Essay on Addiction | Addiction Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Addiction: Addiction is an illness- be it a drug, habit, or a person, that changes the way our brain thinks, functions, and processes information. Addiction leads to compulsive behaviour that provides temporary pleasure but holds long-term harmful effects on an addict’s life.

The scientific panel defines addiction as a neural disorder where a person shows addictive behaviours that may include but are not confined to substance abuse, like drugs like excessive work, cocaine, or even chocolate, alcohol, marijuana, etc.

The Essay on Addiction throws light on the aftermath effects of compulsive habits or behaviour like excessive indulgence or gambling, which fall into addiction. Besides the article on Essay on Addiction, we have broken the essay in paragraphs to help you prepare a speech on addiction.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Addiction for Students and Kids in English

We provide children and students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 250 words on the topic “Addiction” for reference.

Short Essay on Addiction 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Addiction is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Addiction is any bad habit that harms the well-being of an individual. Addiction is an emerging common and harmful problem developed among youth. The mysterious neural disorder makes such little sense to the onlooker and even to the addict. Addicts are prone to making poor and unhealthy choices due to the low brain process of information.

Addiction is a long process that requires the support of the addict’s friends and family at various addiction levels like mentally, physically, psychologically, and emotionally. The addict hardly recognises his or her behaviour or actions as abnormal or unusual and have almost no control over their impulses. Addiction not only affects physically but ruins the addict’s mental peace and soundness of the mind. Addiction is a contagious disorder that is very difficult to overcome and negatively impacts those around you. Addiction can only be resolved through step-by-step therapies and treatments. Addiction is a chronic disease and is one of the most severe health problems faced around the world. There are various types addictions that different people get tangled like, Drug addiction, TV addiction, Internet addiction, Shopping, Social networking sites addiction, Video games addiction, Facebook addiction, Computer addiction, Gambling addiction, Pornography addiction, etc.

Addiction knows no prejudice and exists among different religion, orientation or sex, race, etc. A person can get addicted to essential habits like shopping, X-box, eating, gambling, or drugs. Addiction is an illness that requires professional help, and once a person falls in the trap of habit, he will always remain an addict. But many times, addicts feel the urge to try new things just out of curiosity or heal from pain or trauma temporarily. For example, a person playing video games in between their work hours is an effect of addiction cause the person would not stop playing and will end up ruining their time.

Overcoming addiction is a complicated process. With the right treatments and therapies, it can take months or even years for addicts to get rid of their addiction problem. However, several people rebound into the pit of addiction after weeks, months, or even years of recovery as addiction serves as an escape.

Essay on Addiction 250 Words in English


Patrick Carnes once said that ‘Addiction is a relationship, a pathological relationship in which obsession replaces people’. With keeping this in mind, addiction is defined as a complex brain condition that may result from overindulgence in a particular habit or thing. Addiction is an obsession over something or anything- social media or internet, drugs, gaming, or even shopping and can cause fatal consequences. Addiction takes shape in various forms and takes a while for the addict to realise the type of addiction as it tends to affect the person emotionally or physically.

The Cost of Addiction

Addiction comes at a high cost, and we need to recognise the harmful consequences it holds. The high price of addiction is its dangerous health hazards, and the intake of any such threats will impact the physical and mental health of the addict and the people around him or her. For instance, if you are addicted to drugs or food, you will acquire multiple chronic diseases and illnesses. Similarly, people addicted to video games face severe mental health disorders, along with physical health problems.

Addicts also face monetary issues as they use the addiction products excessively and spend loads of money on the products. Moreover, addiction hampers a person’s college or work life and affects their personal and professional relationships.


Drug addiction is life-threatening irrespective of its treatment and helps with therapies, counselling, and medications and rehab centres. However, addicts must ensure follow-ups never to retake these drugs. Family and friends play a vital role as they must support the addicts during the recovery process.

Essay on Addiction 400 Words in English


Addiction refers to the intake of harmful and hazardous substances or inculcation of bad habits. Addiction holds an adverse effect on the victim, his or her family and friends. Intake of toxic substances can make the brain produce a chemical substance known as dopamine which causes changes in a person’s behaviour. Addiction is a process that will make the addict lose interest in everything around them. The addicts remain glued to a particular product such as food, drug, gaming, or social media. Addiction to anything can harm a person’s life.


Several factors contribute to addiction. A few of the most common obsessions with a genetic predisposition hold the highest possibility for substance abuse. Another significant reason for addiction is a coping mechanism or to escape tragic or traumatic experiences. People are also said to inherit addiction by looking at a close family member or acquaintance going under compulsive behaviours.


Several research pieces have proved that addiction can shapeshift to any form and have intense effects on the wiring of specific neural patterns related to emotions like impulse-control, reward, decision-making, or motivation. This leads to severe addiction to the product and leads to extreme social isolation, serious health problems, financial troubles, and troubled family life. To counter and overcome addiction and adverse feelings, the addict may undergo a rebound to go back to the addictive products to solve the problem.


The proverb ‘prevention is better than cure’ signifies the importance of preventive measures in treating addiction. Preventive measures involve treatments, therapy, and use of medications. For successful implementation of the addiction, there should be a possibility for accepting the problem over the state of denial. Family plays an instrumental role during the measures as the addict may be subjected to intense trauma. The need for emotional and psychological support during the withdrawal stage is proved helpful. Addicts must ensure to stay away from tricky situations that might trigger their impulse for addiction products.


Addiction is an involuntary process as the brain’s response to an addict’s changes leads to bad habits and addictions irrespective of the dangerous implications. People must never associate a person’s addictive behaviour with moral character or standards. Apart from medications, therapy, and treatments, addicts also require a lot of affection, motivation, and support from their near and dear ones.

Essay on Addiction

Long Essay on Addiction 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Addiction is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.


The term addiction is often associated with drugs. However, addiction is something more, and a person can get addicted to numerous other things like food, mobile, gaming, social media, gambling, shopping, and the internet, to name a few. Addictions can cause severe disasters and damages that can negatively impact the addict and the family or friends.

Types of Addiction

There are a few too many common types of addiction that can ruin a person’s life. A few are:

Video Game and Mobile Addiction 

With the upsurge and advancement of technology and the internet, everyone has been glued to the gadgets continually calling, texting or surfing endlessly. People remain so engrossed that they fail to acknowledge people and the environment around them. Several gaming sites have been developed, and most games are resulting from being addictive. Mobile gadgets and video games have a proportional relationship where it strains a person’s relationships and hampers their work.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Drug or substance abuse is the worst kind of addiction as it can adversely impact the addict’s physical and mental health. Drug addiction often implicates severe health hazards as the addicts remain stuck unable to leave the addiction even though they stay aware of the consequences. A few common drug and alcohol addictions products are Hallucinogens, Cocaine, Marijuana, and Heroin consumed to experience the feeling of ecstasy for a short period.

Gambling Addiction

A gambling addict faces withdrawal struggles as he or she cannot easily withdraw and move on with their life. Whether the person wins or loses, he or she remains drawn to indulge over and over again. Gambling addiction has ruined the personal and professional lives of hundreds of people across the globe. Facilities such as bars and casinos have taken advantage of gambling addiction and the people’s weakness making profitable gains and business.

Food Addiction

The most unexpected of all is that people can become addicted to the taste of certain foods such as a particular category of burger, unique flavour of noodles or pizza, a favourite restaurant, or just about anything. Certain sections of people remain addicted to spicy food and indulge in any food that contains high spice levels.

Some people have a sweet tooth and remain addicted to indulging in sweets all the time. The addiction level remains so high that they crave and consume foods that are sweet and overeat. There remains another section of people who are addicted to unhealthy or junk food. Overeating and overindulging unhealthy food habits can cause serious health issues and be hazardous to health.

Shopping Addiction

Several people develop a habit of spending money on ‘unwanted products’ that might not be a need but a want. These addicts see shopping as a coping mechanism to relieve themselves from stress. Shopping gives a different sort of experience and pleasure for addicts, so they indulge in extreme and impulsive shopping regularly, which turns out an addiction. Shopping addicts go on massive sprees for products that they do not require and shop for everyone they know and are acquainted with.

Social Media and Internet Addiction 

With the inception of the internet and the advancement of network connections from 2G to 4G and 5G has led to an upsurge in internet usage, surfing on the internet has become an addiction and social media platforms have fueled this addiction. People are so caught up in the internet world trying to capture moments to propagate the fun part of their life that we forget to have fun. Talking selfies is another form of addiction that people have developed in recent times.

Efforts for Addiction-Free India

India faces severe addiction and drug abuse problems, leading to the deterioration of physical and mental health. Drug addiction does not harm and impact the addict alone but adversely affects the entire family and friends. A drug addict’s personal and professional life equally deteriorates. While on the one hand, we rile up about the empowerment of the youth and hope that today’s youth will contribute towards the development of the country, the other, we see thousands of youth squandering their lives due to addiction to alcohol drugs, and whatnot.

The youth of today must be sensitised towards the issue of drug addiction and abuse. The government must also prioritise and undertake this issue as a priority and ban such substances’ sale from putting an end to such practices. People caught selling drug substances illegally must be severely punished.

Essay about Addiction

Addiction Essay Conclusion

We must remain cautious and take control of our lives and avoid any dangerous habits to take charge of our lives eventually. The irony is that despite knowing the consequence and impact of addiction, people still choose to indulge in something that can deteriorate their life.

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