Essay on Addictions and Future of Youth of India | Addictions and Future of Youth of India Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Addictions and Future of India: India is the youngest country in the world due to the population of the youth being the highest compared to any other country. Due to this, it is no small statement to make if we say that India’s future lies in the youth’s hands today, which brings to the forefront a crisis that they are facing today more than any other time or era. That is addictions.

The rate at which people find themselves addicted is steadily rising, and that brings multiple health concerns. Addictions today are no longer limited to just substance abuse like alcohol or drugs. It has gone above and beyond with the progress of technology with people addicted to their devices, severely affecting their functioning in society. In this essay, we take a look at how addictions impact the future of India’s youth.

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Long and Short Essays on Addictions and Future of Youth of India for Students and Kids in English

We provide children and students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic “Addictions and Future of Youth of India” for reference.

Short Essay on Addictions and Future of Youth of India 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Addictions and Future of Youth of India is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Addiction is a global problem and a growing crisis that people are trying to fight today. India homes a large majority of the youth who are addicted to some substance or another. Most addictions begin with youngsters either watching a close family member or friend abuse a substance and thinking that it is normal or just wanting to ‘try it’ as others are doing the same, which means that the habit begins with watching and being influenced by others.

Often what was just an experiment becomes a source of comfort and escape, thereby becoming an addiction and consuming the life of the individual entirely. When the supply of whatever it is that holds the person is high, it can be difficult for the individual to understand that they may be addicted. However, addiction is not the end of the world as help exists in rehab centers.

It is a well-known fact that an excess of anything can be dangerous to one’s mental and physical health. And this excess is precisely what leads to addiction, which can consume an individual’s entire mind and life. Addictions also have a severe effect on a person’s health and can cause various illnesses and diseases that can be fatal and end a person’s life prematurely. This is why it is a growing problem among India’s youth today and something that can most likely negatively impact the future of the nation, seeing as India does happen to be the world’s youngest nation.

With the fast-paced movement of technology and life, addictions are not like substances but also to things like mobile phones or video games. These act as a sort of escape or comfort for them, which soon becomes addicting. This often happens when a youngster comes from a broken household and lacks the necessities of love and safety and is instead filled with neglect or worse. Therefore, this has become a severe problem for India’s future and raises concerns about what our tomorrow may look like. Hence, something has to be done to put a stop to this.


The youth of India are the main prey when it comes to addictions. Be it addictions to alcohol, drugs, or phones and video games. We have heard stories of children addicted to glue fumes. Therefore the emerging types of addictions with this era are not surprising. Addictions have become an epidemic of sorts that severely needs to be dealt with.

The problem of addictions

Addictions generally begin as something to try for fun and then evolve to a dependency for comfort or escape. If a person does not recognize and stop this dependency, it can become an addiction. Often this happens before the person is even aware of this happening. This level of dependency can become an obstacle to a person’s functioning in society. It also has adverse effects on their mental health and can aggravate existing problems.

It is also something that harms one’s health and then begins affecting friends and family’s lives. The rate at which addiction can cause destruction goes beyond the individual themselves.

Rehabilitation centers and such intervening measures can certainly help those addicted, but this is not a fool-proof measure, especially as an addiction begins at the mental level first.


The youth of India has great potential and can achieve greatness beyond what is known. This is precisely why some drastic measures must be taken to end the rising rates of addictions. Not just for the individuals addicted themselves but also for the future of the entire nation.

Essay about Addictions and Future of Youth of India

Long Essay on Addictions and Future of Youth of India 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Addictions and Future of Youth of India is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.


Many things in this world are good for us and many that are bad. We know that we must not indulge in something that harms us. It is also known that an excess of even the good things for us can be harmful. The fact of the excessive being harmful goes even down to the food we eat.

It is also important to note that the excess can go to the extreme of becoming an addiction. This is something that the youth of today are fighting. They have a desire and curiosity to try new things and often lack the self-control to know when to draw the line. This is especially dangerous when a person can get addicted before realizing that something like this has happened.

Impact of Addiction on the Youth of India

Addictions often begin as something new to try and end up becoming life-threatening. Addiction can have various adverse effects on a person’s health. The following are a few:

  1. People addicted to video games, social media, or anything done on a screen can have eyesight issues.
  2. There are chances of them developing migraines, and it even affects your position.
  3. Carpal tunnel syndrome is also something they can suffer from.
  4. Addictions to substances can lead to cancer of the lung and otherwise.
  5. It can cause cardiac issues along with the tearing of the lining of organs.
  6. Substances that make a person lose their inhibitions can cause paranoia and anxiety. The individual may end up doing certain things that can harm himself and others.
  7. It also affects the digestive tract, along with causing multiple skin problems.
  8. And these are only some of the consequences that take place due to an addiction. It is also important to note that while rehab centers exist, they do not guarantee freedom from the addiction, which is why it is crucial to take measures not to let something like this happen in the first place.


Addictions are highly problematic for the youth and can cause mental and physical issues. This can turn out to be fatal if not dealt with at the beginning. Therefore, steps must be taken to curb the rise of addictions. Be it in the form of regulation of substances or even a high sense of awareness of the consequences. This so that the future of India is safe and stable in the long run.

Addictions and Future of Youth of India 500 Words in English


Addictions are a fast-rising problem in today’s generation across the nation. The youth seem to be very susceptible to falling prey to such things, which puts our future in danger. Addictions can slowly destroy a person’s life, family, and future very easily and the process begins many times without the person even knowing. Our future is, as such, at stake.

How addictions begin

Addictions frequently begin as a source of comfort, escape, or even from a desire to fit in. Other times it happens simply because a close family member or authority figure has succumbed to this vice. And then so does the individual watching. It is well known that such things begin when teenagers slowly start to explore the world and their curiosity gets better. Without guidance and awareness, something that they wanted to try can soon become an addiction. It is also worth noticing that the environment at home for a child can also play a vital role in the child growing up addicted to substances or other such things. Be it neglect or an abusive household.

It must be noted that no one gets addicted to anything because they want to. As mentioned earlier, it can merely be a form of escape or comfort from a life filled with anxieties and worries that no one at that age should be carrying. We have heard of students committing suicide due to the pressure of exams. Therefore, it is understood that while the youth may be young, it cannot be said that they live a life free from all worries. Many have to worry about day to day survival so much that there is no thought or hope for the future. In such cases, alcohol, smoking, video games, or social media can serve as an escape or comfort for them to survive their lives.

The Future of Youth of India 

Across the globe, we find many youngsters from India have made history. Be it at the academic front or in inventions, or art and such. There can be absolutely no doubt about their capabilities or intelligence. But we also see that there is a problem when it comes to addictions consuming their minds. This harms the youth and their families and, more than that, the future of the nation.  Stringent measures must be taken to curb this or to offer solutions for such a problem. Otherwise, India’s future will indeed be in danger.

Types of addictions

There are various types of addictions, and that is no longer limited to just alcohol or smoking. With the changes in technology, recent not so favorable changes have also taken place.

We are all aware of addictions to substances such as alcohol, smoking, drugs, or various types. Sometimes we even hear of children addicted to the fumes of glue. These addictions can have a severe and sometimes immediate impact on a person’s health and sanity. Drugs like crystal meth can destroy the person’s body from the inside out, and it is challenging for a person to wean off the addiction. Smoking can cause cancer and organ damage so severe that a person’s lifespan can be drastically cut short.

Apart from these, we also have youth being addicted to video gaming or their mobile phones. Once an incident of a young boy who shot a person on the street because he wanted to see if the person would turn into a zombie, he saw in the video games he was playing. We have also heard of apps that were urging children to self-harm and then commit suicide. The world on the internet is not safe, and it can prove fatal when addicted to it.

Constant exposure to the screen can lead to consequences on a person’s eyesight. Their posture is affected and can even lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. What’s more, is that such addictions curb the person’s opportunities to be able to learn to function in society. Be it in terms of soft skills or others that can help build a career or a future. Addictions can rob and drastically destroy a person’s life, family, and future. And often, even rehab centers cannot help provide a way out from addictions. Rehab centers are not a definitive solution, even though they do help many times. Perseverance is required to overcome addictions.

Essay for Addictions and Future of Youth of India

Addictions and Future of Youth of India Conclusion

Addictions have various types of consequences on people. It is time for us as a society to provide awareness and guidance to steer the youth away from such a path. It may seem like a lot of work is to be done, but the effort needs to be taken if we want to secure India’s future.

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