Essay on Beggars | Beggars Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Beggars: Beggars live a very harsh life. They have no guarantee of safety and no surety of food or shelter. Many live on the roadside or in temporary shelters. They have no protection from the elements and are often at the mercy of those who come from society’s higher strata. They spend their lives scrounging and salvaging from one place to another. They cannot provide their children a promising future as they have no resources to do so. As a result, many are born into this sort of life and have no escape.

Though many people say that they can just get a job, it is often challenging to get a job. Places that would offer employment to beggars are often shady businesses or dangerous groups. It can very easily lead to working for the mafia. Therefore we, as a society, should take measures to help them out.

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Long and Short Essays on Beggars for Students and Kids in English

We provide children and students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic “Beggars” for reference.

Short Essay on Beggars 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Beggars is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Beggars beg for a living, which means that their livelihood comes day to day. They do not have the comfort of a house to return to, neither do they have a guarantee of food. Many reside in slum areas in makeshift shelters or huts. Others spend their lives on the footpath and the side of the road as they have nowhere else to go.

They work during the day, begging for alms, food, and other necessities. Many carry their children around as they have no place to leave their children. However, there are times when the mafias exploit them to earn money. It is a dangerous life to live. Many have died due to exposure to the elements or reckless driving. No justice is served just because they are beggars. It is a deplorable state of affairs. They are still human beings and deserve respect and opportunities the others have.

Beggars make up a big chunk of the population of a country. They are citizens of the nation and deserve to be treated as such; as human beings with dignity and respect that everyone else deserves. They are often mistreated and are robbed of opportunities that others have. It is tough to get a child from a slum into a good school or get them jobs. It is difficult for them to make a livelihood out of the meager things they get from daily beggary.

They have no guarantee of safety and shelter. Many sleep and spend their entire life on the sidewalks, and others live in makeshift houses that do nothing to protect them from the elements. Many have died of preventable diseases as well as there was no access to treatment or doctors.

While beggars have a reputation of being criminals that hurt people and cause destruction. However, it is also important to note that they are so because of the environment that they have been raised in. It is not an excuse for what they do, but we must make an effort to intervene in these situations so that generations do not grow up in such an environment.

Essay on Beggars 250 Words in English


Begging is a significant problem in society that needs to be solved. Many are found begging at roadsides or in front of temples, mosques, and churches, hoping that someone would help them meet their daily needs. They often disrupt the neighborhoods that they beg in.


Most of the time, beggars have specific areas that have been assigned to them. They visit these areas at their times, asking for alms or food. They are seen carrying a bag with them or small children in their alms to elicit sympathy. Other times, there are the elderly that come around. They often travel in groups singing religious songs and such.

It is difficult for residents to know if they have a genuine need or are narrating stories to gain sympathy. While it does work sometimes, many residents find it annoying and turn them away instead of helping them. While the need of many may be genuine, many beggars happen to be quite ‘rich.’ A fact that is quite ironic but true. There have been times when beggars have passed away, and people have found stacks of money and other assets. If an individual knows how to collect money well and in which areas, they can amass a lot of wealth in this way.


Beggary is a significant issue in society that must be dealt with. The Government, along with the rest of society, must take measures to change this situation and stop another generation of children from becoming beggars.

Essay on Beggars

Essay on Beggars 400 Words in English


India faces a host of problems that range from unemployment to terrorism. Beggary is one of them. Statistics say that around half a million people from the population of the country are beggars. That is a huge number, and something must be done to change this.

The Life of Begging

Beggars live an extremely difficult and miserable life. They have no homes to go to and no clothes either. Many of them walk around barefoot in scraps of clothing that seem to be holding together barely. Often, children are seen on the streets begging for food or some basic necessities like slippers. Pregnant women and women with little children are also seen on the side of the road begging for alms or food. This is, unfortunately, a common sight in India.

Elderly people travel in groups, and disabled and handicapped beggars are also seen asking for money. People on makeshift trolleys are seen rolling down the side of the road as they are lame. They beg on the streets and often spend their entire lives there. They are at the mercy of the elements, and heat or cold waves can be fatal, and many have died in this manner. Those that fall sick have no access to treatment or doctors and often do not recover from their illnesses.

The tales of these are often heartbreaking, but not everything is as it looks. Many individuals amass wealth and jewelry from begging for years and years on end but choose not to do anything with it. They simply collect it and continue begging instead of leading a different sort of life. They beg and raise their children in this environment too. It is saddening when they do so and refuse to send their children to get an education or a better life. It may seem that they are happy and satisfied with this manner of gaining money and do not want to live the life of the daily struggle it can take to get a house, a job, etc. But it is difficult for beggars to get jobs, and even the jobs they get have no safety. People have lost their lives just like that due to working dangerous jobs or working for dangerous people like the mafia.


It is often easy for people to say that begging must be banned, but no alternatives are usually offered for what can be done for the people. Even the slums built for them can easily be broken up for the next factory or industry. It is a tough life to lead, and it is challenging to get out of it. Therefore action must be taken from the Government to rehabilitate them by offering jobs and such. Even that, however, is easier said than done, especially as the nation is already facing the crisis of unemployment. Regardless, action must be taken to put an end to beggary so that all people have the opportunity to lead a respectable and purposeful life.

Long Essay on Beggars 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Beggars is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.


Begging is a very real problem that India faces. A large portion of the slums in the world happen to be in India. The Dharavi slum in Mumbai is actually said to be the biggest slum in the world. As far as statistics go, this is not something that we can take pride in. It is a sad reality that must be dealt with and put an end to.


The main reason for begging is poverty. Beggars have no assurance of getting food daily, much less clothing or any other necessity. They are often seen walking around in rags that are barely held together. They carry makeshift bags made from scraps. Many often go scavenging in the rubbish to get food or anything worth selling so that they can make money. They often spend their lives on the side of the street with maybe one blanket to protect them. Others live in huts that can barely withstand the elements. It is an extremely difficult life to live as they have to fight for survival daily. After all, if they were to fall sick on the side of the road, who would make an effort to go pick them up and get them treatment? Many have died of preventable diseases simply because they lack access to any medical help. Many that were sleeping on the side of the road have been killed due to drivers who have recklessly driven onto the side of the road. No justice is given to them because they are beggars.


The movie ‘Slum Dog Millionaire,’ very brilliantly shows the reality of the life of begging. It is not as simple as just getting enough money for the day. It is a dangerous world where there is violence and crime that exists in the shadows. The begging mafia is a dangerous body that exploits beggars to get them many. Many healthy individuals have been caught and maimed to gain sympathy and, therefore, more money. Others get involved in gangs where the rule is every man for himself. Anyone can be killed at any time, and no one would know. Deaths of this manner are not taken to the police, and therefore, if the person were innocent, they still wouldn’t get any justice. It is the sad reality of life on the streets.


Others beg to have enough money for the next dose of whatever they are addicted to. Be it alcohol or some substance or drug. Many are seen unconscious on the side of the road, as they have passed out due to whatever they have taken in. They cannot afford to go to rehab or get any help. No one cares if they overdose. And in such a sad manner, many lose their lives with no one to care or do anything about this.


A particular band of beggars that one would see on the side of the road are lepers. They are seen with their hands and other parts of their bodies wrapped in bandages. They have no way to afford any kind of medication, and it is highly unlikely that anyone would offer to get them treatment. Leprosy can be cured, but there is no way for them to access any such medicine. They can only hope to treat the symptoms the best they can and make sure they have enough for their day to day survival.

Society’s View

Many beggars are indeed involved in criminal activities, and it is daily that many go to prison due to the crimes committed. Yet, it is not right for people to ignore all beggars and pretend as if they are worth no more than garbage. They, too, are human beings that deserve a good life where there is safety. Their children deserve a chance at getting an education and a better life. However, not much is done to this effect. Even when there are NGOs or Government Homes that claim to help, there have been many scandals. The people who are supposed to help use the money for themselves and the children and elderly are abused and exploited. It is deeply unfortunate that people behave in this manner. Genuine measures must be taken to change this situation.

Essay about Beggars

Beggars Essay Conclusion

Everyone deserves a second chance at life. Whether they accept the help or not, is not something to worry about before offering help. But there must be a provision for help when it is asked for. Beggars, too, deserve a life of comfort where there is an assurance of daily necessities. Active steps must be taken to help beggars and grant them opportunities. And in this manner, slowly put an end to the need of begging so that the cycle of beggary stops and does not continue with another generation.

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