10 Lines on My Father for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on My Father: Fathers play a major role in a child’s life, their characteristics and behaviour are what helps mould a child. The way the fathers treat their child is reflected in all aspects of the child’s life. No matter the scenario, they play a huge influence on their child’s life just like mothers. In a way, children feel different things from their father like security or they try to copy the same behaviour from their father. Just like how mothers are a vital support system, fathers are just as essential as they teach us different values and skills. Their kind of support can be reflected in a child’s relationship with other people.

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Set 1 – 10 Lines on My Father for Kids

Set 1 is helpful to the students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Kids

  1. Fathers day falls on 21st June of every year and this day is celebrated for all the efforts and struggles that fathers have put down for their children.
  2. Fathers make sure that their child has a secure and good life.
  3. Through tough times just like mothers, they support emotional and physical comfort.
  4. Just like Mothers, Fathers are important for the child’s well being.
  5. Good Fathers will always try to discipline their kids so they can be ready for the world.
  6. These days stereotypes are being broken and we are seeing fathers staying at home and taking care of their kids.
  7. The type of relationships and friendships that we form can be a reflection of the type of relationship with our father.
  8. Usually, sons look up to their fathers as role models and have a desire to be like them.
  9. Fathers provide safety and security to their daughters
  10. In our lives fathers are significant.

10 Lines on My Father

Set 2 – 10 Lines on My Father for School Children

Set 2 is helpful to students of classes 6,7 and 8.

  1. In our lives, fathers are one of the most influential people. Each Father is special and unique and caters to their child’s needs differently.
  2. Fathers teach us to be caring as well as reliable. They make their daughters feel safe and secure, and their sons want to be just like them.
  3. Fathers play an important role in terms of influence and this can affect the relationships we make.
  4. My father has helped me solve a lot of problems and helped me become stronger mentally. He has made me more confident and independent.
  5. Fathers have taught us to be brave.
  6. today, unlike the conventional time’s fathers aren’t always the breadwinner but also they are staying at home and helping with the needs of their children and family.
  7. My fathers have always helped in all the chores in the house and also respects my mother’s work.
  8. Fathers may have the reputation for being tough but actually, they are always there when we need them and they will help us with our needs.
  9. On the third Sunday of June every year, fathers day is celebrated.
  10. My father is my constant support model and has enforced various rules which in turn has made me more responsible today.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on My Father for High School Students

Set 3 is helpful to students of classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and for Competitive Exams

  1. My father and I are not the type of family that constantly talk but we very well understand each other, there is always a sense of respect in each other’s work life and personal lives as they are widely different.
  2. Everyone describes their father differently but for me, the father is my rock and my constant support system. He is someone I can always rely on even in the darkest of times.
  3. With their children, fathers are always said to be role models for their sons as they look up to them but also as a safety net for their daughters in terms of security and safety. Studies have also shown that daughters are more likely to go after men who are like their fathers.
  4. Throughout my life, my father has told me to dream big and to always try my best. He will relentlessly be telling me to never give up on my dreams and always remember to soar as high as you can.
  5. My Father believes in making mistakes only can you learn and grow from them. My father has always told me not to fear failure but embrace it and learn from it.
  6. Fathers are known to be risk-takers and this helps them in their various problem-solving skills.
  7. Times are constantly changing and it’s time that fathers embrace staying at home and supporting the family while the mother goes to work. Gone are the days of the stereotype where men must be the breadwinner, now is the type when everyone respects each other’s work no matter what.
  8. Fathers play an important role when it comes to disciplining their children. Usually, they come off as strict but that is because most traditional systems ensure that the fathers have control over the child. But times are changing and fathers are being taught that they don’t have to be strict, the reason being is that fathers have a huge influence on children’s lives and this affects their relationships.
  9. Fathers help in a child’s self-esteem and can help them grow to become better people. By constantly reminding them of how proud or grateful they are can help in the child’s growth in a long way.
  10. To celebrate the influence fathers have on their children, fathers day is celebrated. It is celebrated on 21st June every year.

10 Lines About My Father

FAQ’S on 10 Lines on My Father

Question 1.
when is fathers day celebrated?

Fathers day is celebrated on 21st June.

Question 2.
what type of role do fathers play?

Fathers play an important role when it comes to disciplining their children. Usually, they come off as strict but that is because most traditional systems ensure that the fathers have control over the child. But times are changing and fathers are being taught that they don’t have to be strict, the reason being is that fathers have a huge influence on children’s lives and this affects their relationships.

Question 3.
How do fathers influence their children?

Fathers teach us to be caring as well as reliable. They make their daughters feel safe and secure, and their sons want to be just like them.

Question 4.
What is the new norm of parenting?

Times are constantly changing and it’s time that fathers embrace staying at home and supporting the family while the mother goes to work. Gone are the days of the stereotype where men must be the breadwinner, now is the type when everyone respects each other’s work no matter what.

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