Importance of Environment Essay | Essay on Importance of Environment for Students and Children
Importance of Environment Essay: One of the important aspects of living a long healthy life is to protect our environment from the harmful gases, chemicals, and wastes that we use every day. The atmosphere is where both living and non-living things live in. The environment has different definitions for people. While some consider the environment to be nature, others seem to look forward to it as wilderness and landscapes. Some people think of rural areas, forests, and greenery as the environment. The assembly of the rural regions, urban areas, the diverse images, landscapes, all living and non-living things, the wild, forests, and more consists of our environment. Anything surrounding us is a part of our environment. It is the geographical area, and we often call it our surroundings. Plants, air, water, soil, animals, birds, oceans, human beings, and every other minute creature forms our environment.
The three main factors that constantly affect our environment are the hydrologic process, atmospheric process, and geomorphic process. The relation between nature and living beings is known as ecology. When the environmental cycle is maintained, it is easy to live a healthy life-supporting to nurture and care for the animals and birds. However, as humans, it is our responsibility to keep our nature at its best. Almost every country wants to develop its economy, and to do so, biodiversity and its maintenance are very important. Governmental organizations and various other environment protection groups conduct awareness programs every year to save and preserve our environment. Laws are incorporated for better public response and awareness.
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Short Essay on Importance of Environment 150 Words in English
Short Essay on Importance of Environment is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
For millions of years, nature provides us everything to live a better life and start from clothes, food, light, air, and furniture to beautiful landscapes, waterfalls, and forests. The ecosystem helps us with agriculture and grow crops and vegetables. Our waste products were absorbed and decomposed as compost for agriculture. Humans were served by the environment in several ways and are still using nature for various personal uses.
Today the pressure of high population and so many people are taking a toll on nature and creating a lot of stress. The entire system of living beings around the Globe is collapsing. Our planet’s biosystem, which consists of both the chemical and physical environment, is constantly changing, causing our world to deplete gradually. Earlier, humans could not cause much damage the environment, and if they did, it was on a small area of land. However, today the human population is constantly increasing with various technological advancements, automobiles, and more. Today, the environment is about farm fields and agriculture, but it consists of the entire planet. They are thus resulting in a complete disruption and misbalance in our ecosystem. Without realizing the long term consequences, modern people are still continuously using different means of hazardous elements that adversely affect our nature.
Over the years, people were concerned about their health, living conditions, various diseases, pandemics, famines, accidents, and vector borne diseases. The farming and domesticating animals formed new contagious disorders among people, creating new challenges for better health among people.
With the advancement of technologies and the development of industries, various water-borne and other diseases were prevented. However, it adversely affects the environment by using harmful gases, chemicals, and building wastes. The trade and commerce, industries, and other factories paved the way for humans to leave the agricultural field and step into the technological world. The air, water, and soil pollution is affecting the environment, and it is damaging rapidly. Harmful greenhouse gases are causing the greenhouse effect. The protective ozone layer is depleting, causing the sun’s direct ultra-violet rays to enter the Earth and cause the snow to melt and produce serious skin diseases infections among animals and humans.
Ecology is the study of plants and animals and how they work together to balance nature. Humans must be responsible and use nature efficiently and only to survive for causing less damage. Various animals are going into extinction because of lack of trees, increased pollution, use of electronic gadgets and waves. The birds that once migrated to the urban areas from the rural districts were now seen nowhere because of the harmful emissions from the industries and the electronic waves through mobile phones and internet connections. This imbalance of nature is causing serious complications and danger for a long-lasting life on Earth.
Long Essay on Importance of Environment 500 Words in English
Long Essay on Importance of Environment is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.
The environment is an important part of our life, without which the living things couldn’t survive on Earth. However, several issues are disrupting the ecosystem of the environment and causing damage to living beings. The main reason behind such a condition was that humans misused nature and the technology that they settled their lifestyle. Greenhouse effect, global warming, pollution, and various other harmful toxic wastes from industries are the side effects of nature damage. Humans’ everyday activities like washing clothes using chemical detergents, using chemicals like fertilizers, and using colors in vegetables are degrading environmental quality.
There are various reasons behind the decline of our environment. However, some of the issues are causing serious complications in our ecosystem, resulting in a threat to life and the ecosystem. Pollution is one of the major causes that affect the soil, air, and water, degrading the quality of nature. In the past few decades, industries’ formation has led to the use and emission of harmful chemicals, gases, and compounds dumped in the river or waterfronts or thrown on the soil. The use of plastics is detrimental to our nature, as it doesn’t decompose in the ground. The poisonous gases that are left in the air cause serious breathing problems and even death. Various such cases of mass death have occurred previously in places like Bhopal and Chernobyl, which has caused death and serious health complications in common people living in the surrounding areas.
Greenhouse gases are another major factor responsible for destroying the ecosystem of our environment. These gases are responsible for increasing the temperature. With the growing number of vehicles on the road every year, greenhouse gas release is constantly growing, causing serious temperature changes on our planet. However, various precautions are planned by the government to reduce the number of use of vehicles. However, to completely incorporate the laws might still take several years. The excessive emission of harmful gases is a direct result of changing climate. Every day, acid rains, smog are becoming a common phenomenon. In the few years, natural calamities like drought, earthquakes, famines, floods, landslides, and heavy snowfall are increasing rapidly and disturbing nature’s free flow. Human beings’ need for a better life and luxury is constantly growing, thereby hampering our ecosystem.
Various ways can help to resolve the issues of environmental damage. However, an individual can’t make a change. It might take years and millions of people to make a change. There are few ways to save the environment easily and various animals on our planet. Reforestation helps restore nature’s natural flow and balance the ecosystem. The underground water is often disturbed by deforestation or cutting down excessive trees; therefore, maintaining the groundwater recharge works well with Reforestation. Plants take in carbon dioxide, which helps to reduce the number of greenhouse gases in the air. The best way to care for the environment is to follow the principle of three R. Reducing plastics, reusing the plastic products until it is entirely damaged and recycling the damaged plastics, are the best way to save our environment. Reuse, reduce, and recycle are practiced in various schools and localities to keep our nature safe.
The imbalance of nature is the result of the destruction of the environment in advanced technologies. Industrial companies emit harmful smoke that is polluting the air every day. The inhalation of toxic air is impacting the health of animals, humans, and other living beings. Today, humans are leading a fast life, making it impossible for people to make efforts to bring a change. It is important to keep the environment safe and clean by following some rules. We can get water, air and pure greenery with a better and healthy atmosphere. Children can stay happy and safe living in a healthy surrounding. Children learn to keep their house and surroundings clean when they grow up in a hygienic environment.
Today, various laws are made by the government to decrease noise pollution. Many companies are building eco-friendly vehicles to reduce air pollution. The use of polythene and plastics is banned in various malls. Throwing wastes on the road is a felony in many countries. People must make it a habit to repair the broken items and reuse them. Fluorescent lights or alkaline lights are best to use by replacing the battery lights. Many houses use solar panels for electricity. To maintain a better environment, less waste of water, low electricity consumption, rainwater harvesting, Reforestation is some of the best ideas to adopt.
Importance of Environment Essay Conclusion
The environment is very important for all living things, including humans. It harms all human activities and health. The new technologies every day has made human life comfortable. However, these interventions cause different kinds of pollution, making the environment unsafe and unfit for living beings to stay healthy. Various types of diseases are formed that often turn contagious and serious panic among people. Therefore, every citizen around the world needs to come forward and use eco-friendly products for daily use. Less use of electricity, battery, and proper recycling of plastic products can bring better environmental changes. It is our responsibility to keep the Earth beautiful for future generations to come.
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