Essay on Importance of Communication | Importance of Communication Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Importance of Communication: One of the most important keys to relationships is communication. It helps you connect with people and know the other person. One of the most important ways you will be able to go forward in life is through good communication.

Communication helps you form as well as repair issues in a relationship. One needs to know how to communicate well and properly. The skills to develop your communication grows, the more you communicate with people.

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Long and Short Essays on Importance of Communication for Students and Kids in English

In the essay on the importance of communication, you will learn about the keys to good communication. Here you will learn and understand the importance of communication in your life.

Essay on Importance of Communication

Short Essay on Importance of Communication 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Importance of Communication is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Communication is the most important thing that we need to establish in all of our relationships. When we talk about communication, we talk about telling the people around us what we want, what we need, what we like, what we don’t, and other things. It’s as simple as you cannot merely expect someone to know what you are thinking – you need to tell them. The key to every relationship, be it your parents, friends, even romantic relationships, is to talk to people. For example, if you want a sandwich, you must express that you want a sandwich. Communication means understanding that people will not know what you think unless you tell them.

Communication is the key to sharing a good relationship with your family members. Family members share their happiness, sorrow and stories through communication. Communication is the most important factor that helps you share a good relationship with your family. Without communication, you wouldn’t know many things about the members of the family.  When you neglect to share good communication skills with your family, you will be awkward around them. You and your family will not know what to talk about to each other. Neglecting communication leads to having uncomfortable relationships with close members of your family.

When you have good communication skills, you will be able to easily make friends. Good communication skills help you know what kind of conversation will help you start a conversation with someone new. Communication helps you learn new things about someone every time you talk to them. An important part of communication is listening. You need to be open to listening to another person too.

Communication is the most critical thing that acts as a base for any relationship. The main problems and conflicts we are faced with in any kind of relationship, whether it is with your parents, siblings, friends, spouses, significant other, etc. are either lack of communication or improper communication.

We have the most problems in life when we do not communicate with each other properly. At home, we have so many fights with our siblings and family, simply because either we didn’t tell them what we want or used the wrong means to do so. The importance of communication comes in here to show us how it is vital to good family life and good relationships with our parents and siblings.

Even with our friends, we may sometimes get into misunderstandings, and huge fights with our significant others, because we are most often too nervous about explaining how we feel to other people. It is of utmost importance to learn how to express what we feel because otherwise, it will be very easy to destroy all of our relationships and also for people to walk all over us. Neither of those options seems very great, so it’s best to learn the importance of communication and inculcate it in our lives.

Essay about Importance of Communication

Long Essay on Importance of Communication 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Importance of Communication is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Lack of communication is the worst way to destroy a relationship – that, and improper communication. These are two things which lead to horrible situations that we could’ve easily seen coming. What happens with most of our relationships is that we are often faced with conflict in our relationships. This conflict arises from not being able to communicate with one another.

It is a common saying that communication is key for any relationship, but on the face of it, it’s confusing to think about what this means, so let’s break it down and try to understand it. When we talk about communication, we refer to the idea that we need to share our thoughts and feelings with the people around us. It is important to, for example, let people know when you do not like the way that they have done something so that they do not do it the same way again, especially when it directly or indirectly affects you. If you don’t tell them about it, how will they know how you feel about it?

Problems arise in relationships because we often forget that none of us are mind readers and we cannot simply predict or figure out what a person is thinking just like that. To take another example, if you want to borrow a book from someone but haven’t told them that, and they give it to someone else before you tell them, it will be your mistake for not having communicated with them about the same earlier.

Communication and human life go hand in hand because human life and social life go hand in hand. Human life is all about communicating with one another, talking about things like the weather and the government and many other things. Amidst this, we may sometimes find that two humans disagree about something rather than communicating the reason and reasoning behind why it becomes easier to verbally pounce on another and engage in conflict. Wouldn’t it be simpler to merely communicate? The downside is that communicating with a person puts you in a vulnerable position because it requires a person to open up and speak out about what they want and how they feel. Vulnerability is uncomfortable for most people, and that’s why relationships often go down the drain because people are unable to get past their insecurities.

Talking about things is the best way to let your feelings out, or at least this is how it works when talking about the feelings surrounding the various relationships you have in your life. Imagine that you have a significant other in your life, someone who you are in a romantic relationship with, and you disliked something they said about you to someone else. On the one hand, you can pretend like it did not bother you, so you go about as you were, but the emotional turmoil will remain in your mind. On the other hand, if you communicate to your significant other about how they said bothered you, you can talk about it, they will apologise to you, and the air will be cleared. Isn’t this a much better option than to carry around anger or any other negative emotion?

We must all learn how to communicate with one another because life can become very difficult for all of us without communicating. As mentioned before, humans and their social lives go hand in hand. We are social creatures by creation – we are born into and live with our families, interact with people in educational and occupational institutions, and have people around us all the time, no matter where we are. Thus, it is incredibly important to learn what we can now call the art of communication. It is okay to be vulnerable, and it is okay to let out your emotions and feelings when they become too overwhelming, and communication helps us do that.

There are so many different kinds of communication that we have to go through every day. We have to communicate with our parents, teachers, siblings, colleagues, classmates, friends, etc. We even have to communicate with people we don’t even know, such as the bus conductor to buy a ticket from him when we are going somewhere, or asking someone for directions on the road when we are lost some or another form of communication. However, this is just everyday communication, and there’s much more to communication and just how important it is in incidents which are closer to our personal lives.

With every relationship we share, we need to make an effort to communicate well. How will the other person even know what we are thinking and feeling if we do not do so? It is highly understandable that putting everything you think and everything you feel out there for another person to come and listen to you can be quite a scary thing to do – placing yourself on that pedestal of vulnerability and trusting someone enough to keep your thoughts and feelings safe in their minds… Yes, it takes a lot of courage. But without communicating, there is no possible way for us to enjoy good relationships through and through. Without communicating, conflicts and problems will always arise in the relationship, whether the relationship is with your family, friends or even the people with whom you share your workplace.

In talking about the workplace, imagine what would happen if people in offices did not communicate. So many people would miss so many important meetings, so much work would be left behind because no one was informed to do it, and even you are probably able to think of all the catastrophes that could come with not communicating at the workplace efficiently. In offices and companies with great city views and board rooms in the workplace, without communication, these places will fall apart.

Now that we have realised this let’s think about what happens when we apply the same to our lives. Imagine that someone cooks something for you, but you just cannot stand the taste of it. To be nice, you tell this person that you love what they cooked, and then they start making it for you very frequently. With this, to prevent hurting someone you love by not telling them that you did not like what they cooked for you, it will fill you up with some sort of turmoil in your head, which might just explode one day out of nowhere that you wouldn’t know where it came from. That’s what happens when you bottle things up, and the metaphorical bottle inside you explodes. It is better to have just communicated the same in the first place rather than prolonging it to the point that there is more hurt caused by it.

Communication is not merely telling someone about which food you like and which you don’t. No, a deeper level of communication also requires a person to open up, explain why they feel certain things, talk about their traumas, and the happy incidents in their life – it’s allowing someone to get to know you. Without communication, what is there to life rather than mere superficial relationships?

It is of such grave importance that we learn to communicate with one another well, not only to avoid conflict but also to better our relationships at an increasing rate. Good communication means that everyone can be happy because of feeling heard, and isn’t that what we all want at the end of the day, for someone to listen to us and understand us? Well, it is communication which helps us accomplish exactly this.

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