Essay on My Favourite Author | My Favourite Author Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on My Favourite Author: Sudha Murthy is my favourite author of all times. Her write-ups are unique, carrying the valuable message with a tinge of sarcasm and humour. She has received the Padma Shri award. She is a very humble and sensible lady, despite being the co-founder and chairman of the Infosys Foundation. She also involved in various charitable activities. The books she has penned down represent a clear picture of the real India, the real problems and the real emotions of people. She learns from her experiences and shares those with the readers by adorning them with her words that are easy to decipher.

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Long and Short Essays on My Favourite Author for Students and Kids in English

We are providing the students with essay samples on an extended Essay on My Favourite Author of 500 words and a short Essay on My Favourite Author of 150 words on My Favourite Author’s topic.

Long Essay on My Favourite Author 500 words in English

Long Essay on My Favourite Author is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Books are our best friends. Apart from our educational books at school, we read many other books to keep ourselves engaged. We read many fictional and non-fictional books with various genres. The storybooks let us sneak into another beautiful world without letting us physically. The books’ authors are to be given real credit for the entire effort and knowledge they have put in to expand our mind and entertain us. Although I have read many kinds of books and all, I have taught me some new values, ideas and virtues. However, if I am asked who my favourite author is, I would say that it is Sudha Murty.

It was during my school days when I was studying in class 9. Our English Reader Book had a storey named Sudha Murthy titled “How I Taught My Grandmother to Read”. The story was a short story in the background of India in a Middle-class family. It was not a story but a real-life experience of Sudha Murty. I was so delighted to read about her real-life experience and the deep-rooted ideologies in the story that she became a favourite with the first read.

Later I was fascinated to read more of her works. Then I bought a novel by her titled “The Dollar Bahu”. This was an amazing book that had the storyline of real life in India’s rural part with some valuable messages. Then I got to read her “Wise and Otherwise”, which comprises many short stories or life experiences of her, where she had to meet various people. Some being very generous and benevolent, whereas others flaunted their jinxed and hooliganism attitude. I also had the opportunity to explore many of her other books including Mahasweta, the House of Cards, Gently Falls the Bakula, The Mother I never knew, The Day I stopped drinking milk and The Old Man and his God.

She has also penned down several books for the children, including How The Sea Became Salty, The Upside Down King, The Daughter From A Wishing Tree, The magic of the lost, Grandma’s Bag of Stories 1 and Grandma’s Bag of Stories 2.

Sudha Murthy hails from Shiggaon situated in the North of the Karnataka State. She is a prolific writer who has composed many books in the Indian background for people of all age groups, containing many religious stories of Hindus. Sudha Murty is currently the Chairperson of the Infosys Fountain. She is a very knowledgeable lady having a Masters degree in Technology in computer science. But despite such qualifications, name and fame, the lady is very down to earth and is also involved in many charitable activities. She is also the recipient of the Padmashri award.

What makes Sudha Murty stand out among other writers is that she is very specific to her topic and has humour and real-life touch in her writings. Moreover, she writes in colloquial English language, making the readers understand it easily without rushing to a dictionary. Her write-ups are very much relatable. Her books are also translated into many languages. She is a simple lady in a simple attire who never fails to learn from every source and shares her learning. The lady, no doubt, is a gem of persons as well as writers.

10 Lines on My Favourite Author Essay

Short Essay on My Favourite Author 150 words in English

Short Essay on My Favourite Author is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Out of all the books I have read, Sudha Murthy is my favourite author. She has penned down several books in the language of English and Kannada. Moreover, most of her books have been translated into other languages as well.

The lady is a recipient of the Padma Shree award. She is an eminent writer, columnist and a great social activist. She had done her Master degree in Technology in Computer Science and is the co-founder of the Infosys foundation. She is very down to earth lady and is generous to the needy.

Her books are mostly the real-life experiences she has had and tries to learn from them. Her books are not filled with jargons, but the common English we all speak. So, it is well for all the age groups and has all kinds of tastes. Some of her notable works include Dollar Bahu, Mahasweta, the House of Cards, Gently Falls the Bakula, The Mother I never knew, The Day I stopped drinking milk and The Old Man and his God.

10 Lines on My Favourite Author Essay

  1. Sudha Murty is my Favourite Author.
  2. She pens down books of all genres and for all the age groups.
  3. Some of her notable works include Dollar Bahu, Mahasweta, the House of Cards, Gently Falls the Bakula, The Mother I never knew, The Day I stopped drinking milk and The Old Man and his God.
  4. She writes in easy English and Kannada Language.
  5. She is a very humbly lady.
  6. She has also received the Padmashri award.
  7. She is also a columnist and was a Professor.
  8. She is also a social worker.
  9. She has many humanitarian values as well.
  10. She is a gem of persons.

My Favourite Author Essay

FAQ’s On My Favourite Author Essay

Question 1.
What are the few interesting non-fictitious books by Sudha Murty?

The non-fictional work of Sudha Murty include The Day I stopped drinking milk and The Old Man and his God.

Question 2.
Suggest some fictional works of Sudha Murty.

The fictional books of Sudha Murty include Dollar Bahu, Mahasweta and the House of Cards.

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