Leave Application Format for School, College and Office | Tips to Write leave application 

Leave Application Format: Leave application format for school and college students and their parents/guardians, office employees are available here. Students of the school write an application for leave letter to their principal or headmaster to get leave for a short period of time. In the same way, the working people or professionals write the leave application to their managers or supervisors to get leave for a few days.

At some point in time, we need to take leave from school or office. But we get the leave only if we write the leaving application letter mentioning the reason behind it to the concerned person. It is really essential to submit a leave application in the office and leave application in school when you are planning to go out for few days with family or friends, or if your health is not well and the doctor has advised you to take rest. Informing the administration about your leave will have a good impression on them and moreover, they would be able to manage the work with the other available employees.

The same rule is applied to students as well. If they want sick leave or any other leave, they need to inform their class teacher or school principal of their absence in the school. This way they get the habit of behaving responsibly. And the school authorities will also be aware of their absence. Relieving Letter is issued to an employee by the employer at the time of leaving the organization.

Hence, here we are presenting the application letter formats for all types of leaves for office and schools. Read the complete article about the Application letter for Leave, Office leave application letter format from here.

Get Other Types of Letter Writing like Formal, Informal and Different Types of Letter Writing Samples.

Types of Leave Application (लीव एप्लीकेशन)

There are various types of Leave Application in English based on the reasons behind taking leave. Some of the reasons are:

  • To attend Marriage
  • Visiting out of the station
  • Health-related issues
  • Death in the family

So based on these reasons the application leave we write for leave here is:

Tips to How To Write an Leave Application for Leave Letter

  • Write the application in a polite manner that expresses the request of leave and sounds real.
  • Mention the purpose precisely for which you are appealing to leave.
  • The depth of the application should be maintained.
  • The application should be brief and to the point.
  • Cross-check with grammar mistakes or punctuation.
  • The application should state the relationship between the child and the sender of the letter.

How to Write Application for Leave in School (एप्लीकेशन फॉर लीव )

  1. Salutation
  2. The subject of the application
  3. Reason for Your leave
  4. Number of leaves needed (particular dates)
  5. Work plan during your absence
  6. Contact information
  7. Signature

Leave Application Sample

Addressing a leave application is the proper way for asking leave from work for a few days. Now, a lot of firms have digital leave application format, where an employee can apply for leave directly through the company portal. Taking a vacation without applying for it is an inappropriate way. It gives a bad impression and also taking leaves from next time could be not that easy. To make it easy for employees and students to write the leave application, we are presenting here the format for different reasons. You can use these formats as per your requirements or reasons behind taking leave.

Points to Remember Before Writing an Application for Leave in English

  1. Greeting or addressing to the concerned person
  2. Subject line
  3. Reason for leave
  4. Number of leaves required
  5. Details of your work compensation
  6. Contact information
  7. Name and Signature

Now let’s begin with writing the application letters.

Annual Leave Application Format

Subject: Annual Leave Application

Dear Mr/Mrs (name of recipient),

I am writing this application to inform that I am taking my leave for a long period. Since my yearly allowance is left, hence I would like to avail of all my leaves.

I request you to kindly approve my leave for 20 days, as I will be going for a long vacation with my family and will stay out of the station these days. Therefore, I would like to take leave from (start date) till (end-date).

I have assigned my work to (name of the person) for the time period when I would not be available. Since we are working on the same team, so he/she knows the work very well. Most of the tasks I have already finished, only a little part is left to be carried out by him/her.

I am always available on my phone or emails if anything required.

I will be resuming my work since (date) and take care of the rest of the work.

Thanks for the consideration.

Yours Sincerely,

Annual Leave Application Format

Sick Leave Application for Office

Subject: Sick Leave Application format for Office

Dear Mr/Mrs (name of recipient),

I am writing this application to inform you that I am suffering from severe viral disease and therefore, I want sick leave from work. I got this infection last night and I will not be capable to come to the office for at least [number of days]. As advised by my doctor, I should take rest and recover appropriately before continuing work. The report from the doctor is also attached for your reference.

Kindly grant me a leave for [number of days] days. I will be available on the phone in case of any emergency cases. Please reach me as per your comfort. For important matters, I have notified

[Name of the colleague] to take care of them to assure that all deadlines are met.

I believe you will understand and grant me leave for the mentioned period. I am waiting for your approval.

Thanks for the consideration.

Yours Sincerely

Sick Leave Application for Office

Sick Leave Application Format for Parents of Child

Let us see a sample first to know the format of the leave application for the Teacher. This will assist you to write the leave application for the requisite purpose.

The Principal,
(School Name),

Subject: Leave Application for Parents of Child

Dear (Sir/madam),

With due regard, I want to notify you that my child (name of the student) is a student of class (class name), of your school. Due to some wellness issues, my boy/girl is hospitalized and is recommended to be in a doctor’s monitoring for two days. My family members are taking care of him/her in hospital, right now and we are not in a state to send him/her to school.

Hence, I beg you to please understand our position and grant my child leave for (mention number of days) from (start date) to (end-date). I am inserting a medical document from the doctor for your reference. I ensure you that he/she will attend the school daily going forward.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,
(Name of the Parent)

Sick Leave Application Format for Parents of Child

Sick Leave Application for Students

In the case of students, it is important to apply for leave to bypass any obstacles in their assessment process. When a student is unwell to attend school, he/she should write a sick leave application demanding leave from the principal of your school or your relevant class teacher. The application could be written by the student himself/herself or by his/her parents. If you are writing the application letter yourself,  use the format of application given below

The Principal,
[Name of the school],
[Date: XX-XX-XXXX].

Subject: Application for Sick leave


Most respectfully, I beg to state that I am not in a condition to come to the school since I am suffering from fever. I have been prescribed by our family doctor o take proper rest for at least [number of days] days. Hence, kindly grant me leave from (start date) to (end-date).  I shall be really grateful to you.

Thanking you,

Yours obediently,
[Your Name],
[Class and section],
[Roll No.].

Sick Leave Application for Students

Leave Application for Marriage to Office

Subject: Leave Application for Marriage

Dear Mr/Mrs (name of recipient),

This is to notify you I have a friend’s marriage on (date) for which my presence is required since he/she is a very good friend of mine. The wedding is going to be conducted at (name of the place). Since the place is far and I have to ve there for at least (number of days), thus it will take me (number of days) to start and end my journey.

Therefore, I request you to kindly grant me leave for (number of days) from (start date) to (end-date). After your approval, I need to book my tickets as well.

Waiting for your response.

Thanks for the consideration.

Yours Sincerely,

One Day Leave Application for School

If a student has any important work for one day at home because of which he/she cannot attend the school, then leave application is required. In this case, a casual leave application can be written requesting the principal of your school to leave. A format of leave letter is given here for your reference


The Principal,
[Address of the school],
[Present Date].

Subject: Leave application for one day


I am a student of [class and section], at your school. This is to inform you that, I have to visit my grandfather’s house due to some essential work along with my parents. Hence, I will not be able to come to school tomorrow. Kindly give me the leave for one day. I shall be really grateful to you.

Thanking you,

Yours obediently,
[Name of the Student],
[Roll No].

Leave Application To School for Going Out of Station

Leave Letter for School, Sometimes, you need to visit out of the station for some new place to attend some family functions or for a family trip. Hence, it is necessary for them to notify the school principal or class teacher about their absenteeism in the class. Here is the format is given for such a case.

The Principal,
[Name of the school],

[Date: XX-XX-XXXX],

Subject: Leave Application for going out of the station.


I beg to state that, I am a student of class [Your class and section] at your school. I have my cousin’s sister’s marriage in Delhi and all of my family members are going to attend it. Hence, I am also leaving with them and will not be able to attend school from [start date] to [end date]. I request you to cordially grant me leave for [number of days] days. After coming back I will try to finish the syllabus covered in my absence with the help of my teachers and fellow classmates. I shall be really grateful to you if you improve my leaves.

Thanking you,

Yours obediently,
[Your Name],
[Class and section],
[Roll No.].

Leave Application By Teacher to School Principal

It is not mandatory that if you are a teacher then you are not believed to take leave from your work for a few days. If there is an urgent piece of work (family problems or health issues) and it requires you to take leave for some days from your teaching work at school then you can use the format given below to write a leave application to the principal for the approval of leave.

The Principal,
[Name of the School],

[Date: XX-XX-XXXX]

Subject: Leave application for [Mention Dates].

Respected Sir/Madam,

This is to notify you that as my parents are growing old and are likely to fall sick very often. So, as their child, this is my absolute responsibility to take care of their wellness. I have to go to the clinic with my parents for their routine check-ups. Hence, I ask you to kindly grant me leave for [number of days].

I believe you would give your utmost consideration to my application.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

Email Format of Leave Application

Nowadays, the world is more inclined to technology. They use emails to convey the necessary information, which is also a speedy procedure. Though in some schools people still follow the classic style of writing a letter, you can view the format to address the application through email for any such situation.

To: name@email.com

From: name@email.com

Subject: How to write a leave application

Dear Mr./Ms/Mrs (Name of the recipient)

Dear Madam,

My son (name of student) is studying in Grade (class name and section), at your school and I am addressing this letter to notify you that my son will not be able to visit classes for (number of days, leave required) from tomorrow as him grandfather has been admitted to the hospital. Since we need to be present at the hospital and there is no one at home to look after him and send it to the school.

So, I cordially request you to give him leave for (number of days) days from (start date) to (end-date). I assure you that he will attend classes regularly from this date onward.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,
(Name of a Parent),
(Name of the child and his/her grade).

Email Format of Leave Application

FAQ’s on Leave Application Format

Question 1.
What is the application format for leave?

A leave application is a letter to the concerned authority to take a break from your routine visit to the school or office. The reason for taking leave could be illness, marriage, visiting out of the station, or any other personal reason.

Question 2.
What are the necessary points to mention in a leave application?

The primary things to be mentioned in a leave application are:

  • Address
  • Subject
  • Reason for your leave
  • Leave Period(Number of days)
  • Contact details

Question 3.
How to Write a Leave Letter Application for Job?


  • Mention the application date
  • Address the concerned person with respect, like Dear Sir/Mam
  • Mention the reason to write the letter
  • Number of days for leave
  • Name and Employee ID
  • Contact Details

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