What does it mean to be Human Essay | Essay on What does it mean to be Human for Students and Children

What does it mean to be Human Essay: The aim of people’s life might vary from person to person, but what unites every human is what it means to be themselves; to be human is to be the protagonist of your universe and experience life in all its colours and potential.

The feeling of being alive, the thrill of experiencing tomorrow, to be able to perceive ourselves is the greatest wonder of the world. What makes us humans is to be able to celebrate humanity.

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Long and Short Essays on What does it mean to be Human for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on what does it mean to be human for reference.

Long Essay on What does it mean to be Human 500 Words in English

Long Essay on What does it mean to be Human is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

What Does It Mean To Be Human? Before answering this question, it is essential to know what is meant by ‘humanity’. The quality of being humane; benevolence, a sense of compassion and sensitivity that is characteristic to the human race is ‘humanity’. All humans are sensitive, even if it is deep-rooted. ‘Humanity’ is what makes us more human than ‘heredity’.

Humans have minds, emotions, the ability to communicate, to perceive, to empathize, their creative capacity, unique to their creation. It is to one’s potential that they define what it means to be human to them. To be human is to have the freedom of whoever one wants to be but behind the bars of humanity. Living life to its fullest, fulfilling the responsibilities given, discovering oneself through the journey of life, boils down to what it means to be human.

A dream or a passion that pushes people through obstacles in life is what keeps them grounded to being a human. Often can one notice the spark in the eyes of a person when speaking about their dreams and aims, the thrill in one’s voice when they talk about love, any pursuit that gives hope for tomorrow is the backbone of our lives.

‘Emotions’ are a vivid attribute to humans. Humans can communicate through their emotions in the most genuine way. To laugh out loud when happy, to cry out in the raw when hurt, to shout and strain our voices when angry, to be able to feel our hearts warming up from a touch of love, to feel the pain of others, to have a sense of commitment is what keeps us from losing the human in us.

Being human means being imperfect and harbour both strength and weaknesses in us. To be human is to be flawed, being stressed under pressure, to want to give up at some point, be tired but then at the end of the day to reflect on yourself. Having beliefs, cultures, interests makes a person unique to themselves, celebrating ourselves keeps humanity stuck to us. From back in times, humans have evolved to become a modern man today. Developing over time has only helped us realize what it means to be human, the infinite capacities that are within us and how we can only strive to make the future better.

Robert Frost is a poet well known to depict his outlook on human life through his poems like “stopping by the woods on a snowy evening”, “birches” and many more, where he is in a constant debate between escapism and reality. Even though he would love to live in an elusive dream, all of his poems conclude with him accepting his responsibilities before becoming a slave to his fantasies. This debate is what makes us human. Humans can question their motives, make a mature decision, accept life with all its shortcomings as well as surprises, be happy with their achievement, and realize that they have to attend to their responsibilities at any cost.

Essay on What does it mean to be Human

Short Essay on What does it mean to be Human 150 Words in English

Short Essay on What does it mean to be Human is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

We all have a dream. Big or small, a goal, ranging from sleeping under the stars to owning a company, is valid and crucial because a dream is what makes us who we are. Every day might not be the same. At times we could be crying on the bed for the whole day, and be motivated for work the next day.

The fact that s our every day is uncertain, every day we can learn to feel a different way, every moment we are curious of the next moment all to fulfil our dreams is what makes us human.

To be human has a million answers to it, depending on how one pursues their life, but what forms the base of humanity are the morals that keep people grounded, teaches them to respect and carves in them the ability to make mature decisions and face the consequences. To be human is to be yourself and live your life to the fullest.

10 Lines on What does it mean to be Human in English

  1. To be human is to have the freedom to be yourself.
  2. The quality of being humane is firmly attached to being a human.
  3. Act of war, violence or harm robs us of our humanity and thus makes one question the human inside them.
  4. To be human comes along with recognizing, accepting and walking along with one’s strength and weakness.
  5. One should fulfil all their responsibilities as human.
  6. It is important to be true to one’s dreams. Humans are known for their dreams and passions and strive for it.
  7. To be human means to learn from mistakes and grow every day.
  8. Being human is learning to make choices and prioritize tasks.
  9. Loving ourselves and self-awareness is the key attributes in human possession.
  10. Living life to fullest without regrets and knowing where our morals limit us should is the human psyche.

Essay about What does it mean to be Human

FAQ’s on What does it mean to be Human Essay

Question 1.
What is the moral of all humans?

The moral of all human is to perceive humanity.

Question 2.
How are humans different than other species?

Besides biological differences, humans have the knowledge of time and a more developed concept of life and various goals and responsibilities in it.

Question 3.
How can as humans we understand each other better?

Communication is the key to evolve understanding. Humans have developed their own speech over decades and are best able to communicate and understand each other using it, and sometimes via emotions.

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