate with his wife. In need of attention, friends, and acknowledgment, Curley’s wife decides to make use of her elegance and status as the wife of Curley to her benefit. Besides, her personality started to change and become more extreme gradually.

This new behavior generated the feeling of disgust and harassment in people surrounding her, which is why she started getting ignored and alienated. People referred to her as “tramp” and also used several other offensive and insulting names. This resulted in the formation of feelings like loneliness and powerlessness in her. Curley’s wife, normally talked to regularly, was Lennie since he had the least knowledge regarding her present situation.

In the barn, she spent a few of her final moments with Lennie; she realized she was finally recognized and listened to. That was the first time in the novel where she accepted that she had never liked Curley from the beginning. However, she eventually became weak, and this resulted in her passing away. The oppression against women is represented through the unjust death of Curley’s wife. It also showcased a few changes that could occur to someone’s behavior after one’s identity is taken away in society.

Numerous other factors led to the isolation, alienation, and discrimination of people. Some of these factors also include ableism and ageism. In the ranch, there existed one of the oldest ranch workers known as Candy. He had lost one of his arms. He had faced long discrimination and made fun of all-cause of his old age and disability. It represents a few of the major factors, i.e., ableism and ageism in society.

of Mice and men Loneliness Essay

Short Essay on of Mice and men Loneliness 150 Words in English

Short Essay on of Mice and men Loneliness is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

One of the most widely recognized novels written by John Steinbeck is known as Of Mice and Men. It is an imagination-based story set during the 1930s when the occurrence of Great depression also took place. Those years were very tough for anyone to find any job since unemployment was quite high. This period was filled with several emotions, including fear, loneliness, and desperation since they were alienated from each other during this period.

The most common work available for the individuals during this particular period included working on ranches. The book’s entire focus is on the characters or men of one specific ranch along with the important characters such as Lennie and George. The ranch is also expressed as being completely isolated and lonely, covered by the field, countryside, and mountains around it. Thus, the novel demonstrated several factors that lead to the feeling of loneliness in a person.

10 Lines on of Mice and men Loneliness in English

  1. Of Mice and Men is a novel that is read widely in numerous schools in America.
  2. The character Lennie was considered to be based on an actual person.
  3. The title of the novel was not originally Of Mice and Men.
  4. This book has been based on a few of the experiences faced by the author as a worker.
  5. Of Mice and Men has also been a motivation and inspiration for a metalcore band.
  6. The house where the book was originally written is now known as a popular historical landmark.
  7. Of Mice and Men is also widely considered as the most challenged books.
  8. There has been an important role played by Of Mice and Men on the popular kid’s show “Lonely Toons.”
  9. This novel has also been included as part of the books that spread awareness against bullying.
  10. His dog ate up the first draft made by Steinbeck.

Essay about of Mice and men Loneliness

FAQ’s on of Mice and men Loneliness Essay

Question 1.
What is the primary theme discussed in this novel Of Mice and Men Loneliness?

Loneliness is the primary theme of the novel.

Question 2.
What is the reason behind the title selection?

After reading the poem named Robert Burns, “To a Mouse,” Steinbeck decided to select Of Mice and Men as the actual title.

Question 3.
Why did Candy’s dog gets shot by Carlson?

The reason behind the shooting is because of the dog’s old age, uselessness, and helplessness.

Question 4.
What was the reason behind the murder of Lennie?

George decided to kill Lennie since he was afraid that Curley might start torturing Lennie to death in a more gruesome way.

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